Hi fellow travellers,
Greetings on this sunny Sunday! Let your fingers wander over to 'Polly's Playlist'. I'd love to share my favourite song at the moment. I just can't get it out of my head! It is a 'Train' song and called '50 ways to say goodbye!' Nah...I don't plan on getting off the train yet!
When I was in Ireland recently and driving around in my rental car, this song was stuck to the radio, or so it seemed. It was playing every time I turned the radio on, morning, noon or night! Ditto in Canada. When I hear it now, it brings back memories of sweaty motoring moments when I found myself on one-way streets, not having a clue where I was in the 'New Dublin', trying to ease my way in and out of very sticky motoring situations, not finding parking space, etc. and this joyful song on the radio kept me sane!! It is sort of reminiscent of the ballroom days in Ireland. O.K. I agree the lyrics aren't joyful, but I like the musicality!
Polly hugs,
Patricia xxx
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Saturday, September 29, 2012
They found the killer of that lovely 29 year old Irish girl Jill Meagher who was murdered in Melbourne a week ago. Like her husband, we were all hoping for better news, i.e. that she was still alive. What a brutal and sad finale to her Australian dream. Sometimes it is hard to accept the evil that exists out there. They also found the murderer of a Chinese girl whose corpse was found in a suitcase. It was her boyfriend. Now it's one thing buying a suitcase for your holidays...yet another matter for disposing of a body. Aagh TMSI (too much sad information).
Ideally, I would like to blindfold and deafen myself to the nastiness 'out there', but it is unrealistic. Sure I know there is also a lot of good going on, but for some reason the bad stuff hits you like a snowball in the face, and leaves you numb for a while. It is just the sheer sadness and futility of it all...
O.K. Since we're on a positive thinking train of thought...I should get back on track, shouldn't I? Before I do, let's all remember these poor girls in our prayers tonight.
Good stuff? Yes there was lots in the past few days. For one thing I discovered, much to my delight that we had blackberries in our garden. Strange I had never noticed them before. It's like they appeared out of nowhere. We enjoyed a rich harvest of the most delicious berries with yummy creamy yogurt for the past two days.
Other good stuff? Yes, amidst all the doom and gloom, the radio told of some positive developments on the kindness front. A school in Victoria has begun a new venture called 'Waves of Kindness'. It involves the distrubution of apples and kindness among students, in an effort to combat bullying in schools. It may seem small, but it's a start! Some schools distribute anti-bullying badges for the students to wear, while others offer free hugs and smiles...Call me soppy, but I like all these efforts to make our world a nicer place.
More good news... I found a $5 dollar bill in the mall yesterday. It was waiting for me. I should buy a lotto ticket. Instead I treated myself to a 'free' Starbucks. It was a coffee from heaven!!
Any other good news? Yes, I scrubbed the bejazus out of my bathroom today - shower - sink - floor - toilette - the whole shebang! Kevin says it seems a shame to have to use it since it's so clean and all. I agree. Maybe from now on we'll use the girls bathroom...
Best news of all!! The girls have just arrived into my bedroom with a McFlurry for me from MacDonalds. It's a reward for all the hard work I did today. Better go and enjoy it. Tough job but somebody has to do it!!
Cheery bye bye for now!
Love ya!
Patricia xxx
Ideally, I would like to blindfold and deafen myself to the nastiness 'out there', but it is unrealistic. Sure I know there is also a lot of good going on, but for some reason the bad stuff hits you like a snowball in the face, and leaves you numb for a while. It is just the sheer sadness and futility of it all...
O.K. Since we're on a positive thinking train of thought...I should get back on track, shouldn't I? Before I do, let's all remember these poor girls in our prayers tonight.
Good stuff? Yes there was lots in the past few days. For one thing I discovered, much to my delight that we had blackberries in our garden. Strange I had never noticed them before. It's like they appeared out of nowhere. We enjoyed a rich harvest of the most delicious berries with yummy creamy yogurt for the past two days.
Other good stuff? Yes, amidst all the doom and gloom, the radio told of some positive developments on the kindness front. A school in Victoria has begun a new venture called 'Waves of Kindness'. It involves the distrubution of apples and kindness among students, in an effort to combat bullying in schools. It may seem small, but it's a start! Some schools distribute anti-bullying badges for the students to wear, while others offer free hugs and smiles...Call me soppy, but I like all these efforts to make our world a nicer place.
More good news... I found a $5 dollar bill in the mall yesterday. It was waiting for me. I should buy a lotto ticket. Instead I treated myself to a 'free' Starbucks. It was a coffee from heaven!!
Any other good news? Yes, I scrubbed the bejazus out of my bathroom today - shower - sink - floor - toilette - the whole shebang! Kevin says it seems a shame to have to use it since it's so clean and all. I agree. Maybe from now on we'll use the girls bathroom...
Best news of all!! The girls have just arrived into my bedroom with a McFlurry for me from MacDonalds. It's a reward for all the hard work I did today. Better go and enjoy it. Tough job but somebody has to do it!!
Cheery bye bye for now!
Love ya!
Patricia xxx
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
That was the thought for the day from a book called 'Focus Your Day' which Kevin gave me in 1996. It was written by Kenneth E. Grabner who spent time as a Trappist monk. I love this book and even though there are 365 entries - one for each day - and I have been digging in and out of it for many years, as the well thumbed pages convey, it still never fails to thrill me, and like freshly squeezed orange juice - it hits the spot!
The timing of today's message was close to the bone, especially since I'm just back from Ireland, a place I still refer to as 'home'. Correction - Canada is my home now! I am neither Irish or Canadian. I'm an 'International citizen'. On November 15th next d.v. it will be 20 years to the day since Kevin and I arrived on Canadian soil.
Ireland is my spiritual home, and always will be. It made me who I am today. All the earthiness, family values, love of music and sense of humour that only Irish folk understand, without being offended. Canada on the other hand has provided a safe haven, free from the worries of recession, unemployment and pressure of living, caused by far too much stress. In other words a soft cushion from the falls of life. I like the comfort, and the freedom to be myself which it affords me. People take me as they find me, not by family connection, as they know nothing about my background. Thank you my lovely Canada for your just ways, and quiet acceptance of all ethnic egos! As the bacon ad goes 'I ham what I ham' and Canada you make me feel delicious.
I look back in awe at the many fascinating people I have met over the years from working in the psychiatric practice with Kevin. Something I would not have been able to do in Ireland. Canada allowed me stay home with my little girls, and work from home when they were little. As soon as they started school, I went into the office, again something I would not have been able to do in Ireland, because of the cruel economy. Canada take a bow!
My life here is not perfect - but no place is. It has its good points to be sure, and these are always very much in evidence when I return to Canada. I remember years ago meeting a charming Irish girl at the Toronto airport. She told me she loves going home to Ireland to 'fill my tank' and indeed a Dutch woman I met said the same, but they both finished the sentence with "I'm always glad to be back in Canada. The living is easier here". Ditto!
