Saturday, February 16, 2013


I promised you something nice yesterday and here it all its slushy splendour -

A free invitation to the Pollyanna Love Fest - Yeah! Knew you'd like this one, but it does come with rules. And you must obey each one, so that by the end of the Love Fest, you'll have a warm, fuzzy fabulosa feeling in your hearts. If you don't, then you did not obey each task - naughty naughty!! If you do have the warm fuzzy feeling, you'll be jumping for joy - and so you might for all that work.

Task One   -  Read the above pink message very carefully and just do it!

Task Two  -  Put the kettle on now and make yourself a nice soothing cup of                        tea...

Task Three - With tea in hand and sitting in a cosy chair, let your                        fingers wander over to Polly's Playlist and listen to the first few                        love songs. Listen to the lyrics. Learn them by heart and sing                        them at least once daily. Except Katy Perry - just enjoy her fun                        video.

Task Four -  Read and contemplate the message below which I found in an old
                     greeting card when I was doing the big clearout. Loved the words.
                     Hope you will too!


Treasure your dreams; like your life, they are a wonderful gift...
Accept and appreciate that you're the one most responsible for making
your dreams come true. Be your own best friend. Cheer yourself on.

Choose your thoughts, because if you don't, you're still making a choice
and you'll have to take what you get. In your mind's eye, create a positive picture that will draw what you want to you. Your intuition is powerful: use it.
Keep your desires burning. Don't be afraid to take careful chances.

Inform yourself. Make the connection between your thoughts, your actions, and
the results you're getting. The cumulative quality of your actions will weave the
the tapestry of your destiny. Live your life consciously; don't just let your life live you!

Look at your circumstances as life lessons rather than adversities. Keep a careful watch over your joy. Cherish it. Acknowledge your blessings, no matter how small they may seem. You are a student in the school of life and in many ways your own teacher. Appreciate the lessons you've learned, and enjoy life, others, and yourself.

So my Polly Pals...lots of food for thought since I don't have the opportunity
to feed your tummies!

Love yourselves not just February, but every day and month of the year. God does not make junk and it makes him happy to see you appreciate his creation - YOU - LIFE. Like diamonds in the gotta SHINE BRIGHT LIKE A DIAMOND!!

Choo Choo for now and don't forget the tea and love songs...


Patricia xxx


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