JULY 2012
Get the train fired up, passengers on board.
Create the Ten Commandments or 'Rules of the Road'
Start a one year promise not to buy any non-essentials, (clothes, bling, etc.)
Earn some brownie points for heaven - start small - get bigger (cans, coins, kindness).
Enjoy doing same!
Keep daily record of food and exercise - re-join WW.
Do weekly bit of charity work.
Start de-cluttering - home and brain.
Pay for everything in cash - eliminate visa, except for big things like flights or petrol.
Get back into the vegetarian food again.
Develop a thicker skin - don't let people upset you - love the ones who treat you right.
Re-cap on July 2012
Well it's over now - July that is - And I'm still on the Pollyanna train of thought... Looks like I'm in it for the long haul - God willing!! If boredom or difficulties had arisen, I'd know by now, and would have dis-embarked ages ago!
What did I accomplish in July?
Got the train up and running - Yee Haw!
Got some adventurers to join me on the journey
Sharpened my brain - I now do the word search in half the time - things are lookin' up!
Developed healthy habits with spending - both on calories and on cash!
Have not bought one single piece of clothing, nor do I have any desire to do so!
Fell back in love with my wardrobe - discovered stuff I didn't know I had ha ha!
Began a fun-filled weekly game of donating cans - have made lots of street folk happy.
All in all - a very promising start to the journey which began July 10th.
Recite 10 commandments each morning - memorise and contemplate each one.
Continue with the can donations - up the game a bit by 'actual' volunteering, i.e.
Kiwanis House for young single mums, or My Place homeless shelter - Just Do it!
Get in at least one weekly mass and nightly rosary - increase prayer time to at
least 15 mins a day.
Lose total of 10 lbs. by end of August d.v.
Exercise 30-60 mins a day - 30 mins at least!
Continue with the 'Spending Sabbatical'.
Get back into reading Sarah Ban Breathnach's book 'Simple Abundance'
and Marianne Williamson's 'Course in Miracles'
Continue writing my Angel book 'Angels in my Rucksack'.
Weekly wash for the dogs - no fleas - no scratching!
Enjoy life too! No more Batman movies!
Learn from my mistakes
Kill Pro-crastination - make it instant - no beating around the bush - kill it dead!
Oh yes!! Last, but not least - 7-9 hours sleep per night (as if!!)
Since I'm on a shopping sabbatical for the year, (not joking!), I have decided to really get to know my wardrobe. For the next year or so, I shall be sharing with you some of my favourite ideas on how to make one piece of clothing stretch a mile! It'a all about the accessories!
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