I want to share my all time favourite Christmas song with you today. I think you will enjoy it too, and the video is totally charming. Love it!
To get you in the Christmas mood, let your fingers wander over to 'Polly's Playlist' and tell me what you think in the Comments section below...Do you adore it as much as I do? What is your favourite Christmas song?
I was sitting in the dining room the other day, surrounded by rolls of Christmas wrapping paper, colourful tags and ribbons, jingly bells for the wrapping, boxes of Christmas cards, the sweet aroma of Fresh Balsam (from Bath and Body Works) permeating the air. Candles lighting for special effect, and Christmas music...Bliss!!
Chris Rea's song 'Driving home for Christmas' came on, and I must have rewound it at least twenty times! Love Love Love that song. It brings back so many happy memories. Driving home to the country to visit my parents for Christmas, when I lived in Ireland. You can just feel the excitement and energy in the song.
So whether you will be flying home for Christmas, or driving, or walking - EnJOY this song!
Happy Monday and Happy New Week!
Polly P xxx
Sunday, November 30, 2014
Saturday, November 29, 2014
One of my favourite bedside books is 'Simple Abundance' by Sarah Ban Breathnach. After a difficult day, I find it very comforting to browse through it, with a warm cup of tea in hand. All my cares are gently shushed away and whatever joy was sucked from me, is seamlessly restored. Love this book!
Stress is part of everyday life. Just like you can't get out of life alive, neither can you get on with the business of living without encountering it. The secret is in how you handle it. Not always easy, especially if you are of a feisty disposition like me. When somebody hurts me, I find it difficult to suffer in silence. I bought a new zip for my lip, and hopefully this one will work!
We are now heading into the most stressful time of the year for many people - Christmas. Yesterday was 'Black Friday' (they should call it 'Orange Friday'). Black is a colour I associate with funerals and interviews. Give me orange any day! The Mall was 'savage' for want of a better word. Yes, it was black with people. No, there weren't any fantastic bargains worth the jostle. Going to the Mall on Black Friday is asking for stress. Apparently one shop assistant had her hair yanked to get her attention, and an employee at the foodcourt had a major panic attack. Is it worth it? Yes, of course, if you suffer from FOMO!! (fear of missing out).
The happiest shop in the Mall was 'La Senza', purveyors of fine ladies lingerie which are supposed to cover your privates, but designed not to do so. I think there is enough torture in life without having to wear chain underwear and butt freezing g-strings! They have added whips and handcuffs to their juicy repertoire. It was the only store in the Mall where I saw the men going around, like kids in a toy store, with smiles on their faces - and no arguments about spending!
I'd highly recommend you get a copy of 'Simple Abundance'. It is the secret to keeping Christmas happy and stress-free. The best things in life really are free (or kind of!) listening to Christmas music as you potter around the kitchen, watching Christmas movies such as 'Love Actually' with the family, sitting by a roaring fire with a yummy hot chocolate, playing with your pets, watching the twinkling fairy lights on the tree, having rich conversations with your loved ones, enjoying a good laugh...
Do more of what makes your heart sing this festive season...
Polly P xxx
Stress is part of everyday life. Just like you can't get out of life alive, neither can you get on with the business of living without encountering it. The secret is in how you handle it. Not always easy, especially if you are of a feisty disposition like me. When somebody hurts me, I find it difficult to suffer in silence. I bought a new zip for my lip, and hopefully this one will work!
We are now heading into the most stressful time of the year for many people - Christmas. Yesterday was 'Black Friday' (they should call it 'Orange Friday'). Black is a colour I associate with funerals and interviews. Give me orange any day! The Mall was 'savage' for want of a better word. Yes, it was black with people. No, there weren't any fantastic bargains worth the jostle. Going to the Mall on Black Friday is asking for stress. Apparently one shop assistant had her hair yanked to get her attention, and an employee at the foodcourt had a major panic attack. Is it worth it? Yes, of course, if you suffer from FOMO!! (fear of missing out).
The happiest shop in the Mall was 'La Senza', purveyors of fine ladies lingerie which are supposed to cover your privates, but designed not to do so. I think there is enough torture in life without having to wear chain underwear and butt freezing g-strings! They have added whips and handcuffs to their juicy repertoire. It was the only store in the Mall where I saw the men going around, like kids in a toy store, with smiles on their faces - and no arguments about spending!
I'd highly recommend you get a copy of 'Simple Abundance'. It is the secret to keeping Christmas happy and stress-free. The best things in life really are free (or kind of!) listening to Christmas music as you potter around the kitchen, watching Christmas movies such as 'Love Actually' with the family, sitting by a roaring fire with a yummy hot chocolate, playing with your pets, watching the twinkling fairy lights on the tree, having rich conversations with your loved ones, enjoying a good laugh...
Do more of what makes your heart sing this festive season...