So whether you're from Timbucktoo, Ballygobackwards, Paris, London or Rome, and you find yourself on foreign soil - The message of the day is 'Bloom where you're planted at this moment in time' cause if our hearts are truly caring hearts, we can do good wherever we happen to be! And enjoy the process. The other man's grass is not always greener, the sun does not shine brighter on the other side, and one last cliche for the road...before you throw me out! - 'Happiness is not a geographical solution' - YOU are the solution!
Love ya lotz!
Polly Hugs,
Patricia xxx
The timing of today's message was close to the bone, especially since I'm just back from Ireland, a place I still refer to as 'home'. Correction - Canada is my home now! I am neither Irish or Canadian. I'm an 'International citizen'. On November 15th next d.v. it will be 20 years to the day since Kevin and I arrived on Canadian soil.
Ireland is my spiritual home, and always will be. It made me who I am today. All the earthiness, family values, love of music and sense of humour that only Irish folk understand, without being offended. Canada on the other hand has provided a safe haven, free from the worries of recession, unemployment and pressure of living, caused by far too much stress. In other words a soft cushion from the falls of life. I like the comfort, and the freedom to be myself which it affords me. People take me as they find me, not by family connection, as they know nothing about my background. Thank you my lovely Canada for your just ways, and quiet acceptance of all ethnic egos! As the bacon ad goes 'I ham what I ham' and Canada you make me feel delicious.
I look back in awe at the many fascinating people I have met over the years from working in the psychiatric practice with Kevin. Something I would not have been able to do in Ireland. Canada allowed me stay home with my little girls, and work from home when they were little. As soon as they started school, I went into the office, again something I would not have been able to do in Ireland, because of the cruel economy. Canada take a bow!
My life here is not perfect - but no place is. It has its good points to be sure, and these are always very much in evidence when I return to Canada. I remember years ago meeting a charming Irish girl at the Toronto airport. She told me she loves going home to Ireland to 'fill my tank' and indeed a Dutch woman I met said the same, but they both finished the sentence with "I'm always glad to be back in Canada. The living is easier here". Ditto!
So whether you're from Timbucktoo, Ballygobackwards, Paris, London or Rome, and you find yourself on foreign soil - The message of the day is 'Bloom where you're planted at this moment in time' cause if our hearts are truly caring hearts, we can do good wherever we happen to be! And enjoy the process. The other man's grass is not always greener, the sun does not shine brighter on the other side, and one last cliche for the road...before you throw me out! - 'Happiness is not a geographical solution' - YOU are the solution!
Love ya lotz!
Polly Hugs,
Patricia xxx
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
I started these new vitamins I bought in Dublin and hell! or rather heaven... there's something mighty potent goin' down inside because my energy levels are surprisingly good considering I only got back from Ireland on Sunday evening. Normally I would be tired for a few days but my rhythms kicked in automatically. I was back sitting in my desk at the office yesterday morning after walking the dogs and driving Victoria to UVIC and stocking up on groceries.
One of our patients spends half the year in Japan and the other half in Victoria. She was back at the office yesterday after her trip to Japan and was shocked when I told her I had returned from Ireland the evening before. "Whaaaaaaaaat? you just got in last night from Ireland?" "Yeah..." "Are you not exhausted?" "Not really" (Maybe it's all that Irish and Parisien chocolate I had been eating, and the new vitamins). "It takes my husband and I at least a week to turn ourselves around after we get back from Japan" she continued, looking at me in a way that made me feel like Superwoman!
That evening I cooked three different meals - lamb stew for Kevin - vegetarian pasta for Ali and Vicky, and seafood chowder for Kevin and me. I sampled from all three meals, which were very different in flavour, but all good, even if I say so myself!! The chowder, sadly, did not taste as good as the one I had in Ireland. I don't think I put in enough salty fish and also I eliminated the fried salty rashers of bacon in the recipe. It was good, but not greattt! Maybe the ambience of the 'Old Ground Hotel' in Ennis added to the charm of the Irish chowder!
I began thinking about my conversation with the lady back from Japan. Normally I would be exhausted for the first few days, and this last trip wasn't really a holiday... I was cooking, washing and waiting on my elderly parents morning, noon and sometimes night. So why was I not exhausted? I should be, all things considered. Then I had a 'Eureka' moment! Seeing my elderly parents struggling with old age...the depression of it all...the sad deaths of 3 men in Northern Ireland who fell into a slurry pit on their farm trying to save the family dog...the untimely deaths of two young honours college graduates in Ireland after a night's celebration (with cocaine)...it all went into my brain and was sitting there stewing away on my long flight back home.
The result...LIFE IS FOR LIVING...Yes! Enjoy every bleedin' moment cause old age is not the most fun time of life... While you can walk, talk, enjoy yourself - JUST DO IT!
On that positive note, Cheery Byes... Now let me get out of this bed of mine and greet the day with a smile!
Love ya!!
Polly Hugs,
Patricia xxx
One of our patients spends half the year in Japan and the other half in Victoria. She was back at the office yesterday after her trip to Japan and was shocked when I told her I had returned from Ireland the evening before. "Whaaaaaaaaat? you just got in last night from Ireland?" "Yeah..." "Are you not exhausted?" "Not really" (Maybe it's all that Irish and Parisien chocolate I had been eating, and the new vitamins). "It takes my husband and I at least a week to turn ourselves around after we get back from Japan" she continued, looking at me in a way that made me feel like Superwoman!
That evening I cooked three different meals - lamb stew for Kevin - vegetarian pasta for Ali and Vicky, and seafood chowder for Kevin and me. I sampled from all three meals, which were very different in flavour, but all good, even if I say so myself!! The chowder, sadly, did not taste as good as the one I had in Ireland. I don't think I put in enough salty fish and also I eliminated the fried salty rashers of bacon in the recipe. It was good, but not greattt! Maybe the ambience of the 'Old Ground Hotel' in Ennis added to the charm of the Irish chowder!
I began thinking about my conversation with the lady back from Japan. Normally I would be exhausted for the first few days, and this last trip wasn't really a holiday... I was cooking, washing and waiting on my elderly parents morning, noon and sometimes night. So why was I not exhausted? I should be, all things considered. Then I had a 'Eureka' moment! Seeing my elderly parents struggling with old age...the depression of it all...the sad deaths of 3 men in Northern Ireland who fell into a slurry pit on their farm trying to save the family dog...the untimely deaths of two young honours college graduates in Ireland after a night's celebration (with cocaine)...it all went into my brain and was sitting there stewing away on my long flight back home.
The result...LIFE IS FOR LIVING...Yes! Enjoy every bleedin' moment cause old age is not the most fun time of life... While you can walk, talk, enjoy yourself - JUST DO IT!
On that positive note, Cheery Byes... Now let me get out of this bed of mine and greet the day with a smile!
Love ya!!
Polly Hugs,
Patricia xxx
Monday, September 24, 2012
that dreaded Dublin traffic! OMG you need eyes in the back of your head, and then some. Sneezing in the car is not recommended - keep it in! Tourists need a holiday after driving in Ireland. Why? The roads are too narrow - drivers are impatient - petrol is exhorbitant - pedestrians are insane, especially around the city, people run right across the road. One day - I kid you not - I was driving in traffic when this fellow appeared from nowhere, ran in front of the car, balancing two cups of coffee in his hands, without spilling a drop! Another day I was reversing on a side street, to avoid one of the many one-way streets, when this tiny little kid ran out on the street, unattended, followed by his brother on a tricycle on his way towards the main road! By the grace of God, I didn't hit either! Where were their mothers? As for parking...you find it, but it's expensive! Things I take for granted in Victoria are the ease of driving, and parking.
