Wednesday, July 16, 2014


If you want to know the  reason why people of late have been all shook up...simply look to the stars. O.K. I agree, there is nothing simple about people's unhappiness. Life throws us all different flavoured lemons. We need to get creative with the juice we produce!! Astrology does provide some clues for me as to why people are being pulled in every direction. Here goes...

The two powerhouse planets - Pluto and Uranus - have been at loggerheads since 2012. Uranus is in go-gettem, impatient, impulsive Aries, and Pluto, the master of the underworld, is in cautious, shrewd Capricorn. Several times over the past two years they have been squaring off against each other and power struggles between nations and people are the end result. Just like the moon affects the tides and our moods - ya better believe it - so too do Pluto and Uranus cause major world wars within us. If you have a prominent Pluto and Uranus in your chart...Ouch!!

Many people have been making major changes in their lives, and if they haven't already done this, they sure are wanting to... Pluto is the planet of major transformation - within and without. The last time Pluto was conjunct Uranus was in the sixties. Baby Boomers will remember the sixties, and know exactly what I mean.

Do you want to change something desperately about your life? New job? New home? New relationship? New body? New country? Is there somebody being really stubborn at the moment? Do you feel like life is throwing you one challenge after the other? AS ABOVE SO BELOW...

Be patient - Be courageous - and Just do it!! By the end of this challenging Pluto/Uranus shake-up, our lives can be transformed for the good. YOU have from now until March 2015 to make those changes...

Something to Chew Chew on!!


Patricia xxx

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