Today, was one of those grey gloomy Mondays that makes you want to stay in bed, pull the covers over your head, and fast forward to evening time when 'Dancing with the Stars' is on the telly, and everybody is cosy and supper is on the table.
We had been discussing talent over the weekend, and doing what makes your heart sing, and getting paid for it. How do you promote yourself? was another question that arose. Claudia's response was brilliant "A bird will never get fed if it doesn't open its mouth". Think about it. I thought about it.
You have to promote what you do! Sing! Shout it out loud! Because, just like a bird, you'll never get fed if you don't open your mouth.
As my business is growing, I realize I need to up-date my website, get some videos going, make some noise, because whenever I do that, the response is good - it's just you have to keep doing it! Yeps! Success is 99% perspiration and 1% inspiration - that's kinda depressing, isn't it? Well tomorrow I will be doing a half day workshop to learn how to be my own Rockstar Publicist. My eWoman Network friend Pamela Sylvan is running the workshop.
The bird theme was following me around because when I opened my agenda to write my to-do list for the day, there was a picture of a bird on the page with the following words:
"Use what talents you possess; the woods would be very silent
if no birds sang there except those that sang best".
And if that wasn't enough stimulation for my bird-brain, I looked out the kitchen window to see a beautiful robin perched on the branch of a tree. He was looking for grub, spotted some, and away he flew before another bird got to it. Hmm you have to be on the ball too! These birds are teaching me.
So, if you find yourself wanting to pursue your passion - whatever that may be. Take heart - and just do it! Dance, Sing, Create, Write, Sew - Just do it! And don't forget to tell the world about it while you're at it, because remember a bird will never get fed if it doesn't open its mouth!
Polly P xxx
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