The past two weeks were busy, as I suspected they would be. Looking after elderly parents, and my dad with Parkinson's and Alzheimer's is not easy, but like everything, it had its golden moments, which I will treasure in my heart. The little chats we had, while enjoying a bag of Tayto crisps, and a chocolate sweet. The quiet simple things we did together, like looking at the birds around the garden, the visiting fat ginger cat, collecting pears from the big pear tree in the garden, listening to the clock ticking on the wall, and just reminiscence therapy...talking about all the people we knew from long ago, and singing familiar songs together. Dad loved when I sang songs to him so we sang a lot together, and hugged a lot. He cries easily and just as quickly forgets about it. Mother was looking amazing at 90! and sleeps a lot now. Her brain is as sharp as dad's is slow. The time flew, and here I am back in Canada. As quick as all that!
Despite the recession - despite the doom and gloom - despite the brain drain from all the young bright graduates emigrating to Australia and Canada - despite the high cost of living - despite ALL THAT - Irish people still have a wonderful sense of humour, and are still at heart, kind people. If you ask directions, they almost walk with you! They are still friendly, cheerful, fun loving, and love their music, food and craic! (not cocaine, though some do...) Craic, as in fun I mean! I visited a few churches and went in to light some candles. I was surprised to see men - young and old, just sitting in the church in the middle of the day praying. I guess a sign of the unemployment! I found it unusual that there were more men in the churches, than women. Usually, it is the reverse.
The supermarkets are happy places - as are all places where the smell of food is around! We still love our grub in Ireland, and boy is it ever good! I noticed that kids would be dancing, and old ladies would be singing along to the songs on the intercom. Starbucks had just opened up a new cafe in our local shopping centre. For some reason, I thought their mozza wrap was much tastier than the one I get in Canada. The pastry was not as heavy, and it was delish! By contrast, the coffee did not taste as good. The Irish milk is not as compatible with Starbucks coffee. It works better with chocolate!
I got down to the West of Ireland for two days and stayed in the lovely Old Ground Hotel in Ennis, with my sister Sonya. I had my wedding reception there 29 years ago. We met loads of Americans in search of their Irish roots and had lots of fun. It was like staying in somebody's home, with the turf fires burning, and the lovely earthy smell that adds to the pleasure of it all. People were so friendly. The ambience there is so personal. There were various places around the hotel to sit, each with its own soft overstuffed sofas, and welcoming fireplace. We met a man who had worked as a Chef there 33 years ago and this was his first time returning since he left. He had just been up to the Lisdoonvarna Matchmaking Festival and said the action was thrilling!! And the craic (FUN) was mighty!
The shops in Ennis are amazing, especially the clothes shops, and YES YES YES, I did stick to my resolution - NO MORE STUFF! Three months down - 9 to go!! I did buy stuff for the girls though, as that does not count. There is a lovely little coffee shop in Ennis where we enjoyed a daily brew. We were serenaded by a handsome German busker, surprisingly well dressed for a busker, and his trusty dog by his side. The German work ethic was apparent in his efforts to please us, the listeners!
It feels weird waking up in Canada this morning...I miss the birds in dad's garden and his pear tree, fat and ripe for the picking! It was some journey though, and I'm not ready to repeat it for a while. You need to be fit as a fiddle for all the walking they make you do in London! And all that searching through bags... I had to empty my bags in London and got chatting to a lovely lady from California, while I was waiting in line for my bag to be searched. We made eye contact and shared a laugh at the lunacy of it all. She told me she had breast cancer 20 years ago and had promised God that if he saved her life, she would make his name known. The doctors told her she had little chance of survival, as it was bad...and now 20 years later, she was a living miracle! "Thanks to God's grace" she repeated more than once. Then she was whisked off in her wheelchair by an airport official, and that was the end of our lovely conversation.
Sat for 3 hours in the airplane (from 12.30 to 3.30) as there were problems with re-fuelling. Then a further 9 hours of flying! 12 hours that thankfully passed quickly enough. I was lucky to have four seats to myself so I was able to stretch out, and they fed me well!
Now back to life in Canada...gotta get into the office...going to cook seafood chowder for supper to enjoy with the delicious McCambridges brown bread I brought back from Ireland. The sun is shining...so choo choo for now!
Polly Hugs!
Patricia xxx
The past two weeks were busy, as I suspected they would be. Looking after elderly parents, and my dad with Parkinson's and Alzheimer's is not easy, but like everything, it had its golden moments, which I will treasure in my heart. The little chats we had, while enjoying a bag of Tayto crisps, and a chocolate sweet. The quiet simple things we did together, like looking at the birds around the garden, the visiting fat ginger cat, collecting pears from the big pear tree in the garden, listening to the clock ticking on the wall, and just reminiscence therapy...talking about all the people we knew from long ago, and singing familiar songs together. Dad loved when I sang songs to him so we sang a lot together, and hugged a lot. He cries easily and just as quickly forgets about it. Mother was looking amazing at 90! and sleeps a lot now. Her brain is as sharp as dad's is slow. The time flew, and here I am back in Canada. As quick as all that!
Despite the recession - despite the doom and gloom - despite the brain drain from all the young bright graduates emigrating to Australia and Canada - despite the high cost of living - despite ALL THAT - Irish people still have a wonderful sense of humour, and are still at heart, kind people. If you ask directions, they almost walk with you! They are still friendly, cheerful, fun loving, and love their music, food and craic! (not cocaine, though some do...) Craic, as in fun I mean! I visited a few churches and went in to light some candles. I was surprised to see men - young and old, just sitting in the church in the middle of the day praying. I guess a sign of the unemployment! I found it unusual that there were more men in the churches, than women. Usually, it is the reverse.
The supermarkets are happy places - as are all places where the smell of food is around! We still love our grub in Ireland, and boy is it ever good! I noticed that kids would be dancing, and old ladies would be singing along to the songs on the intercom. Starbucks had just opened up a new cafe in our local shopping centre. For some reason, I thought their mozza wrap was much tastier than the one I get in Canada. The pastry was not as heavy, and it was delish! By contrast, the coffee did not taste as good. The Irish milk is not as compatible with Starbucks coffee. It works better with chocolate!
I got down to the West of Ireland for two days and stayed in the lovely Old Ground Hotel in Ennis, with my sister Sonya. I had my wedding reception there 29 years ago. We met loads of Americans in search of their Irish roots and had lots of fun. It was like staying in somebody's home, with the turf fires burning, and the lovely earthy smell that adds to the pleasure of it all. People were so friendly. The ambience there is so personal. There were various places around the hotel to sit, each with its own soft overstuffed sofas, and welcoming fireplace. We met a man who had worked as a Chef there 33 years ago and this was his first time returning since he left. He had just been up to the Lisdoonvarna Matchmaking Festival and said the action was thrilling!! And the craic (FUN) was mighty!