Polly P xxx
Sunday, November 23, 2014
When it comes to Christmas decorating - Go big or go home! Claudia and I went big, and came home from Vancouver looking like two disco balls. Our hair, skin and clothing was sparkling from all the glitter we handled over the weekend. Great fun, and now the condo is looking all Christmassy and happy. I finally realized my dream of having that silver and blue tree. The tree in the condo is a winter wonderland of silver, midnight blue, and lime green. I love those colours, and they look perfect against the backdrop of winter white walls.
Fun accomplished, our return trip to Victoria was so different from the outgoing journey. We booked the 3.00 pm ferry, but magically got on the 2.00 sailing, just as the cars were boarding. We got home in an hour and 45 mins - no line ups, no excitement - except for when a voice over the mic announced the appearance of humpback whales, which were best viewed from the window near where we were sitting.
I was sipping my yummy cappuccino, gazing out at the majestic ocean, when suddenly a throng of roaring, excited people came galloping towards us - Help! Old people, young people, tourists with cameras in hand. They came out of nowhere, in less time than a sneeze. I told Claudia that if it was a scramble to get a life boat, we'd be left behind!
They were hoping to get a glimpse of the whales, when all I could see was a whale of an ass almost touching my face. It was denim clad, and didn't give a damn about the fact I was sitting there, trying to drink my coffee, which was almost knocked out of my hand during the whale rush. For all that effort, the whales never appeared. I can't say I blame them! People moaned in disappointment. The whole episode was so funny, I couldn't contain the laughter. What is so exciting about whales? Even if it was Prince Charles swimming in the nip, I wouldn't give up my comfortable seat. I think all that running around in Vancouver had me wasted.
One thing I learnt from this trip - it pays to shop around! On a visit to pricey South Granville Street, I was surprised to see a pair of decorative faux silver candlestick holders which I got at Winners for $16, were selling for $70 at a store there. In addition, battery operated candles I bought for $6.99 each, were selling for $34.99. Winners is my favourite store. Their catchphrase is 'where you find fabulous for less'. The profit margins in some shops is enormous. Winners, though their prices are low, still make a decent profit.
Battery operated candles are all the rage over here at the moment, and they are safer too. Most people are now opting for them, as opposed to the real wax candles. I'm gradually replacing all my 'real' candles after the wax made such a huge mess over Halloween - never again!! The melting wax destroys walls, tablecloths, mirrors, tables, floors. Still haven't got rid of that dreadful black wax from some Halloween candles last year.
So shop around for best bargains. Replace all your wax candles for the battery run ones, and avoid the big mess! And last, but not least, mark your calendars - thirty two days to Christmas!!
Happy new week!
Polly P xxx
Fun accomplished, our return trip to Victoria was so different from the outgoing journey. We booked the 3.00 pm ferry, but magically got on the 2.00 sailing, just as the cars were boarding. We got home in an hour and 45 mins - no line ups, no excitement - except for when a voice over the mic announced the appearance of humpback whales, which were best viewed from the window near where we were sitting.
I was sipping my yummy cappuccino, gazing out at the majestic ocean, when suddenly a throng of roaring, excited people came galloping towards us - Help! Old people, young people, tourists with cameras in hand. They came out of nowhere, in less time than a sneeze. I told Claudia that if it was a scramble to get a life boat, we'd be left behind!
They were hoping to get a glimpse of the whales, when all I could see was a whale of an ass almost touching my face. It was denim clad, and didn't give a damn about the fact I was sitting there, trying to drink my coffee, which was almost knocked out of my hand during the whale rush. For all that effort, the whales never appeared. I can't say I blame them! People moaned in disappointment. The whole episode was so funny, I couldn't contain the laughter. What is so exciting about whales? Even if it was Prince Charles swimming in the nip, I wouldn't give up my comfortable seat. I think all that running around in Vancouver had me wasted.
One thing I learnt from this trip - it pays to shop around! On a visit to pricey South Granville Street, I was surprised to see a pair of decorative faux silver candlestick holders which I got at Winners for $16, were selling for $70 at a store there. In addition, battery operated candles I bought for $6.99 each, were selling for $34.99. Winners is my favourite store. Their catchphrase is 'where you find fabulous for less'. The profit margins in some shops is enormous. Winners, though their prices are low, still make a decent profit.
Battery operated candles are all the rage over here at the moment, and they are safer too. Most people are now opting for them, as opposed to the real wax candles. I'm gradually replacing all my 'real' candles after the wax made such a huge mess over Halloween - never again!! The melting wax destroys walls, tablecloths, mirrors, tables, floors. Still haven't got rid of that dreadful black wax from some Halloween candles last year.
So shop around for best bargains. Replace all your wax candles for the battery run ones, and avoid the big mess! And last, but not least, mark your calendars - thirty two days to Christmas!!
Happy new week!
Polly P xxx
Friday, November 21, 2014
'If people like you, that's great. If they don't - that's cool too!"
I awoke this morning to the gentle jingle of the rain outside, the humming of traffic, and my girls discussing Ashley Simpson, the sister of business tycoon and singer, Jessica Simpson. The above words of wisdom are a direct quote from Ashley - my sentiments precisely! Don't bother what the haters say...ignore them 'til they fade away. Anon.
