Sunday, December 30, 2012


And boy does it ever!! My old sweeping  brush collapsed before Christmas and had to be replaced. There's something about this new one. Ever since it arrived it seems to have cast a spell over me - a good spell! It's not just the floor...I've been going insane cleaning out cupboards, presses, drawers, cabinets - everything that once housed clutter is no longer safe with Polly and her new sweeping brush! Three giant refuse bags are now full in the garage, awaiting our next trip to the dump.

I'm blaming this manic de-cluttering on two things - a mice infestation we had recently (Kevin caught 2 dozen) - yuck yuck!! They came in via the garage, and decided to stay, thanks to the dog food housed there. The other reason is it's good Feng Shui to de-clutter your home before welcoming in the new year. It brings good luck - out with the old - in with the new. So get cracking!!

I've just one day left to finish it all - will I? I like deadlines...I also like the idea of starting the new year with a squeaky clean home, minus mice, clutter, plastic bags full of papers, and the luxury of being able to find things! If I don't get it all finished in the next day, I still have the Chinese New Year to aim for...So do you!

Let's do it together...

Clean out all kitchen cupboards - throw away expired food items. Clean out fridge.

Clean out your wardrobes. Organise outfits.

Make your wish list for the year a.k.a. bucket list.

DO NOT weigh yourself. Just gently change your eating habits if you've been over-indulging! I have no intention of weighing myself. It would only depress me and Pollyanna is all about positive ideation - right? Just let your waistbands guide you!

On New Year's Day make sure to get a good old walk in! Fresh Air = Fresh start!

NO STINKIN' THINKIN' in 2013! Keep moving forward...

Start a Gratitude Journal - It's the best thing you can do for yourself.

Feed your spiritual side. Soul food is actually quite delicious hmmm...Taste the following books 'Anam Cara' and 'Benedictus' both by John O'Donohue and 'The Age of Miracles' by Marianne Williamson. These are great books to keep in your bedside locker. Wonderful to dip in at any page, and will help you have a peaceful sleep.

Write a list of all the things that bug you about your life. Set them aflame with a match and watch them disappear!

Fill balloons with your wishes for 2013. Let them fly up to heaven, and ask the Angels to help you achieve them! C'mon it's worth a shot. Insane - so what!

Plan at least ONE fun trip in the year ahead. Give yourself something to look forward to - something to aim for...

Last, but not least - be kind to yourself! That way you can be kind to others, Right?

Choo Choo for now!


Patricia xxx

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