Wednesday, April 29, 2015
I'm huge into Affirmations at the moment. As I've gotten into them, I've come to the aha moment realization that in fact - (and we really don't realize it because they sneak their way into our system) - we actually feed/poison our minds on an hourly basis, with a daily dose of nasty manure. "You're not good enough...thin enough...successful enough...". We have been poisoning our delicate little systems without even realizing it! Aren't we krazeeee?
NOW it's time to change the station - Yes Sir!/Madam! Today is the day!
I shall share with you some delightful daily affirmations for you to digest with your breakfast.
Here is today's delicious offering: It for YOU! courtesy of Louise Hay and me!!
'I offer those around me patience, encouragement, support,
a cheerful word, the gift of a smile - and most of all, appreciation'.
EnJOY and have a fabulous day to all my playful PP's (Polly Pals)
Polly P xxx
Monday, April 27, 2015
Today, was one of those grey gloomy Mondays that makes you want to stay in bed, pull the covers over your head, and fast forward to evening time when 'Dancing with the Stars' is on the telly, and everybody is cosy and supper is on the table.
We had been discussing talent over the weekend, and doing what makes your heart sing, and getting paid for it. How do you promote yourself? was another question that arose. Claudia's response was brilliant "A bird will never get fed if it doesn't open its mouth". Think about it. I thought about it.
You have to promote what you do! Sing! Shout it out loud! Because, just like a bird, you'll never get fed if you don't open your mouth.
As my business is growing, I realize I need to up-date my website, get some videos going, make some noise, because whenever I do that, the response is good - it's just you have to keep doing it! Yeps! Success is 99% perspiration and 1% inspiration - that's kinda depressing, isn't it? Well tomorrow I will be doing a half day workshop to learn how to be my own Rockstar Publicist. My eWoman Network friend Pamela Sylvan is running the workshop.
The bird theme was following me around because when I opened my agenda to write my to-do list for the day, there was a picture of a bird on the page with the following words:
"Use what talents you possess; the woods would be very silent
if no birds sang there except those that sang best".
And if that wasn't enough stimulation for my bird-brain, I looked out the kitchen window to see a beautiful robin perched on the branch of a tree. He was looking for grub, spotted some, and away he flew before another bird got to it. Hmm you have to be on the ball too! These birds are teaching me.
So, if you find yourself wanting to pursue your passion - whatever that may be. Take heart - and just do it! Dance, Sing, Create, Write, Sew - Just do it! And don't forget to tell the world about it while you're at it, because remember a bird will never get fed if it doesn't open its mouth!
Polly P xxx
We had been discussing talent over the weekend, and doing what makes your heart sing, and getting paid for it. How do you promote yourself? was another question that arose. Claudia's response was brilliant "A bird will never get fed if it doesn't open its mouth". Think about it. I thought about it.
You have to promote what you do! Sing! Shout it out loud! Because, just like a bird, you'll never get fed if you don't open your mouth.
As my business is growing, I realize I need to up-date my website, get some videos going, make some noise, because whenever I do that, the response is good - it's just you have to keep doing it! Yeps! Success is 99% perspiration and 1% inspiration - that's kinda depressing, isn't it? Well tomorrow I will be doing a half day workshop to learn how to be my own Rockstar Publicist. My eWoman Network friend Pamela Sylvan is running the workshop.
The bird theme was following me around because when I opened my agenda to write my to-do list for the day, there was a picture of a bird on the page with the following words:
"Use what talents you possess; the woods would be very silent
if no birds sang there except those that sang best".
And if that wasn't enough stimulation for my bird-brain, I looked out the kitchen window to see a beautiful robin perched on the branch of a tree. He was looking for grub, spotted some, and away he flew before another bird got to it. Hmm you have to be on the ball too! These birds are teaching me.
So, if you find yourself wanting to pursue your passion - whatever that may be. Take heart - and just do it! Dance, Sing, Create, Write, Sew - Just do it! And don't forget to tell the world about it while you're at it, because remember a bird will never get fed if it doesn't open its mouth!
Polly P xxx
Saturday, April 25, 2015
"Some people die at 25, but are not buried until they are 75".
Mindfulness Ireland posted the above message to my FB page the other day and I thought to myself - Wow! what a sobering thought!! That sobering thought was imbedded in my brain even more some hours later at the supermarket. A very nice cheerful chap helped me load my groceries. He wore a most intriguing pendant around his neck. I asked him about it and his response made me gag - literally! "My son's ashes are in it" he said, referring to the pendant, and then he continued "He was killed on his way to work by a driver who was texting at the time". I wasn't expecting that. I would have preferred to hear it was a gift from his grandmother!
The pendant was surrounded by gems which were the birthstones of his son, the son's little daughter who was left fatherless, and all the rest of his family. It was absolutely beautiful and thought provoking, especially after receiving the above message on FB.