It's one of the kinder side effects of ageing - you develop chillaxation! Like Ashley, I no longer agonise about who likes me, or who doesn't. It is enormously liberating. To thine own self one must always be true. I applaud her for discovering this gem of wisdom at such a young age. The secret to happiness is Faith and begorrah! Faith is self-explanatory, and Begorrah is - leave a leg in it!
People can be strange, and weird, and wonderful too. We are programmed to be kind and polite to others. If they are having a bad day - you'll soon know. Some people lash out at others, whilst others suffer in silence. The last thing you want to say to them is "Snap out of it!" Whoa! that can be treading on dangerous ground. Naturally, you'll want to love and support those closest to your heart. But life isn't always easy, and we do need a good support system to help us on the journey.
What is your support system? Sometimes when we get really down on ourselves, our instinct is to build a little hole, and hide away from the world. It is safe, and nobody can hurt us. Right? Yes, perhaps for a time, while you re-connect with yourself, build your faith, and develop a good fighting spirit. But once that is done, you need to get back on the train. Fast! before the mind starts playing tricks with you.
The healthiest people I know, mentally speaking, are those with a deep sustaining faith, a good sense of humour, generosity of spirit, and the ability to take the rough with the smooth. Last, but not least, involvement with others - be it through a hobby, pets, weight loss program (yes!) or whatever. It is vital to be part of something. When you feel you don't belong anywhere - it can be the loneliest feeling on the planet. So reach out and touch somebody today - except if you are on a nudist holiday - naturally!!
Happy Friday!
Polly P xxx
I awoke this morning to the gentle jingle of the rain outside, the humming of traffic, and my girls discussing Ashley Simpson, the sister of business tycoon and singer, Jessica Simpson. The above words of wisdom are a direct quote from Ashley - my sentiments precisely! Don't bother what the haters say...ignore them 'til they fade away. Anon.
It's one of the kinder side effects of ageing - you develop chillaxation! Like Ashley, I no longer agonise about who likes me, or who doesn't. It is enormously liberating. To thine own self one must always be true. I applaud her for discovering this gem of wisdom at such a young age. The secret to happiness is Faith and begorrah! Faith is self-explanatory, and Begorrah is - leave a leg in it!
People can be strange, and weird, and wonderful too. We are programmed to be kind and polite to others. If they are having a bad day - you'll soon know. Some people lash out at others, whilst others suffer in silence. The last thing you want to say to them is "Snap out of it!" Whoa! that can be treading on dangerous ground. Naturally, you'll want to love and support those closest to your heart. But life isn't always easy, and we do need a good support system to help us on the journey.
What is your support system? Sometimes when we get really down on ourselves, our instinct is to build a little hole, and hide away from the world. It is safe, and nobody can hurt us. Right? Yes, perhaps for a time, while you re-connect with yourself, build your faith, and develop a good fighting spirit. But once that is done, you need to get back on the train. Fast! before the mind starts playing tricks with you.
The healthiest people I know, mentally speaking, are those with a deep sustaining faith, a good sense of humour, generosity of spirit, and the ability to take the rough with the smooth. Last, but not least, involvement with others - be it through a hobby, pets, weight loss program (yes!) or whatever. It is vital to be part of something. When you feel you don't belong anywhere - it can be the loneliest feeling on the planet. So reach out and touch somebody today - except if you are on a nudist holiday - naturally!!
Happy Friday!
Polly P xxx
Thursday, November 20, 2014
OMG what a journey! I could have been to the North Pole, and back, in the time it took us to get to Vancouver today. Claudia and I were at the terminal in good time only to discover that the 1 p.m. sailing was full. We had to wait a whole two hours for the 3 o'clock sailing - drat!! A further two hours on the ferry, and then out of the frying pan - bang into the fire of Vancouver rush hour traffic!
There is a radio station dedicated to it. Bumper to bumper of boredom. Nothing for it but to sit it out for the hour and a half it took us to navigate the unusually thick traffic. An accident or two caused the pile up. Thank God we don't have to do this every day in Victoria. In fact, our commute to work is only 3 minutes each way - seriously! Think of all the petrol you save, and time!! One gets lazy.
Finally, we hit Robson Street - Heaven!! The Champs Elysee of Vancouver was like London, Paris, New York, and Milan, all holding hands together in one magnificent welcome. Yay! Twinkling fairy lights, Ornate shop windows, Festive trees dripping in silver and blue, Stars, Bling, Buzz. Thank you Vancouver - you were worth the wait! Soon - very soon, I forgot about the journey, as our destination beckoned us in.
I have a rather industrious to-do list for the weekend. Plant daffodils on the patio for the Spring, do some Christmas shopping, have some quality time with Ali and Victoria, dig out the Christmas tree and decorations from #13, our allotted storage space in the basement, and see what other bits and bobs are stuck in there. I like going down there because it is cozy, and reminiscent of a chicken coop. I enjoy the challenge of using our tiny storage place to its fullest potential, like an Ikea kitchen, or Kevin working out how to squeeze all our fat holiday suitcases into the trunk of the car - same fun!! The chicken coop is a trial run for when we downsize some day - hopefully never!!
