Wednesday, May 22, 2013


For once, I'm taking my own advice and Carpe Diem-ing! Each single moment of life is precious...So when my good friend Mary invited me to join her and some other friends in Milan this June, I said YES YES and YES again - just in case she didn't hear me the first time!!

So the suitcases are out and adventure is in! I'm off to Ireland June 2nd and will be away until July 6th D.V. with a week in Milan and Venice in between. I fully, and intentionally, will put FUN, ADVENTURE, CRAIC (not the dope version!) and POSITIVE IDEATION high on my agenda! I know that sharing a room with my Momma, who only wants God to take her, so she can be with my dad in heaven, may not be everybody's idea of a 'Fun Time'...but Momma is going to be getting an earful from me!! Something like this "Mother, if you wake up, and you're still alive, you have to SHOW UP FOR LIFE! Brush the hair, apply the rouge and lipstick, and put on a Smile to meet the faces that you meet. Grin and bear it girl!

God, and God alone, decides when it's 'our time' and he doesn't take too kindly to folk begging him to Speed it up Man!! Life is precious. There is a lesson to be learned from every experience...especially the painful ones - No Pain No Gain! And when we have lived out our Karma in this world, it's toodle pip, and then onto the next adventure! Hell...No!!

I like the idea that life is a train journey (and sometimes a wreck!!). We are always moving...moving...moving closer to our final destination. Some days on the train are sunny, others miserable, as the rain of sadness and disappointments, beat against the windows of our souls. But we know that sunshine follows rain, and that's what keeps us truckin' with our lives.

To have a positive image of the 'final destination' makes the journey more enjoyable. Being nice to others makes for a more pleasant journey along the way...and adopting an optimistic 'train of thought'. Being open to adventure and friendly means welcoming strangers into our carriage. They will be getting off at a different stop, but Hey! you never know what you can learn from them!

So as my pal Rick Steeves says 'Keep on Travellin'!

Choo Choo for now!

Patricia xxx

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