Yeps, we're back again. It's Labour day weekend here in Canada. A visit to our urban cottage in Vancouver was definitely on the cards. I love coming over here for a good boost of positive energy. It's a city where it is decidedly easy to accentuate the positive, and eeeeeliminate the negative in your life. You just simply breathe in all the action. It's an Aries city - no surprise!!
Yesterday morning, in a valiant effort to be good on the exercise, I pinned the condo key to my t-shirt, donned a pair of runners, plonked the head phones over my ears, turned on the music, and away I went for a great long walk. The shoes took me past shops and aromatic bistros, all the way down to English Bay, the epicentre of Vancouver life. The whole world was out walking, running, chatting on benches, people-watching, smiling, happy. I strutted away along the sunny seafront, delighted when the beads of sweat reassured me I was doing a fine job. Yes, I had the customary zeal of a convert...(that was before the feast later on!!)
When power walking, I usually like to listen to rebel songs, or disco. Sometimes, I do a little dance, or sing along, and illicit a rather peculiar expression from passers by. As I was listening to U2 belting out one of my favourite songs 'Sunday, Bloody Sunday' (It's a fabulous song for walking), I spied this enormous seagull on the beach, with an equally ginormous fish in its mouth. The poor fish had seen its better days. I have no idea where the gull could have found such a beauty. It looked like a flatfish, and the sight of the two of them at war, while listening to U2's 'Sunday, Bloody Sunday' brought to mind - of all things - the 'Big Brother' show currently on t.v. This show is a metaphor for life - and not a good one. Most unfortunately.
Can you trust anyone these days? It would appear not. Between 'Big Brother', 'The Amazing Race' (where people u-turn their friends), and too-much Reality t.v. shows, like 'The Housewives of New York' - Beverly Hills - Orange County - it doesn't really matter where they originate, they're all Beeatches - and proudly so!!
The moral of today's story is...Yes, there is one person you can always trust. GOD!
On this beautiful sunny Sunday morning, give glory to God. It is the one friendship that will never let you down...never ever in a month of Sundays! He is my 'forever friend' - my leave-me-never friend - and he is yours too!
On that happy note, bye for now, and have fun wherever you may be!
Polly P xxx
Sunday, August 31, 2014
Monday, August 25, 2014
Now that summer is nearly over, and the shops are full of Thanksgiving turkey stuff, and Halloween cards, they're selling off bikinis and beach stuff for nothing - depressing!! Where did summer go?
Kevin and I decided to head off to the flea market in Langford yesterday, for a last hurrah spending spree. As always, we were filled with anticipation for stuff we really didn't need. Besides, it's SO much fun out there, and the traders are really nice and good humoured. I was thrilled to bits to find my Halloween costume for the princely sum of $3!! I offered the lady $5. I felt $3 was way too little. She was delighted. What, you may ask did I find for $3 to wear at Halloween? She told me I would be 'Priscilla the Desert Princess', so I shall keep you in suspense...suffice to say there is a lot of red and purple in it - and glitter - and fur!! and fleas!! One bit me...aagh!!!
As I was walking past one stall, I overheard a little boy ask a trader "Mister what price is that bicycle over there?" "$20" the man replied. The little boy was very poor looking, and went off with his little shoulders hunched. I could tell he really wanted the bicycle, but could not afford it. A voice inside my head said "get it for him". In an instant, I ran after the little fellow. His dad was waiting for him. They both looked really poor. I gave the little boy the $20 to buy the bicycle. He could not believe his eyes and gave me the biggest smile and ran over for the bike. His dad gave me a special smile which said it all.
I can assure you if I had to buy my Halloween costume anywhere else I would have paid far more than $3 for it!! and far less satisfied, so I could afford to be generous.
After our adventures at the flea market, we headed back into town. We had to post a parcel which turned out to be half the price we had anticipated it would cost. Then after lunch, Kevin surprised me with a scratch card. I ended up winning $14 on it!
The moral of the story - You give some - You get some back!! and the real moral of the story is:
God is Good!