The shops in Ennis are amazing, especially the clothes shops, and YES YES YES, I did stick to my resolution - NO MORE STUFF! Three months down - 9 to go!! I did buy stuff for the girls though, as that does not count. There is a lovely little coffee shop in Ennis where we enjoyed a daily brew. We were serenaded by a handsome German busker, surprisingly well dressed for a busker, and his trusty dog by his side. The German work ethic was apparent in his efforts to please us, the listeners!
It feels weird waking up in Canada this morning...I miss the birds in dad's garden and his pear tree, fat and ripe for the picking! It was some journey though, and I'm not ready to repeat it for a while. You need to be fit as a fiddle for all the walking they make you do in London! And all that searching through bags... I had to empty my bags in London and got chatting to a lovely lady from California, while I was waiting in line for my bag to be searched. We made eye contact and shared a laugh at the lunacy of it all. She told me she had breast cancer 20 years ago and had promised God that if he saved her life, she would make his name known. The doctors told her she had little chance of survival, as it was bad...and now 20 years later, she was a living miracle! "Thanks to God's grace" she repeated more than once. Then she was whisked off in her wheelchair by an airport official, and that was the end of our lovely conversation.
Sat for 3 hours in the airplane (from 12.30 to 3.30) as there were problems with re-fuelling. Then a further 9 hours of flying! 12 hours that thankfully passed quickly enough. I was lucky to have four seats to myself so I was able to stretch out, and they fed me well!
Now back to life in Canada...gotta get into the office...going to cook seafood chowder for supper to enjoy with the delicious McCambridges brown bread I brought back from Ireland. The sun is shining...so choo choo for now!
Polly Hugs!
Patricia xxx
Saturday, September 22, 2012
10 Items For Autumn
As you may have observed, we are very fond of making a good list over here. And lists involving clothes sorta come top of our list of favourite lists to make! So on that note, here is a compilation of our top 10 items of clothing/accessories for autumn. With these ten picks, you can mix and match to create any number of fab, season-appropriate outfits.
1. Leather Boots: Invest in the best boots your budget will allow, because believe us - you will get an insane amount of wear out of them.
Tory Burch round toe boots - toryburch.com
6. Jumper Dress: Also known as a sweater dress, this cosy look is as chic as it is comfortable.
2. Khaki Parka: The military look is in vogue yet again this fall, so pay a subtle nod to the trend with army-green outerwear.
River Island hooded jacket - riverisland.com
3. Button-Up Shirt: Layer them under cardis, pair them with skirts or jeans - there are so many ways to wear a button-up. Have a solid colour or two in your wardrobe, but also look out for cute printed ones.
Hollister Co club top - hollisterco.com
4. Flared Skirt: This style of skirt is universally flattering, and the perfect complement to #5.
J Crew full pleated skirt - jcrew.com
5. Interesting Tights: Bright colours, sweet prints, luxurious textures - unique tights can be a real statement piece.
Red pantyhose - modcloth.com
Vanessa Bruno Athé fair isle dress - theoutnet.com
7. Snood: There is something so comforting about a snood - it's like having a little cocoon wrapped around your neck. Perfect for chilly early mornings.
Miso scarve - republic.co.uk
8. (Cool) Backpack: Ditch the JanSport and update your look with a more grown-up leather backpack.
Fat Face leather drawstring bag - fatface.com
9. Woolly Cardigan: As with #1, buy the best-quality you can, because you will wear the heck out of an oversized cardi - it's just one of those pieces that goes with pretty much everything.
Long sleeve top - coggles.com
10. Coloured Denim: Look for jeans in autumnal hues like berry, forest green, burgundy and mustard.
H&M slim leg pants - hm.com
8. (Cool) Backpack: Ditch the JanSport and update your look with a more grown-up leather backpack.
Fat Face leather drawstring bag - fatface.com
9. Woolly Cardigan: As with #1, buy the best-quality you can, because you will wear the heck out of an oversized cardi - it's just one of those pieces that goes with pretty much everything.
Long sleeve top - coggles.com
10. Coloured Denim: Look for jeans in autumnal hues like berry, forest green, burgundy and mustard.
H&M slim leg pants - hm.com
Monday, September 17, 2012
Top Five Colours For Autumn
When it comes to clothes, one of our favourite things about the changing season is welcoming more autumnal colours into our wardrobe. Neons and pastels are all very well, but when there's a chill in the air there's something far more comforting about wrapping yourself up in rich, cosy hues.
Here are five of our favourite trending colours for autumn.

Here are five of our favourite trending colours for autumn.
1. '60s Style Coat: This zingy coat would look gorgeous paired with navy accessories.
Giles coat - matchesfashion.com
2. Ballet Flats: These tangerine shoes with black trim give off a Halloween vibe (in the best possible way).
Ballet shoes - office.co.uk
Giles coat - matchesfashion.com
2. Ballet Flats: These tangerine shoes with black trim give off a Halloween vibe (in the best possible way).
Ballet shoes - office.co.uk
3. Jumper Dress: Comfy yet stylish, a dress like this would look great with wool tights and leather boots.
White Stuff white top - johnlewis.com
2. Ruffled Top: A top like this is so versatile, and can be dressed up with a pencil skirt or down with a pair of jeans.
Lauren Ralph Lauren vneck shirt - johnlewis.com
3. Leather Handbag: An aubergine handbag would look great with pretty much any colour coat you may have - cream, black, grey, camel, navy or even red.
See by Chloé genuine leather handbag - my-wardrobe.com
1. Skinnies: These cobalt skinny pants are a refreshing change from denim, while still going with everything you'd pair your jeans with.
MSGM skinny pants - my-wardrobe.com
Brahmin satchel handbag - brahmin.com
White Stuff white top - johnlewis.com
1. Belted Wool Coat: Long coats like these are great for just throwing on and heading out - who cares what kind of scruffy get-up you're wearing underneath so long as your exterior is chic!
Biba coat - houseoffraser.co.uk
2. Gloves: Leather gloves should really make a comeback - they're just so classy and ladylike.
Lanvin lambskin glove - marissacollections.com
2. Gloves: Leather gloves should really make a comeback - they're just so classy and ladylike.
Lanvin lambskin glove - marissacollections.com
3. Turban: Ok, we admit that neither of us would have the guts to actually wear this, but somebody should! It's seriously glamorous.
Turban hat - rokit.co.uk
Turban hat - rokit.co.uk
1. Ruched Dress: This elegant dress would be perfect for any special autumn event, paired with midnight-blue or gold accessories.
Long sleeve ruched dress - oxygenboutique.com2. Ruffled Top: A top like this is so versatile, and can be dressed up with a pencil skirt or down with a pair of jeans.
Lauren Ralph Lauren vneck shirt - johnlewis.com
3. Leather Handbag: An aubergine handbag would look great with pretty much any colour coat you may have - cream, black, grey, camel, navy or even red.
