Wish I could say that sweet aphrodite soaking in the tub was me! I have a large claw foot tub c. 1916 painted pink (see below). The handyman who painted it aptly called it 'the pepto-bismol tub' for obvious reasons!
Talking about tubs leads me to my next train of thought...
You really have to be good to yourself (think lone sailor on sea of life analogy). There are so many people depending on you to make this world a better place. How can you help anyone if you are not in a good physical or mental space yourself? On your journey to Nirvana, stop off and have a weekly date with yourself. That's exactly what I did on Saturday, and boy I sure feel like a new girl!
All I did was take two hours to myself, turned on the bath water, and put some Angel shower lotion in the water. It produced bubbles of absolute bliss, and in moments my bathroom was magically transformed into a luxurious spa. Before I got into the water, I de-fuzzed the legs, washed my face with facial scrub to take off the dead skin, and then applied an Elizabeth Arden face mask, which I bought ages ago, and have hardly ever used it - shame on me! Thankfully, it was still perfect.
What followed was an hour of total delight. I dived into some wonderful magazines, which I had bought some time ago, but never allowed myself the time to enjoy them. Now I did, and what a treat. You could spend longer on your date, and do stuff like a manicure, hair mask, or even a foot spa and home pedicure. I used to do a lot more of that when I was younger, before I married and had children. From now on, I am putting a weekly date with myself on the menu - maybe in my 'Happy Calendar'. No buts or maybes! Why don't you do the same? After all...you're worth it! Yes you are.
FUN UP YOUR LIFE! Put it on your to-do list.
How do you like my cute little 'pepto-bismol tub? It makes bath time fun!
Image: http://www.spaweekend-i.com/spa-weekend-breaks-bath
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