Thursday, February 5, 2015


That was my bank manager's reaction yesterday when I told him I was going. He seemed surprised, like as if Cuba was a country where they ate their young, and Che Guevara was still running around the streets with his machine gun. "At least it's good to get there before the Americans" he said, just like everybody else does when I tell them I'm going to Cuba. What's wrong with McDonald's and Starbucks? Some of my best holidays were 'McDonaldized' for want of a better word - New York, Miami, California, Orlando, Las Vegas, Hawaii - what fun!

Cuba will be different. It's a quirky place to visit, and they love to dance! Because they have not been 'Americanized', we can expect it to be a rich condensed culture, and maybe a little bit lacking in creature comforts. Certainly not a place for shopping. Cars are from the 50's, and they have absolutely no junk food! - or so I'm told. No chocolate? I'll tell you when I get there...All shall be revealed!

I told the fellow in the bank that when I watched Cuban rapper Pitbull gyrating his hips on stage in Miami New Year's Eve, the seed was sown. "Who's Pitbull?" he asked. What planet was this man living on I wondered to myself. Even my 74 year old friend Anita is in love with Pitbull. I dared him to ask one of the young female bank tellers. They would surely know! So over he boldly strides. "Do you like Pitbull?" he asked a sweet innocent teller.  She told him that yes, she loved all dogs - even Pitbulls! The moment was lost.

As I pack my suitcase, cigar smoke and Cuban music are competing for air space. The cigars were a timely gift for Kevin from a patient, and he couldn't wait to try them out! He is wearing his straw hat to complete the picture, while devouring all the books on Cuba - now that's the spirit!

I'll keep you posted...!!

Hugs and Kisses,

Polly P xxx

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