See by Chloé genuine leather handbag - my-wardrobe.com
MSGM skinny pants - my-wardrobe.com
2. Peplum Top: This on-trend style would look great with either trousers or a skirt.
Coast peplum top - johnlewis.com
3. Chelsea Boots: Cool and comfy and go with tights or jeans.
Slip on shoes - boohoo.com
1. Playsuit: Wear a playsuit into the cooler months with a pair of black tights.
Jeane Blush jumpsuits and romper - nelly.com
2. Lace Top: Instead of your typical black and white, look for lace pieces in an interesting colour, like this jade one.
Pitsipusero - lindex.com
3. Textured Handbag: Jade looks surprisingly good with navy, so liven up a drab outfit with a handbag of this hue.
2. Lace Top: Instead of your typical black and white, look for lace pieces in an interesting colour, like this jade one.
Pitsipusero - lindex.com
3. Textured Handbag: Jade looks surprisingly good with navy, so liven up a drab outfit with a handbag of this hue.
Brahmin satchel handbag - brahmin.com
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Yes, I got here - just about! When we disembarked from the ferry in Vancouver, we discovered, much to my dismay, that there was a BIG car accident on the road ahead. We were sitting in traffic for a good 20-30 mins. as blazing bleeping ambulances whizzed past us. Just my luck! thought I, and I began wondering if Virgin Atlantic would get me on another flight - and I prayed! In tense times such as this, prayer is a soothing balm.
Got to the airport - no lineups t.g. - a smiling Virgin Atlantic employee told me - calmly (thanks lady) - to proceed to the gate - What? I was still on time. Apparently yes. I ran towards the gate before she changed her mind! When I saw they were only half way boarding, I decided to get a bottle of water for the journey. You're not going to believe it - the customer in front of me in the shop had a sandwich bag full of coins and wanted the cashier to take all the cash, and the balance from her credit card! Nooooooo! I was sick of delays by now. The poor cashier had to count out penny by penny, dime by dime, nickle by nickle, loonie by loonie, toonie by toonie and all the while the queue behind was going NUTZ!! Never mind, it was worth the wait. Water helps with jet lag, and I find it a necessary requisite for the journey. I think I was the second last person to board the plane - but I made it - I made it!! Thanks Lord.
It was my first time flying with Virgin Atlantic and what a thrill. Easily the best airline I have EVER travelled with. Terrific in every sense of the word. Not just because they were nice to me about cutting it so fine, but other reasons too. The staff were all really friendly and genuinely wanted you to enjoy your flight. I liked the cheery red and purple colours, just like the red hatters brigade! They handed out a menu to choose from. Caesar salad to start, which actually tasted like proper caesar salad. Then a choice of three entrees - beef, chicken or vegetarian lasagne. I chose the lasagne and it was scrummy - seriously so. The desserts were served separately, and with panache! We all were given strawberries and cream sprinkled with crumbs of granola. Lastly, tea or hot chocolate - who would have thought? I never was offered hot chocolate on a flight before, and when they said 'hot' - they meant it. It helped you doze off afterwards. Maybe there was a magic potion in it? Just around the ear-popping moment, staff came around handing out packets of love hearts from a heart red bowl. They also handed out comfort packs for everybody, filled with treats to keep, toothpaste, brush, etc.
I had delightful travelling companions as well. To my left, a lovely German couple working in Belgium, and to my right, a most interesting English woman who taught geneology. My radio wasn't working properly, nor was the English lady's, so just before the flight terminated, the staff came around to us, apologizing profusely, and handed us a voucher for £20 off our next flight, or complimentary air miles. Would I travel with Virgin Atlantic again? - a resounding YES YES YES!
Got to London, enjoyed a delicious cappuccino and egg sandwich. Fortified, I did the duty free to bring some whiskey, sweets, etc. home. Later I parked myself in front of a chocolate store as I had an hour or so to kill. As I oogled the various chocolates on the shelves, imagining what they would taste like on my tongue, I dozed off! I must have been very tired. An angel woke me up as I could feel an invisible hand on my shoulder. Then it was RUN RUN RUN...as if I was being chased by Jason the slasher! They were already boarding the plane for Dublin, and were half way there. What if that angel had not woken me up?
The flight from London to Dublin was a treat - for me! Seriously, I could not believe it when the stewardesses came over to me and made a huge fuss. They said the co-pilot, a fellow called Jonathan, told them to look after the girl in the orange top, and I was the only one on the flight with an orange top. Why??? I asked in total surprise. "He said he recognizes your face". Obviously, it must have been a case of mistaken identity. He was there welcoming everybody on board at the beginning. Maybe...hah!! It was a chat up line??????? Ha ha - wonders never cease! They offered me complimentary champagne, but I opted for a diet coke instead. Then just as I was feeling like the Queen of England, a fellow donning a pink wig, and white sunglasses, sitting opposite me, began chatting me up!! Hello? I need to travel more!!
Apparently, he was travelling with 21 of his friends from London to Ireland for his stag party.
21 fellows and 11 berths! They were cruising on the Shannon, AND he invited me along. I told him I was going home to celebrate my mother's 90th birthday, and he said casually "Bring her along too" As if!! So, between complimentary drinks, and an invitation for my 90 year old mother and me to attend a stag party in a cruiser on the Shannon - it was a short, but very sweet flight to Dublin!
Shall talk soon!
Polly Hugs!
Patricia xxx
Got to the airport - no lineups t.g. - a smiling Virgin Atlantic employee told me - calmly (thanks lady) - to proceed to the gate - What? I was still on time. Apparently yes. I ran towards the gate before she changed her mind! When I saw they were only half way boarding, I decided to get a bottle of water for the journey. You're not going to believe it - the customer in front of me in the shop had a sandwich bag full of coins and wanted the cashier to take all the cash, and the balance from her credit card! Nooooooo! I was sick of delays by now. The poor cashier had to count out penny by penny, dime by dime, nickle by nickle, loonie by loonie, toonie by toonie and all the while the queue behind was going NUTZ!! Never mind, it was worth the wait. Water helps with jet lag, and I find it a necessary requisite for the journey. I think I was the second last person to board the plane - but I made it - I made it!! Thanks Lord.
It was my first time flying with Virgin Atlantic and what a thrill. Easily the best airline I have EVER travelled with. Terrific in every sense of the word. Not just because they were nice to me about cutting it so fine, but other reasons too. The staff were all really friendly and genuinely wanted you to enjoy your flight. I liked the cheery red and purple colours, just like the red hatters brigade! They handed out a menu to choose from. Caesar salad to start, which actually tasted like proper caesar salad. Then a choice of three entrees - beef, chicken or vegetarian lasagne. I chose the lasagne and it was scrummy - seriously so. The desserts were served separately, and with panache! We all were given strawberries and cream sprinkled with crumbs of granola. Lastly, tea or hot chocolate - who would have thought? I never was offered hot chocolate on a flight before, and when they said 'hot' - they meant it. It helped you doze off afterwards. Maybe there was a magic potion in it? Just around the ear-popping moment, staff came around handing out packets of love hearts from a heart red bowl. They also handed out comfort packs for everybody, filled with treats to keep, toothpaste, brush, etc.