Kevin and I decided to head off to the flea market in Langford yesterday, for a last hurrah spending spree. As always, we were filled with anticipation for stuff we really didn't need. Besides, it's SO much fun out there, and the traders are really nice and good humoured. I was thrilled to bits to find my Halloween costume for the princely sum of $3!! I offered the lady $5. I felt $3 was way too little. She was delighted. What, you may ask did I find for $3 to wear at Halloween? She told me I would be 'Priscilla the Desert Princess', so I shall keep you in suspense...suffice to say there is a lot of red and purple in it - and glitter - and fur!! and fleas!! One bit me...aagh!!!
As I was walking past one stall, I overheard a little boy ask a trader "Mister what price is that bicycle over there?" "$20" the man replied. The little boy was very poor looking, and went off with his little shoulders hunched. I could tell he really wanted the bicycle, but could not afford it. A voice inside my head said "get it for him". In an instant, I ran after the little fellow. His dad was waiting for him. They both looked really poor. I gave the little boy the $20 to buy the bicycle. He could not believe his eyes and gave me the biggest smile and ran over for the bike. His dad gave me a special smile which said it all.
I can assure you if I had to buy my Halloween costume anywhere else I would have paid far more than $3 for it!! and far less satisfied, so I could afford to be generous.
After our adventures at the flea market, we headed back into town. We had to post a parcel which turned out to be half the price we had anticipated it would cost. Then after lunch, Kevin surprised me with a scratch card. I ended up winning $14 on it!
The moral of the story - You give some - You get some back!! and the real moral of the story is:
God is Good!
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
Today, just as I was thinking the world has gone absolutely insane, a fellow stopped me in the street and offered me a chocolate cookie. I didn't tell him about my month-off-chocolate challenge, which is almost over (10 days to go!!) Instead, I thanked him profusely, and popped the piece of yum into my bag. He asked me to "pass on the kindness". It was a simple gesture, and even if he did work for the Island Savings Group, and gave me his business card, I decided not to be cynical, because the world really does need kindness - and the odd free chocolate cookie doesn't hurt. I told him I would indeed 'pass it on' because 'what goes around comes around' - just like a boomerang!
This past week our world has been stunned with yet more bad news - the suicide of Robin Williams, death of one of my favourite American Idols, Michael Johns, at 35 (not suicide), all that nasty stuff going on with ISIS torturing people, and slaughtering innocent women and children - Iraq, Palestine, Syria, Israel, return of the Natzis, etc. Then tonight, when I was about to eat my dinner, an image of an American journalist about to be be-headed in Iraq shot up on the t.v. screen. It was horrendous.
Seeing I couldn't eat my supper (rare for me!!) Kevin decided I needed to be cheered up, and changed the channel. Instead of beheadings, we watched the annual 'Rose of Tralee' beauty pageant from Ireland (much better!). He did his magic, and found it on the internet. O.K. it's not supposed to be about beauty - it's more about brains - so they say...though I'm not entirely convinced, as each and every girl in the pageant is gorgeous, and brainy too!! Yes, it cheered me up, but my daughters ran a mile when I begged them to compete!! I want to be a proud emigrant mammy in the audience in Tralee one day. I tried to bribe Claudia by telling her I would buy her a car - a Porsche no less!! 'No Ma Never!' I needed a good cheesy show like the Rose Pageant to cheer me up.
So the moral of the story is - when the negativity of the world threatens to bring you down - change the channel!! It's simple, but true.
Polly P xxx
This past week our world has been stunned with yet more bad news - the suicide of Robin Williams, death of one of my favourite American Idols, Michael Johns, at 35 (not suicide), all that nasty stuff going on with ISIS torturing people, and slaughtering innocent women and children - Iraq, Palestine, Syria, Israel, return of the Natzis, etc. Then tonight, when I was about to eat my dinner, an image of an American journalist about to be be-headed in Iraq shot up on the t.v. screen. It was horrendous.