I have a lot of friends who have downsized, including our new neighbours, and are finding it really challenging. We're certainly not in the groove for it yet. On the plus side, a smaller space means less housework! Our view from the 7th floor, overlooking Robson Street is especially beautiful around Christmas time. A smaller home means bigger time for other things...hmm more restful too. Nay! by the time Sunday arrives, I'm ready for Victoria, my house full of memories, my animals, my mess, my refuge.
Love from Vancouver!
Polly P xxx
There is a radio station dedicated to it. Bumper to bumper of boredom. Nothing for it but to sit it out for the hour and a half it took us to navigate the unusually thick traffic. An accident or two caused the pile up. Thank God we don't have to do this every day in Victoria. In fact, our commute to work is only 3 minutes each way - seriously! Think of all the petrol you save, and time!! One gets lazy.
Finally, we hit Robson Street - Heaven!! The Champs Elysee of Vancouver was like London, Paris, New York, and Milan, all holding hands together in one magnificent welcome. Yay! Twinkling fairy lights, Ornate shop windows, Festive trees dripping in silver and blue, Stars, Bling, Buzz. Thank you Vancouver - you were worth the wait! Soon - very soon, I forgot about the journey, as our destination beckoned us in.
I have a rather industrious to-do list for the weekend. Plant daffodils on the patio for the Spring, do some Christmas shopping, have some quality time with Ali and Victoria, dig out the Christmas tree and decorations from #13, our allotted storage space in the basement, and see what other bits and bobs are stuck in there. I like going down there because it is cozy, and reminiscent of a chicken coop. I enjoy the challenge of using our tiny storage place to its fullest potential, like an Ikea kitchen, or Kevin working out how to squeeze all our fat holiday suitcases into the trunk of the car - same fun!! The chicken coop is a trial run for when we downsize some day - hopefully never!!
I have a lot of friends who have downsized, including our new neighbours, and are finding it really challenging. We're certainly not in the groove for it yet. On the plus side, a smaller space means less housework! Our view from the 7th floor, overlooking Robson Street is especially beautiful around Christmas time. A smaller home means bigger time for other things...hmm more restful too. Nay! by the time Sunday arrives, I'm ready for Victoria, my house full of memories, my animals, my mess, my refuge.
Love from Vancouver!
Polly P xxx
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
The shops are killing me with temptation. All my favourite Christmas sweets and treats are back for their annual pilgrimage - more like pigrimage!!. They're looking good, and haven't changed a bit since last year - the exact same in fact. I bought a few tins of Belgian biscuits for the dining room table. It looks very inviting when people come in from the cold, and want a cuppa. I will hold out a bit on the Quality Street, even though they were on sale, I felt it a little dangerous bringing them into the house so soon before Christmas. Chocolates and seasonal movies work very nicely together.
I've started my shopping - went slightly overboard last Sunday...thanks to my Bay gift cards. The bank rewarded me for all my spending this past year, by giving me gift cards for all the major stores. Every time I pay with my Visa I get points. It's very encouraging!! I got Kevin's present, little bits and bobs for the girls...and was extremely indulgent. Well, it wasn't real money. I don't consider gift cards real money, or are they?? Hmmm...
I could not resist buying the most delightful Christmas village ornament. It's BIG...It comes with a skating rink (not a real one). The village lights up when you plug it in, and dancers dance around the skating rink to the jingle of jolly Christmas music. And the joy - it was free! Yay! - first there was 25% off, then I got an extra 20% with my Bay discount. Already I'm at 45% off, and my Bay gift cards paid for the rest. Thank you Mr. Bank! I love it!! I told the family that if ever I was too exhausted to put up the annual Christmas Mardi Gras of decorations, all we have to do is take out 'The Village'. I decided to call it 'Tir na Nog" - the Irish for 'Land of eternal youth'. Perfect! As if I needed another decoration hehe!! Holiday Hall in the basement is now groaning. Please not another decoration!
After watching all those Christmas decorating videos I was telling you about, I realized I wasn't the only crazy one out there. In fact, I would say I'm pretty tame in comparison to others. At least I have never spent a whole three days making a swinging Christmas chandelier, as one lady did, and I don't spend $2,000 on Christmas lighting electricity bills, as some folk do. Christmas brings out the kid in us all. We need to end the year on a high note. It helps keep our old engines revved up and happy as we welcome in a brand new year. Right?
Talk soon!
Polly P xxx
I've started my shopping - went slightly overboard last Sunday...thanks to my Bay gift cards. The bank rewarded me for all my spending this past year, by giving me gift cards for all the major stores. Every time I pay with my Visa I get points. It's very encouraging!! I got Kevin's present, little bits and bobs for the girls...and was extremely indulgent. Well, it wasn't real money. I don't consider gift cards real money, or are they?? Hmmm...
