Monday, May 13, 2013


So said Rev. Mark at Georgina's funeral and it's what my mother would always say when I'd tell her about some remarkable angelic intervention I'd experienced "Shur heaven is all around us love" meaning the angels are never far away from us.

I have noticed a strange phenomenon happens to me whenever somebody dies; I see their double soon afterwards. Most recently when a patient of ours died, I saw his exact image in a store. Then again one day when I was waiting to cross at the crosswalk he was standing at the other end of the crosswalk, also waiting for the light to change. If I didn't know he was dead I'd have gone up to him and said 'Hello'. Sounds weird I know, but it happens an awful lot. Co-incidence or what? Don't know.

After my pal Nancy died June two years ago, I would think of her a lot, especially since her death was so tragic. Her favourite colour was pink and we both shared a love of elephants (my favourite is a pink rose quartz elephant she gave me). I was sitting in my car waiting for Claudia one day and I asked Nancy for a sign to let me know that she was O.K. Suddenly, a girl passed by wearing a pink t-shirt with a large elephant image on it. That was all I needed! Co-incidence or what? Wishful thinking? Don't know...

Before daddy died last December, I'd visit him in hospital. He loved having his hair brushed and he also loved touching people's hair. I asked him 'Do you like my hair?' 'Gorgeous' he'd say, as he gently caressed it. I keep the little folding purple brush I used on his hair in my handbag. One night shortly after his death, I had returned from Ireland and was lying in bed thinking of him. I couldn't sleep. Suddenly, I could feel invisible fingers touching my hair. It was only for a few seconds, but I knew it was dad letting me know be was o.k. I wasn't scared as I know things happen that nobody can explain. Co-incidence or what? Wishful thinking? Who is to know...

The other day when I was walking on my beloved chip trail, I passed a magnificent meadow of wild purple flowers. It was breathtakingly beautiful. The sight of this profusion of purple made me think of Georgina and her love for the colour purple. Just as I was thinking of her, I noticed a girl walking by herself ahead of me. I never had the pleasure of meeting Georgina, but I have subsequently seen many photos of her. This girl could have been her! She was tall with long flowing hair and wore a dark purple sleeveless top. She had a soft lilac coloured cardigan wrapped around her waist. Naturally, she made me think of Georgina! The strange thing about her is that she was walking very slowly. Most people walking on the chip trail are power walkers or dog walkers. She was neither. She certainly caught my attention!

I could fill many pages telling you of similar incidence after the death of a person but I think by now you get my drift. I do believe that 'Heaven is all around us' and yes, I do believe in life after death...and finally, I do enjoy listening to Theresa 'The Long Island Medium' on television. I believe she has a genuine talent and that she does bring comfort to many.

Whether you're a believer or not, isn't it comforting to know that even when your loved ones depart this world, they are always close to us in spirit.

Choo Choo on it...


Patricia xxx

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