Seeing I couldn't eat my supper (rare for me!!) Kevin decided I needed to be cheered up, and changed the channel. Instead of beheadings, we watched the annual 'Rose of Tralee' beauty pageant from Ireland (much better!). He did his magic, and found it on the internet. O.K. it's not supposed to be about beauty - it's more about brains - so they say...though I'm not entirely convinced, as each and every girl in the pageant is gorgeous, and brainy too!! Yes, it cheered me up, but my daughters ran a mile when I begged them to compete!! I want to be a proud emigrant mammy in the audience in Tralee one day. I tried to bribe Claudia by telling her I would buy her a car - a Porsche no less!! 'No Ma Never!' I needed a good cheesy show like the Rose Pageant to cheer me up.
So the moral of the story is - when the negativity of the world threatens to bring you down - change the channel!! It's simple, but true.
Polly P xxx
Friday, August 8, 2014
Feel the fear, and do it anyhow! Check out my astro blog ( with some suggestions on how to apply the current planetary energy to your lives. There is some mighty whacky stuff going down. No, it's not you, though it could be, if you don't work the system, and learn how to play your planetary cards!
We have a full moon in Aquarius on its 'non-conforming' way (Sunday), opposing the sun in powerful Leo, who knows it all - Beware! the Ego hounds are out prowling again... we're right - they're know what I mean... O.K. I shall take my own advice, and try and think outside the judgemental box.
Do you know that person who is currently annoying the heck out of you? worrying you? - Wow! maybe it's you all the time...maybe you are to blame for all this current aggro? I'm not saying you are, just suggesting a new way of looking at old devils, which could ease the turmoil within. Aquarius energy is all about looking at new and innovative ways for living our lives. The greatest example being of course Aquarius genius, Eckhart Tolle, author of the mind-exploding book 'The Power of Now'.
As we approach the weekend, I strongly urge y'all to look at your lives, feel the fears, face the old devils...maybe they are not so bad after all...
Force yourself to think of at least one thing good about that person currently annoying you...let softness come in...see them as frail humanoids - just like us.
So for the weekend ahead, dress uniquely, do something totally different, that you have never done before - go on, I dare you! Release the hounds of fear, and mental stagnation...
Have Fun!!
Patricia xox
We have a full moon in Aquarius on its 'non-conforming' way (Sunday), opposing the sun in powerful Leo, who knows it all - Beware! the Ego hounds are out prowling again... we're right - they're know what I mean... O.K. I shall take my own advice, and try and think outside the judgemental box.
Do you know that person who is currently annoying the heck out of you? worrying you? - Wow! maybe it's you all the time...maybe you are to blame for all this current aggro? I'm not saying you are, just suggesting a new way of looking at old devils, which could ease the turmoil within. Aquarius energy is all about looking at new and innovative ways for living our lives. The greatest example being of course Aquarius genius, Eckhart Tolle, author of the mind-exploding book 'The Power of Now'.
As we approach the weekend, I strongly urge y'all to look at your lives, feel the fears, face the old devils...maybe they are not so bad after all...
Force yourself to think of at least one thing good about that person currently annoying you...let softness come in...see them as frail humanoids - just like us.
So for the weekend ahead, dress uniquely, do something totally different, that you have never done before - go on, I dare you! Release the hounds of fear, and mental stagnation...
Have Fun!!
Patricia xox
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
It took one and a half sweltering hours, for what is normally a 45 mins. drive, to get from the ferry terminal to downtown Vancouver. Once we hit Robson Street, it was bumper-to-bumper. Crowds everywhere, their unbridled enthusiasm for the Gay Pride Festival, was very much in evidence. The city was a riot of colour, dogs with their fancy tutus, rainbow flags flowing proudly from every pole, and shop windows displaying colourful boas, balloons, and streamers. The city was on fire!!
Saturday night, the sky was an explosion of light. We could see and hear the thundering roar (in between watching a gripping true-life 'who-done-it' murder story) as the fireworks bellowed their way up to the heavens. Fortunately, we could lazily observe it all from our balcony, watch the t.v. and avoid the crowds of people streaming past our condo some two hours before the event, and again, after the event. Not a single quiet moment this past weekend. Do people ever sleep in Vancouver? is a constant question. As for the heat...agh...too hot for me baby!! and it wasn't the flushes, this time we were all inflicted. At least no mosquitos on the 7th floor. They'd crash into the greedy seagulls, or butt heads with the crazy crows. At least the buggers don't bite!! They prefer real food.