I could not resist buying the most delightful Christmas village ornament. It's BIG...It comes with a skating rink (not a real one). The village lights up when you plug it in, and dancers dance around the skating rink to the jingle of jolly Christmas music. And the joy - it was free! Yay! - first there was 25% off, then I got an extra 20% with my Bay discount. Already I'm at 45% off, and my Bay gift cards paid for the rest. Thank you Mr. Bank! I love it!! I told the family that if ever I was too exhausted to put up the annual Christmas Mardi Gras of decorations, all we have to do is take out 'The Village'. I decided to call it 'Tir na Nog" - the Irish for 'Land of eternal youth'. Perfect! As if I needed another decoration hehe!! Holiday Hall in the basement is now groaning. Please not another decoration!
After watching all those Christmas decorating videos I was telling you about, I realized I wasn't the only crazy one out there. In fact, I would say I'm pretty tame in comparison to others. At least I have never spent a whole three days making a swinging Christmas chandelier, as one lady did, and I don't spend $2,000 on Christmas lighting electricity bills, as some folk do. Christmas brings out the kid in us all. We need to end the year on a high note. It helps keep our old engines revved up and happy as we welcome in a brand new year. Right?
Talk soon!
Polly P xxx
Thursday, November 13, 2014
On my tea break yesterday, I googled upon a most enjoyable Christmas wonderland. What a delight it was! Everything you ever wanted to know about decorating your home for Christmas - your hearth, table, front door wreath, entrance - the whole nine yards. Images were accompanied by cheesy...oops meant cheery! festive music to get you in the mood. I got some great ideas, and I will share a few of my favourite with you, for your entertainment, and edja-macation!
Sharpen your finger tips, and let's get googling...sorry I don't have their website addresses. Just type in the words.
Best of Christmas Decorating 2014
Decorate a tree with Kevin - not mine get your own Kevin!! (The tree decorating Kevin is from Trees and Trends)
Christmas Decorating with Rebecca Robeson (from Robeson Design)
Christmas Garlands with Lisa Robertson
Nancy Alexander on wreaths and greens
There are tons more, but the above were some of my favourite. I got great ideas from Nancy Alexander on giving a fresh twist to my old familiar front door wreath. She suggested putting fresh greens around a faux garland with fresh holly, etc. Never thought of that - thanks Nancy!
Rebecca Robeson suggested mixing up the way you decorate each year. Using old decorations in a novel way, can make them feel like new ones. I liked that idea, and will definitely put it to the test this Christmas. It is too expensive for me to change my colour scheme. I always use the traditional red, gold, and green hues. It suits my wall colours - and my wallet!! Sure, if I was a Hollywood movie star...Cobalt blue and silver tree one year, deccadent purple another year...what fun!
Another great idea for a centrepiece is to use a feather boa, and wrap it around some pillar candles (I think the led battery candles would be safer). Add some pine cones, and large colourful Christmas balls to the mix.
On my walk this morning, I came across a friendly bunch of arborists cutting down a beautiful and fragrant old pine tree. The branches would be perfect for my faux wreath, and Nativity set I thought - thanks to ideas I got from Nancy Alexander and Rebecca Robeson. I asked the fellows for a few branches, before they were gobbled up by their big noisy machine. They were delighted to be of assistance, and told me the branches could last until Christmas and beyond, if kept in water.
So my Polly Pals, get thee to a garden with a scissors. Keep an eye out for a holly bush, pine tree, or even broken branches from the last wind storm. You can spray paint the twigs in silver, or gold, and hang jolly baubles from them. Decorating with panache, and practicality...to quote Martha Stewart..."It's a good thing".
Some ideas to get you creative juices flowing...
Polly P xxx
Sharpen your finger tips, and let's get googling...sorry I don't have their website addresses. Just type in the words.
Best of Christmas Decorating 2014
Decorate a tree with Kevin - not mine get your own Kevin!! (The tree decorating Kevin is from Trees and Trends)
Christmas Decorating with Rebecca Robeson (from Robeson Design)
Christmas Garlands with Lisa Robertson
Nancy Alexander on wreaths and greens
There are tons more, but the above were some of my favourite. I got great ideas from Nancy Alexander on giving a fresh twist to my old familiar front door wreath. She suggested putting fresh greens around a faux garland with fresh holly, etc. Never thought of that - thanks Nancy!
Rebecca Robeson suggested mixing up the way you decorate each year. Using old decorations in a novel way, can make them feel like new ones. I liked that idea, and will definitely put it to the test this Christmas. It is too expensive for me to change my colour scheme. I always use the traditional red, gold, and green hues. It suits my wall colours - and my wallet!! Sure, if I was a Hollywood movie star...Cobalt blue and silver tree one year, deccadent purple another year...what fun!
Another great idea for a centrepiece is to use a feather boa, and wrap it around some pillar candles (I think the led battery candles would be safer). Add some pine cones, and large colourful Christmas balls to the mix.