I had delightful travelling companions as well. To my left, a lovely German couple working in Belgium, and to my right, a most interesting English woman who taught geneology. My radio wasn't working properly, nor was the English lady's, so just before the flight terminated, the staff came around to us, apologizing profusely, and handed us a voucher for £20 off our next flight, or complimentary air miles. Would I travel with Virgin Atlantic again? - a resounding YES YES YES!
Got to London, enjoyed a delicious cappuccino and egg sandwich. Fortified, I did the duty free to bring some whiskey, sweets, etc. home. Later I parked myself in front of a chocolate store as I had an hour or so to kill. As I oogled the various chocolates on the shelves, imagining what they would taste like on my tongue, I dozed off! I must have been very tired. An angel woke me up as I could feel an invisible hand on my shoulder. Then it was RUN RUN RUN...as if I was being chased by Jason the slasher! They were already boarding the plane for Dublin, and were half way there. What if that angel had not woken me up?
The flight from London to Dublin was a treat - for me! Seriously, I could not believe it when the stewardesses came over to me and made a huge fuss. They said the co-pilot, a fellow called Jonathan, told them to look after the girl in the orange top, and I was the only one on the flight with an orange top. Why??? I asked in total surprise. "He said he recognizes your face". Obviously, it must have been a case of mistaken identity. He was there welcoming everybody on board at the beginning. Maybe...hah!! It was a chat up line??????? Ha ha - wonders never cease! They offered me complimentary champagne, but I opted for a diet coke instead. Then just as I was feeling like the Queen of England, a fellow donning a pink wig, and white sunglasses, sitting opposite me, began chatting me up!! Hello? I need to travel more!!
Apparently, he was travelling with 21 of his friends from London to Ireland for his stag party.
21 fellows and 11 berths! They were cruising on the Shannon, AND he invited me along. I told him I was going home to celebrate my mother's 90th birthday, and he said casually "Bring her along too" As if!! So, between complimentary drinks, and an invitation for my 90 year old mother and me to attend a stag party in a cruiser on the Shannon - it was a short, but very sweet flight to Dublin!
Shall talk soon!
Polly Hugs!
Patricia xxx
Monday, September 10, 2012
10 Things to Do in September
Hello, Projecteers! Vicky and I have the honour of being guest bloggers at The Pollyanna Project while our mum Patricia is away in Ireland. We have some fun posts lined up to share with you here from our own blog (www.aliandvic.blogspot.com) so stay tuned! Hope you enjoy :-)
September is a month that both of us love. Apart from the fact that it's Vicky's birthday month, it's also a time of new beginnings and fresh starts, crisper days and darker evenings, cosy clothes and comforting food. Here are ten things to tick off on your September to-do list.
1. Get Organised!
Even if you're not heading back to school or uni, you can still use this time to get yourself organised - buy a crisp new agenda if you don't already have one and make a note of your goals, meetings, deadlines, events, etc.
2. Indulge in a Pumpkin Spice Latte
Ok, not everyone likes Pumpkin Spice Lattes (Ali loves them, Vicky hates), but everyone should at least try this cosy, calorific beverage at least once in their lives.
3. Go Apple Picking
Soooo we've actually never been apple picking before. But it just seems like such a wholesome, autumnal thing to do that we simply had to stick it on our list.
4. Make Soup

Homemade soup is infinitely yummier than anything you get from a package, so dedicate at least one September evening to cooking up a hearty batch of your choice.
5. Wear Your Summer Clothes While You Still Can
The first few weeks of September tend to be warm, even hot, so now's the time to squeeze in a few last wearings of your favourite dresses, shorts and sandals before the weather starts to chill. At the same time though, be on the look-out for pieces to:
6. Update Your Wardrobe for Autumn

Cosy knits, bright tights, cute coats, leather boots...autumn fashion really has so much going for it.
7. Visit a Library
Check out your local library and spend some time there soaking up the tranquil atmosphere.
8. Look Forward to Fall TV
September heralds in the new season for old favourite programmes as well as promising new ones. Yay for having your life revolve around a show again :-)
9. Get in Touch With Your Grandparents
The first Sunday after Labour Day is officially National Grandparents Day. Celebrate by getting in touch with yours, whether by phone call, visit, or good old-fashioned letter. They will be absolutely thrilled - guaranteed.
10. Bring Out the Candles

Candles are lovely year-round, but their flickering flames definitely become more magical on cosy autumn evenings.
Images: http://coactivehealth.com/lifestyle-benefits/whats-your-agenda/
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Bye for now! I'm on the ferry bound for Vancouver Airport. Unfortunately we missed the 3.00 pm sailing by a mere 2 cars!! When the lady at the ticket booth said 'Proceed to lane 8' my heart sank! Number 8's don't usually work for me. That's why I tend to avoid them at the supermarket as well.
I'm not the only 'number freak'. One day I met a man in the supermarket who told me he only ever goes to checkout number 5! Why? I asked him. "Because five is my lucky number!"
We didn't have the luxury of choice at the ferry terminal. You go where you're sent, and speedily! I knew darn! we ain't going to get on this ferry. No, it wasn't wish fulfillment! It's going to be really tight at the airport. They like you to be there at least 2 hours before an International flight. Fingers and toes crossed. If I'm back blogging tomorrow, you'll know I missed my flight!
I decided at the last minute not to bring my computer because it was too heavy, and if my trips to Ireland are like they always are - I will not have a second to open it! My darling daughters Ali and Vicky are going to do some guest blogs. I just loved their recent blog on Fall fashions, and the top colours for the season. I have managed to keep my promise to myself not to buy one single piece of clothing, bags, bling or shoes! I want to see for myself if I can do it for a whole year, without going krazeeeeee! So far so wonderful! The secret is to stay away from the shops!! Mind you I do go with the girls to browse around, and get ideas for the 'in-look'.
Thanks to the girls' fashion advice, I now know what colours are 'hot' for Fall. When I get back from Ireland the last week of September, d.v. I shall put away all my summer gear (love this little seasonal ritual), and bring up all my Fall/Winter stuff from the basement. I have all the colours - brown, burnt orange, burgundy, mustard and blue to carry me through Fall. I'll put away all my turquoise jewellery as I tend not to wear it during the winter - unless we are joyfully going to Hawaii or some other suitable exotic place! I replace the turquoise with my amber collection. I just LOVE amber. I think it looks especially gorgeous during the Autumn. It matches the landscape outside with its warm golden hues.
Well the ferry is chugging along nicely. Darn! I just remembered some items I forgot to pack. As Kevin says - as long as you have your passport and visa, you'll be fine! Yeah! men don't wear make up or have need for anti-ageing creams!! Yes I did pack those, I just forgot some glam bits and pieces. I'll survive! The question is...will I survive the amazing fashion stores in Ireland? Time will tell...!!
So choo choo my friends until we chat again soon!
Polly hugs, and don't forget your rules for the road!!
Patricia xxx
I'm not the only 'number freak'. One day I met a man in the supermarket who told me he only ever goes to checkout number 5! Why? I asked him. "Because five is my lucky number!"
We didn't have the luxury of choice at the ferry terminal. You go where you're sent, and speedily! I knew darn! we ain't going to get on this ferry. No, it wasn't wish fulfillment! It's going to be really tight at the airport. They like you to be there at least 2 hours before an International flight. Fingers and toes crossed. If I'm back blogging tomorrow, you'll know I missed my flight!