It's hard to believe a full year has passed since the last Gay Pride Festival in Vancouver. This year's event seemed longer, louder, and bigger by far. On Sunday morning at the crack of dawn, crowds carrying blankets and chairs began to line up for the parade. Their patience was richly rewarded. Once the clock struck 12.00, the pageant began with great pomp and ceremony. The cheers, whistles and applause from the appreciative crowds was ear-deafening. I kid you not, there wasn't a single boring moment in the two and a half hour extravaganza!
As I watched the procession of exotically clad men and women making their way down Robson, I really admired their guts, determination, and Va Va Voom!! One man, dressed from head-to-toe in orange, stood at least ten feet tall (or so it seemed!) balanced precariously on a pair of very high stilettos, his face glistening with perspiration. "Careful" one lady in the crowd shouted out to him. There was nothing careful about his appearance. Her well-intentioned advice just floated into the sweltering breeze...How on earth did he carry his weight atop these spindles?? Another fellow was dressed as a man from the waist up, and as a very frilly lady, from the waist down. Clever expression of the Yin and Yang within us all.
Canadians by nature are polite, and I would say 'conservative' people. But this past weekend got me thinking a whole lot differently. The parade, which lasted for a pounding two and a half hours, was simply mind-stretching - for want of a better word!! It was a pageant of beautiful peacock-people, boas, bubbles, and balloons, and the most exquisite outfits I have seen in a long time. It would have taken at least all of the past year, to put some of the ensembles together. Now that takes creativity, and a hell-of-a-lot of Va Va VOOM!
Later, when it was all over, the streets were peppered with feathers of every hue and size. It left me with a lasting thought - - Angels really do come in all different colours...and God loves us all.
Patricia xxx
Saturday night, the sky was an explosion of light. We could see and hear the thundering roar (in between watching a gripping true-life 'who-done-it' murder story) as the fireworks bellowed their way up to the heavens. Fortunately, we could lazily observe it all from our balcony, watch the t.v. and avoid the crowds of people streaming past our condo some two hours before the event, and again, after the event. Not a single quiet moment this past weekend. Do people ever sleep in Vancouver? is a constant question. As for the heat...agh...too hot for me baby!! and it wasn't the flushes, this time we were all inflicted. At least no mosquitos on the 7th floor. They'd crash into the greedy seagulls, or butt heads with the crazy crows. At least the buggers don't bite!! They prefer real food.
It's hard to believe a full year has passed since the last Gay Pride Festival in Vancouver. This year's event seemed longer, louder, and bigger by far. On Sunday morning at the crack of dawn, crowds carrying blankets and chairs began to line up for the parade. Their patience was richly rewarded. Once the clock struck 12.00, the pageant began with great pomp and ceremony. The cheers, whistles and applause from the appreciative crowds was ear-deafening. I kid you not, there wasn't a single boring moment in the two and a half hour extravaganza!
As I watched the procession of exotically clad men and women making their way down Robson, I really admired their guts, determination, and Va Va Voom!! One man, dressed from head-to-toe in orange, stood at least ten feet tall (or so it seemed!) balanced precariously on a pair of very high stilettos, his face glistening with perspiration. "Careful" one lady in the crowd shouted out to him. There was nothing careful about his appearance. Her well-intentioned advice just floated into the sweltering breeze...How on earth did he carry his weight atop these spindles?? Another fellow was dressed as a man from the waist up, and as a very frilly lady, from the waist down. Clever expression of the Yin and Yang within us all.
Canadians by nature are polite, and I would say 'conservative' people. But this past weekend got me thinking a whole lot differently. The parade, which lasted for a pounding two and a half hours, was simply mind-stretching - for want of a better word!! It was a pageant of beautiful peacock-people, boas, bubbles, and balloons, and the most exquisite outfits I have seen in a long time. It would have taken at least all of the past year, to put some of the ensembles together. Now that takes creativity, and a hell-of-a-lot of Va Va VOOM!
Later, when it was all over, the streets were peppered with feathers of every hue and size. It left me with a lasting thought - - Angels really do come in all different colours...and God loves us all.
Patricia xxx
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