On my walk this morning, I came across a friendly bunch of arborists cutting down a beautiful and fragrant old pine tree. The branches would be perfect for my faux wreath, and Nativity set I thought - thanks to ideas I got from Nancy Alexander and Rebecca Robeson. I asked the fellows for a few branches, before they were gobbled up by their big noisy machine. They were delighted to be of assistance, and told me the branches could last until Christmas and beyond, if kept in water.
So my Polly Pals, get thee to a garden with a scissors. Keep an eye out for a holly bush, pine tree, or even broken branches from the last wind storm. You can spray paint the twigs in silver, or gold, and hang jolly baubles from them. Decorating with panache, and practicality...to quote Martha Stewart..."It's a good thing".
Some ideas to get you creative juices flowing...
Polly P xxx
Friday, November 7, 2014
So Starbucks are advising. Goodbye pumpkin pie, hello yummy cranberry bliss! For various reasons, this past year has been a difficult one for many people. If you're reading this, it means you've survived 2014. You deserve to start celebrating...early - like now!! We, at the Pollyanna Department of Hope, believe that Christmas is a time of miracles, new beginnings, peace, joy and love.
The pleasure of Christmas should be prolonged. Every sparkly, altruistic, jolly, glittery, cozy, decadent moment, should be treasured. It will help eradicate all the misery of the past, and fuel your happy engine for the year ahead. You deserve to be happy. Christmas doesn't have to be expensive, nor does it have to be one big gluttonous pig-out. If you haven't spread much cheer in the past year, well now is your time to make up for that! Don't wallow in self-pity telling yourself how much you hate Christmas. Regrettably, it will be a self-fulfilling prophecy!
Start early, create your own cards, give home-made gifts of baking, jewellery, or maybe even soap! Creativity can save you buckets of money, and double the pleasure for everybody involved. Set yourself a budget for Christmas and stick to it. Make a Christmas card list, and also your gift list. This is a time for remembering all those people who have touched your life in the past year. Your dentist, doctor, newspaper delivery boy, garbage collectors, etc. You'd be surprised how much it means to them! Each Christmas, a financially-challenged patient gives Kevin a little bag of home made cookies, and it means the world to him!
There is absolutely no doubt, the more you give of yourself at Christmas, either by volunteering, or spreading cheer, the more joy you receive in return. That's why I love dear old St. Nicholas!
Blame it on personal hardships, recession, computer technology, or whatever. There has to be a good reason why our world has become more insular, cynical, and sometimes lacking in good old fashioned fun. Loneliness and depression are on the up and up...Even the cats on the street are suffering from SAD, and some parents will not let their kids go trick 'n treating any more, due to all the food allergies, and predators, etc. Hello World - what's going down??
So, without further ado, get on board the Christmas Zumba train of thought...Let's sock it to the world!!
Polly P xxx
The pleasure of Christmas should be prolonged. Every sparkly, altruistic, jolly, glittery, cozy, decadent moment, should be treasured. It will help eradicate all the misery of the past, and fuel your happy engine for the year ahead. You deserve to be happy. Christmas doesn't have to be expensive, nor does it have to be one big gluttonous pig-out. If you haven't spread much cheer in the past year, well now is your time to make up for that! Don't wallow in self-pity telling yourself how much you hate Christmas. Regrettably, it will be a self-fulfilling prophecy!
Start early, create your own cards, give home-made gifts of baking, jewellery, or maybe even soap! Creativity can save you buckets of money, and double the pleasure for everybody involved. Set yourself a budget for Christmas and stick to it. Make a Christmas card list, and also your gift list. This is a time for remembering all those people who have touched your life in the past year. Your dentist, doctor, newspaper delivery boy, garbage collectors, etc. You'd be surprised how much it means to them! Each Christmas, a financially-challenged patient gives Kevin a little bag of home made cookies, and it means the world to him!
There is absolutely no doubt, the more you give of yourself at Christmas, either by volunteering, or spreading cheer, the more joy you receive in return. That's why I love dear old St. Nicholas!
Blame it on personal hardships, recession, computer technology, or whatever. There has to be a good reason why our world has become more insular, cynical, and sometimes lacking in good old fashioned fun. Loneliness and depression are on the up and up...Even the cats on the street are suffering from SAD, and some parents will not let their kids go trick 'n treating any more, due to all the food allergies, and predators, etc. Hello World - what's going down??
So, without further ado, get on board the Christmas Zumba train of thought...Let's sock it to the world!!
Polly P xxx
Yay! I got my first Christmas card yesterday. It was from my Aunt in England. What a thrill! I also went to my first Christmas Bazaar with Ali and Claudia last Tuesday at Sears. They had door prizes, Christmas music, bells, whistles, perfume, free gifts galore, food, tarot readers (if your purchases came to $75), free manicures, facials, make-up, eyebrow threading, etc. etc. All that girly sort of stuff that I am a sucker for.