I decided at the last minute not to bring my computer because it was too heavy, and if my trips to Ireland are like they always are - I will not have a second to open it! My darling daughters Ali and Vicky are going to do some guest blogs. I just loved their recent blog on Fall fashions, and the top colours for the season. I have managed to keep my promise to myself not to buy one single piece of clothing, bags, bling or shoes! I want to see for myself if I can do it for a whole year, without going krazeeeeee! So far so wonderful! The secret is to stay away from the shops!! Mind you I do go with the girls to browse around, and get ideas for the 'in-look'.
Thanks to the girls' fashion advice, I now know what colours are 'hot' for Fall. When I get back from Ireland the last week of September, d.v. I shall put away all my summer gear (love this little seasonal ritual), and bring up all my Fall/Winter stuff from the basement. I have all the colours - brown, burnt orange, burgundy, mustard and blue to carry me through Fall. I'll put away all my turquoise jewellery as I tend not to wear it during the winter - unless we are joyfully going to Hawaii or some other suitable exotic place! I replace the turquoise with my amber collection. I just LOVE amber. I think it looks especially gorgeous during the Autumn. It matches the landscape outside with its warm golden hues.
Well the ferry is chugging along nicely. Darn! I just remembered some items I forgot to pack. As Kevin says - as long as you have your passport and visa, you'll be fine! Yeah! men don't wear make up or have need for anti-ageing creams!! Yes I did pack those, I just forgot some glam bits and pieces. I'll survive! The question is...will I survive the amazing fashion stores in Ireland? Time will tell...!!
So choo choo my friends until we chat again soon!
Polly hugs, and don't forget your rules for the road!!
Patricia xxx
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Little Ms. Sunshine, a.k.a. Victoria Alicia May, arrived into our lives on the wings of an angel, this very day 20 years ago. It was precisely eight minutes past five o'clock on a sunny Irish Saturday. In typical Virgo style, she was punctual and perfectly formed, though a little discombobulated with her new surroundings. Her instinct was to reach out for connection. What a cuddly lovable little angel she was, and still is!
Where have the past 20 years gone? I can recall the taste of this delicious cake, and wondering what mysterious little fairy kept eating the mandarin oranges before we got to cut it!
Poor Victoria was only 8 weeks old when we arrived in Fort McMurray, Alberta. It was -40 degrees below sanity! I was scared to bits she would get frost bite. It took me ages getting her ready for the great outdoors!
A passing stranger took this photo of Victoria in purple velvet and snow boots, frolicking in the slush. So typical of Victoria! No matter what the occasion, a girl is still a girl! Ain't she gorgeous?
Hey Vicky you're so fine you blow my mind...Hey Vicky...Hey Vicky! That was my song to Vicky around the time this photo was taken. Born in the Chinese year of the Monkey, this little lady sure likes to monkey around!
This is how I remember Victoria when she went to Sacred Heart Elementary school in Calgary! When the kids were lining up outside the school to get into their classroom, you could see her mop of golden curls in the distance. She stood out from the crowd - naturally! I'm her loving mom!!
Little Miss Sunshine was never as happy as when she was thundering down that great big hill in Calgary. Look at those happy glowing cheeks! You'd never think it was SO bleedin' freezing!!
And now my golden 'Earth' daughter has gone from beautiful to drop dead gorgeous!!
Daddy, Mummy, Alexandra, Claudia, Tessa, Lulu and Chichi xxxxxxxxx
Monday, September 3, 2012
It is my mother Teeta's 90th birthday today, and none of us, least of all herself, thought she would make it this far! She has battled heart disease, cancer, arthritis, weak knees, a kidney removed, to name but a painful few. As her doctor once remarked "Hell lady, is there anything you haven't had!" If I had to describe my mom in one sentence it would be 'a kind hearted, determined lady'. Her will to live is determined by her great love for my dad, and not wanting "to leave him behind". 'Him' being her soul-mate of nearly 60 years.
She lost her beloved dad to cancer, when she was only 8, and la ter her little sister Sheila from breast cancer at age 41. As the eldest of 3 sisters, her dream of becoming a Domestic Science teacher had to be scrapped, as she assumed the role of helping my grandmother in the family business; a position that came with a mountain of work and responsibility.
In her working life, she was postmistress in our home town. We also had a grocery shop attached to the post office. I enjoyed arranging, and re-arranging cans of food on the shelves. There was never a shortage of chocolate in the house! A staff of nearly 10 answered to mother, between postmen, office clerk, and home help. I would look at their faces when talking to her, and I could see nothing but great respect in their eyes. In addition to being a Postmistress, shopkeeper, Mini Hotelier, and mother of four girls, she was also a gifted writer. She had her first book 'Rebel's Harvest' published at a young age. And if she had more time to spare, I would have a book of hers, for every finger on my hands.
In the summer time we let out 9 bedrooms to tourists, and catered for more than 30 people some nights. Food was prepared and served by all of us girls and dad, and trust me! It was superior to the Ritz! My job in all of this was to dress the beds, and bake the 'silly twirls' and the chips. The food must have been good, because the same Priests, Christian Brothers and even a Bishop, came back to stay with us, summer after summer. And ALL that was just my mother's side of the working day! My dad was equally busy in his work as a producer of fruit and vegetables for the busy tourist community, and owned a holiday park, with more than 80 mobile homes on it. Yes, it was a busy home. Despite a hectic schedule, my mother always managed to look like her heroine, Greta Garbo, with not a hair out of place.
My sisters and I were the best dressed girls in town. Our hair was perfectly coiffed, and our identical dresses were a dream to wear, designed by my mother, the Gloria Vanderbilt of her day. Occasionally, I was dressed in a separate colour, because apparently I was 'an individualist' and liked being different. We loved the adventure of going up to visit mother's seamstress in her little country farm house. I can still recall the smell of the cow dung, and the sound of the hens clucking in their dusty farmyard, and standing on Mrs. Kinnery's kitchen table with pins on my seams, trying to avoid being pierced by them. She had handsome sons who loved to tease us! I remember this little ditty of theirs "Hay and oats for the Kilkee goats, eggs and rashers for the Doonbeg dashers". We were obviously the 'Kilkee Goats!'.
The following were mother's rules for living a good life:-
1) Never go to a person's house with your hands hanging - bring something.
2) Always send a 'thank-you' note.
3) Never invite strangers to your home. Resentment will follow.
4) Loose lips sink ships.
5) If you're doing something - do it right - or not at all.
6) Good breeding is not always the territory of the rich.
7) A man without God, is like a bird without wings.
So without further ado, I nominate Therese Hayes this day as my 'Diva of Distinction'.
It is my mother Teeta's 90th birthday today, and none of us, least of all herself, thought she would make it this far! She has battled heart disease, cancer, arthritis, weak knees, a kidney removed, to name but a painful few. As her doctor once remarked "Hell lady, is there anything you haven't had!" If I had to describe my mom in one sentence it would be 'a kind hearted, determined lady'. Her will to live is determined by her great love for my dad, and not wanting "to leave him behind". 'Him' being her soul-mate of nearly 60 years.