It also brought to mind another conversation I had recently with a lovely lady who was widowed at a young age, and left to care for her two very young children. She was calm and philosophic about the whole matter, and said to me "Patricia, at least he lived 'til he died". By that she meant, he had lived his life happily, doing work he loved, and just enjoyed his life. My question today is "Do you enjoy your life?" Are you living your life, or simply existing your life?
There is an old gypsy song which I remember my dad singing in the car on our way to the bog. I loved to hear him sing it. It went something like this...
"I'm a rambler I'm a gambler and a long way from home
And if you don't like me, just leave me alone
I'll eat when I'm hungry, and drink when I'm dry
And if the moonshine don't kill me, I'll live 'til I die"
A simple song with a compelling end "I'll live 'til I die". I also liked the bit 'and if you don't like me, just leave me alone'.
I'm a firm believer in 'Blooming where you're planted'. Wherever God puts you, or whatever life throws at you - you gotta find enjoyment in your life! And be cheerful about it. Cheerful, being the operative word - just like the nice man who helped me load my groceries into my car the other day.
Have a playful weekend!
Polly P xxx
Mindfulness Ireland posted the above message to my FB page the other day and I thought to myself - Wow! what a sobering thought!! That sobering thought was imbedded in my brain even more some hours later at the supermarket. A very nice cheerful chap helped me load my groceries. He wore a most intriguing pendant around his neck. I asked him about it and his response made me gag - literally! "My son's ashes are in it" he said, referring to the pendant, and then he continued "He was killed on his way to work by a driver who was texting at the time". I wasn't expecting that. I would have preferred to hear it was a gift from his grandmother!
The pendant was surrounded by gems which were the birthstones of his son, the son's little daughter who was left fatherless, and all the rest of his family. It was absolutely beautiful and thought provoking, especially after receiving the above message on FB.
It also brought to mind another conversation I had recently with a lovely lady who was widowed at a young age, and left to care for her two very young children. She was calm and philosophic about the whole matter, and said to me "Patricia, at least he lived 'til he died". By that she meant, he had lived his life happily, doing work he loved, and just enjoyed his life. My question today is "Do you enjoy your life?" Are you living your life, or simply existing your life?
There is an old gypsy song which I remember my dad singing in the car on our way to the bog. I loved to hear him sing it. It went something like this...
"I'm a rambler I'm a gambler and a long way from home
And if you don't like me, just leave me alone
I'll eat when I'm hungry, and drink when I'm dry
And if the moonshine don't kill me, I'll live 'til I die"
A simple song with a compelling end "I'll live 'til I die". I also liked the bit 'and if you don't like me, just leave me alone'.
I'm a firm believer in 'Blooming where you're planted'. Wherever God puts you, or whatever life throws at you - you gotta find enjoyment in your life! And be cheerful about it. Cheerful, being the operative word - just like the nice man who helped me load my groceries into my car the other day.
Have a playful weekend!
Polly P xxx
Saturday, April 4, 2015

A time of renewal, re-birth - and just ploughing through the pain!
I still miss my little kitchen companion Chichi every day, but there is nothing for it but to plough through the pain... She definitely was a master chef in another life. She loved her food, and the aroma of food being cooked was manna from heaven for her! Yesterday, when I opened a can of salmon, I winced in sadness, because there were no familiar little paws following me around, ready to lick the empty tin. She would lick the empty tin from one side of the kitchen to the other!!
The other thing Chichi loved was dirty laundry! When I would do the laundry, she loved to snuggle up in the middle of the soiled stuff. Once, I nearly threw her into the machine with the sheets!! She also loved her music and warmth. Every time I left the kitchen where she loved to be, I would turn the music on for her, preferably jazz, or easy listening - Chichi was an archetypal Taurus - in case you hadn't guessed! She loved her food, family, music, and comfort!
She was my trusty companion for more than a decade, guardian of the home, door bell when I was in the basement and did not hear the buzzer, Psychologist, when I needed somebody to confide in, hot water bottle on a cold day, companion when nobody else wanted to go for a walk, love nanny to the girls, etc. Who couldn't love a dog?
So, when Claudia told me she had a dream about Chichi last night, and that in the dream, Chichi was up to her eyeballs in ham, and delighted with herself - that was it! I knew I had to snap out of it! Since she passed away on Tuesday, she has appeared twice to us in dreams. The first night to me, letting me know she was happy, and then last night to Claudia. So, the sadness and loneliness I felt for her shifted. I decided to cheer up, and invite the Spring into our home. It is after all, a time of re-birth and renewal - and I do have a 20 year collection of Easter ornaments sitting idle in Holiday Hall in the basement! Just the process of decorating the place cheered us all up. When I saw the smiles appear on everybody's faces again - it was worth it!
Have a beautiful Spring and Easter. May it be a time of re-birth and renewal for you!
Hugs and Kisses,
Polly P xxx
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