The day after Halloween it was full-on Christmas in the shops - Wham Bam! It was weird, to say the least. I was still in my witchy zone, and it felt like seasonal jet lag!! I wish they wouldn't do that, but shops have to sell, people need jobs, and the wheel of life has to keep churning. There is nothing as heart warming as the sight of sleigh bells in the snow, hot chocolate by a roaring fireside, and all our troubles gone off to Timbuktu, which is what the jolly holly greeting cards convey.
So today Christmas is coming...Let it be fun this time. It starts with the Christmas cards, since most of my friends and family live abroad, this is a big part of my annual tradition. In truth, the cards have been in the shops weeks before Halloween - sick I know! I'm always drawn to cards with Angels and Doves, since they symbolize peace and love. I also like cards with images of big cozy fireplaces, with stockings hanging overhead - and a tiny one for the resident mouse!! Once the cards are bought, everything else falls into place. Everybody loves to get a happy card in their mail boxes to place on their mantlepiece. Computer technology will never deliver the same thrill.
For others, it starts with the baking. Wish I was a baker, but alas, I'm not. I do make delicious almond rocca however, and one year I gave a bag of it to friends and family. It went down a treat. I placed them in clear cellophane bags, tied with bells and bows. I have now added dark and white chocolate peppermint bark to my culinary repertoire. Delish, and so easy to make. Each Christmas there is a bake sale, and whenever my church has one, I will do either the rocca, peppermint bark, or rice krispie cookies. The latter I place in festive muffin cups, with a cheery foil covered candy in the middle. Easy peasy and quite delicious too. I love the lead-up to Christmas, bake sales, church sales, etc.
It's too soon for the music...no I think I will wait for December to start playing the music, and putting up the decorations. Television ads are beginning to creep in. So watch out - It's Coming...Christmas that is!! EnJOY the build up...Me too!!
Polly P xxx
The day after Halloween it was full-on Christmas in the shops - Wham Bam! It was weird, to say the least. I was still in my witchy zone, and it felt like seasonal jet lag!! I wish they wouldn't do that, but shops have to sell, people need jobs, and the wheel of life has to keep churning. There is nothing as heart warming as the sight of sleigh bells in the snow, hot chocolate by a roaring fireside, and all our troubles gone off to Timbuktu, which is what the jolly holly greeting cards convey.
So today Christmas is coming...Let it be fun this time. It starts with the Christmas cards, since most of my friends and family live abroad, this is a big part of my annual tradition. In truth, the cards have been in the shops weeks before Halloween - sick I know! I'm always drawn to cards with Angels and Doves, since they symbolize peace and love. I also like cards with images of big cozy fireplaces, with stockings hanging overhead - and a tiny one for the resident mouse!! Once the cards are bought, everything else falls into place. Everybody loves to get a happy card in their mail boxes to place on their mantlepiece. Computer technology will never deliver the same thrill.
For others, it starts with the baking. Wish I was a baker, but alas, I'm not. I do make delicious almond rocca however, and one year I gave a bag of it to friends and family. It went down a treat. I placed them in clear cellophane bags, tied with bells and bows. I have now added dark and white chocolate peppermint bark to my culinary repertoire. Delish, and so easy to make. Each Christmas there is a bake sale, and whenever my church has one, I will do either the rocca, peppermint bark, or rice krispie cookies. The latter I place in festive muffin cups, with a cheery foil covered candy in the middle. Easy peasy and quite delicious too. I love the lead-up to Christmas, bake sales, church sales, etc.
It's too soon for the music...no I think I will wait for December to start playing the music, and putting up the decorations. Television ads are beginning to creep in. So watch out - It's Coming...Christmas that is!! EnJOY the build up...Me too!!
Polly P xxx
Thursday, November 6, 2014
I don't like the word 'deceased'. It screams This person ceases to exist! Gone - finito - never to return!! While in theory this is true, spiritually, we know our deceased loved ones will always remain close to us. At least for as long as we continue to remember them...And we should. They love it - just as they did in life.
For the month of November, our church has a book placed on the altar. Parishioners are invited to write the names of departed loved ones in this book, and they will be prayed for. The other day I did just that. My list filled two whole pages. It's true to say I probably have more friends in Heaven than planet earth! It feels good to have friends on 'the other side'.
Each Halloween, a friend of mine gets together with some friends to resurrect memories of departed loved ones. They talk about them, cook their favourite food, laugh at their jokes, look at their photos, etc. What a wonderful thing to do. I especially like the idea of cooking their favourite meals! At Christmas time, another friend of mine places photos of her deceased loved ones on her Christmas tree. I have a little photo album which I have filled with their photos. I pray for then when I can - which should be more frequently I know!
I love watching Theresa Caputo, the Long Island Medium on t.v. She communicates with the dead. I know some skeptics doubt the veracity of her abilities - but hey! I'm not one of them. I'm a believer. Listening to her, there is no doubt in my mind. Our loved ones are always close by, watching out for us. So for the month of November, if there has been a lull - let's get the dialogue going again...