She lost her beloved dad to cancer, when she was only 8, and la ter her little sister Sheila from breast cancer at age 41. As the eldest of 3 sisters, her dream of becoming a Domestic Science teacher had to be scrapped, as she assumed the role of helping my grandmother in the family business; a position that came with a mountain of work and responsibility.
In her working life, she was postmistress in our home town. We also had a grocery shop attached to the post office. I enjoyed arranging, and re-arranging cans of food on the shelves. There was never a shortage of chocolate in the house! A staff of nearly 10 answered to mother, between postmen, office clerk, and home help. I would look at their faces when talking to her, and I could see nothing but great respect in their eyes. In addition to being a Postmistress, shopkeeper, Mini Hotelier, and mother of four girls, she was also a gifted writer. She had her first book 'Rebel's Harvest' published at a young age. And if she had more time to spare, I would have a book of hers, for every finger on my hands.
In the summer time we let out 9 bedrooms to tourists, and catered for more than 30 people some nights. Food was prepared and served by all of us girls and dad, and trust me! It was superior to the Ritz! My job in all of this was to dress the beds, and bake the 'silly twirls' and the chips. The food must have been good, because the same Priests, Christian Brothers and even a Bishop, came back to stay with us, summer after summer. And ALL that was just my mother's side of the working day! My dad was equally busy in his work as a producer of fruit and vegetables for the busy tourist community, and owned a holiday park, with more than 80 mobile homes on it. Yes, it was a busy home. Despite a hectic schedule, my mother always managed to look like her heroine, Greta Garbo, with not a hair out of place.
My sisters and I were the best dressed girls in town. Our hair was perfectly coiffed, and our identical dresses were a dream to wear, designed by my mother, the Gloria Vanderbilt of her day. Occasionally, I was dressed in a separate colour, because apparently I was 'an individualist' and liked being different. We loved the adventure of going up to visit mother's seamstress in her little country farm house. I can still recall the smell of the cow dung, and the sound of the hens clucking in their dusty farmyard, and standing on Mrs. Kinnery's kitchen table with pins on my seams, trying to avoid being pierced by them. She had handsome sons who loved to tease us! I remember this little ditty of theirs "Hay and oats for the Kilkee goats, eggs and rashers for the Doonbeg dashers". We were obviously the 'Kilkee Goats!'.
The following were mother's rules for living a good life:-
1) Never go to a person's house with your hands hanging - bring something.
2) Always send a 'thank-you' note.
3) Never invite strangers to your home. Resentment will follow.
4) Loose lips sink ships.
5) If you're doing something - do it right - or not at all.
6) Good breeding is not always the territory of the rich.
7) A man without God, is like a bird without wings.
So without further ado, I nominate Therese Hayes this day as my 'Diva of Distinction'.
Saturday, September 1, 2012
To be quite frank, I would say I'm an itsy bitsy bit outta tune at the moment. Why? The sun is in Virgo. O.K. so what does that have to do with my feeling 'outta tune' you may wonder. Virgo is my polar opposite, the other side of my coin. The missing component. When the sun is in Virgo, there is an inner tug-of-war going on. I feel like I should to be more disciplined, organised, and practical, the qualities lacking on my Pisces side of the coin. Likewise, when the sun is in Pisces, Virgos would feel the pressure to get in touch with their emotional and vulnerable side, something they are not comfortable doing. You get the drift?
Polar opposites are six months apart, and are fascinating to observe. When the sun is in your polar opposite sign, this would be your 'low season', or time when you feel your energy depleted. If you want to feel 'complete' as a person, hook up with your polar opposite! Sparks will fly to be sure, and there will be a strong magnetic attraction. If your polar opposite is the same gender, there can be a little envy, as that person seems to have some of the qualities you would like to have yourself! They express themselves in ways you find challenging, and you feel 'uncomfortable' in the presence of that person. You will either love or loathe them!! Check out your polar opposite below and put my theory to the test!
ARIES Polar Opposite LIBRA
When you think about it, life is full of polarities: naive optimism and melancholy pessimism; manic activity and then shameful sloth; exaggerated emotions and then a total deadness of feeling. One minute you're on a diet to end all diets, and then the next minute you're partying like there is no tomorrow, and the list goes on. These are the extremes within each of us living a 'normal' life. Add hopping hormones to the equation and Helllllllllll! the volume on our polarity button sky rockets! If we cannot find the balance between our polarities, our life will resemble an out-of-tune guitar.
If you've lost that 'sparkle', that inner resilience, that 'can-do' attitude, that 'YIPEE I'm alive feeling, then maybe that ol' guitar that is you, needs to be fine-tuned.
Prayer for Sunday:
Dear Lord,
When I'm off-centre and feeling out-of-whack with the rest of the world, help me fine-tune the strings. Help me feel in-tune with my life, and to recover a sense of balance.
On that melodious note, I wish you all a happy Sunday!
Choo Choo!
Patricia xxx
P.S. Ali and Vicky are in Vancouver for a few days before starting University next week. I forgot to get their guest blog. I will be going to Ireland next week for a few weeks. I'll try and keep in touch from over there. I reckon Ali and Vicky will treat you to some delightful travel and fashion blogs while I'm away!
Talk Soon!
Polar opposites are six months apart, and are fascinating to observe. When the sun is in your polar opposite sign, this would be your 'low season', or time when you feel your energy depleted. If you want to feel 'complete' as a person, hook up with your polar opposite! Sparks will fly to be sure, and there will be a strong magnetic attraction. If your polar opposite is the same gender, there can be a little envy, as that person seems to have some of the qualities you would like to have yourself! They express themselves in ways you find challenging, and you feel 'uncomfortable' in the presence of that person. You will either love or loathe them!! Check out your polar opposite below and put my theory to the test!
ARIES Polar Opposite LIBRA
When you think about it, life is full of polarities: naive optimism and melancholy pessimism; manic activity and then shameful sloth; exaggerated emotions and then a total deadness of feeling. One minute you're on a diet to end all diets, and then the next minute you're partying like there is no tomorrow, and the list goes on. These are the extremes within each of us living a 'normal' life. Add hopping hormones to the equation and Helllllllllll! the volume on our polarity button sky rockets! If we cannot find the balance between our polarities, our life will resemble an out-of-tune guitar.
If you've lost that 'sparkle', that inner resilience, that 'can-do' attitude, that 'YIPEE I'm alive feeling, then maybe that ol' guitar that is you, needs to be fine-tuned.
Prayer for Sunday:
Dear Lord,
When I'm off-centre and feeling out-of-whack with the rest of the world, help me fine-tune the strings. Help me feel in-tune with my life, and to recover a sense of balance.
On that melodious note, I wish you all a happy Sunday!
Choo Choo!
Patricia xxx
P.S. Ali and Vicky are in Vancouver for a few days before starting University next week. I forgot to get their guest blog. I will be going to Ireland next week for a few weeks. I'll try and keep in touch from over there. I reckon Ali and Vicky will treat you to some delightful travel and fashion blogs while I'm away!
Talk Soon!
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