Some suggestions, apart from the above mentioned:
Find some quiet space
Light a candle
Take out the photos of your deceased loved ones
Pray for their souls
Tell them how much you love and miss them still
Talk to them out loud - in the kitchen - in the car - wherever
Put their photos in prominent places. I see my dad's smiling face
in the kitchen when I am cooking, or doing my ironing. He always loved
the kitchen.
Keep the love in your hearts!
Polly P xxx
For the month of November, our church has a book placed on the altar. Parishioners are invited to write the names of departed loved ones in this book, and they will be prayed for. The other day I did just that. My list filled two whole pages. It's true to say I probably have more friends in Heaven than planet earth! It feels good to have friends on 'the other side'.
Each Halloween, a friend of mine gets together with some friends to resurrect memories of departed loved ones. They talk about them, cook their favourite food, laugh at their jokes, look at their photos, etc. What a wonderful thing to do. I especially like the idea of cooking their favourite meals! At Christmas time, another friend of mine places photos of her deceased loved ones on her Christmas tree. I have a little photo album which I have filled with their photos. I pray for then when I can - which should be more frequently I know!
I love watching Theresa Caputo, the Long Island Medium on t.v. She communicates with the dead. I know some skeptics doubt the veracity of her abilities - but hey! I'm not one of them. I'm a believer. Listening to her, there is no doubt in my mind. Our loved ones are always close by, watching out for us. So for the month of November, if there has been a lull - let's get the dialogue going again...
Some suggestions, apart from the above mentioned:
Find some quiet space
Light a candle
Take out the photos of your deceased loved ones
Pray for their souls
Tell them how much you love and miss them still
Talk to them out loud - in the kitchen - in the car - wherever
Put their photos in prominent places. I see my dad's smiling face
in the kitchen when I am cooking, or doing my ironing. He always loved
the kitchen.
Keep the love in your hearts!
Polly P xxx
Sunday, November 2, 2014
It is no secret that I just LOVE Halloween. I know Pope Francis doesn't share my views on this fun filled time, and feels it should be more of a 'Holyween'....Isn't being kind and generous to strangers kind of holy? Well, I thought I would share my thoughts on this colourful time of year - just in case he is reading this. True to say this time of years appeals to the witch in me. I think I was one in a past life, and that I was burnt at the stake - which may explain my dislike of barbecues, and the sight of full pigs roasting...aagh!!
As a child I have very happy memories of Halloween. Treats were few and far between. We would look forward to eating delicious barmbrack lathered in butter, and to see who got the ring. Whoever got the ring would be the first to marry. Nobody wanted to get the pea - they would die an old maid! It was fun - as was ducking for apples, and dancing on the beach around a big warm bonfire. Fun fun fun - that is my childhood memory of halloween, which I have carried into my adult life.
When I came to Canada twenty two years ago, I found people kept to themselves, and I felt quite isolated for a time. I think part of the reason was because of the arctic climate that kept people huddled up inside for months at a time. People were polite, but very reserved - so different from the loquacious Ireland I had left behind. But there was one day that changed all that - One day - and that day was Halloween!!
On my first Canadian Halloween in Fort McMurray - horror of horrors - I ran short of candy! I had no idea how huge this holiday was in Canada. I was desperately raiding every cupboard in the house looking for anything sweet. The door bell kept hopping, and I had no idea what to do! A kind neighbour realized my plight, and sent her kids down with whopping huge bags of candy for me to distribute, and would not take payment - how kind!!
This was a day that helped me to see another side to Canadians - the warmth, generosity, and deeply concealed child, that lurked within my newly adopted countrymen and women. Yeah! I knew it! They could party like rock stars, and did have a wild side, and were immensely creative, as could be seen from the incredible costumes. That's why I love love love Halloween!
Yes, I always have an enormous blast at Halloween. Yes, I go all out. Yes, this year was no exception. Go big or go home. I don't do skulls, graveyards, yucky stuff - enoooo! That's not my thing. I respect the dead. I like an excuse to do pretty and dress up with fancy headdress, glitter, diamonds (not real!) fur, feathers, fancy palancy! I was Cleopatra one year, Cinderalla another year - you get the drift...
The fun part is decorating the house two weeks in advance, making up my treat bags for the visiting little trick 'n treaters, and seeing the utter joy in their faces, when I hold the basket in my hand, and invite them to take a big fat bag from it! Priceless. My kids always had great fun at Halloween, and had a little ritual of emptying out their trick 'n treat bags, and sharing the spoils. They were always very generous with Mama!!
Why are coffee crisps so unpopular and Mars bars the favourite I would wonder? I watched in awe as they neatly arranged all the smarties in one bunch, and mars in another, etc. The dentist across the street always gave out free tooth brushes - lol, and a little old lady in one house would fill delightful little bags with orange and black jelly beans all tied up in pretty bows. Cute.
In short, Halloween is a practice run for Christmas and spreading good cheer. It's a last hurrah before I go into spiritual hibernation for the month of November, a time when I remember my dearly beloved deceased ones.
So that's my take on Halloween or should I say Holyween!!
Toodlepip for now!
Polly P xxx
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