Tuesday, May 28, 2013


Dunno whether it's the fact I've been eating my vitamins like smarties recently, but the energy has been way up there - thanks be! I'm taking a slew of them at the moment. Multivitamins for the 'over 50's' (a.k.a. senior citizens this side of the pond). Omega 3's, Q10 for the heart, B12`s, D3`s, Selenium, Magnesium and finally last but not least, Ms. Ginseng for energy. I`m pumped up like a fire engine! I heard through the celebrity grapevine that the rich and famous eat them instead of food (which is how they stay skinny). I'm adding them with food. However, if Joan Rivers and Jane Fonda can look and 'Be' like that nearing 80 count me in!! - but the food has to stay!

What has helped me enormously to down the dreaded pills is a gorgeous orange pill box I got to encourage me to take them. It has a sunflower on it and I find it cheery and more capacious than other pill boxes I`ve had in the past. All 8 of them fit in nice and cozy. I fill the box each morning before I have time to forget. I want to feel this good every day.

Travelling over on the plane from Toronto earlier this month I read an article that said D3 is the magic `energy pill`. It makes people feel more cheerful and energetic. I have a borderline thyroid condition and apparently the D3 helps with this. I`ve also read that Selenium and Magnesium help you to be more positive and give you that `feel good`feeling.

So far since I started taking the golden nuggets last week, I have filled the freezer with 30 containers of food - one for each day I am away! Butter Chicken and rice, Beef Stew, Veggie Lasagne, Veggie Chili, Thai Chicken Curry, Salmon with veggies and rice and Pork Stew. I had the pork for breakfast last Sunday at 8.00 a.m.! Don`t normally eat it that early but I had been cooking it overnight in the slow cooker and needed to taste it.

If I had to live on an Island, and only allowed one item from my kitchen - it would have to be my crock pot and electricity of course!! I am not ever this organized - trust me! I have practically all my laundry up-to-date, and last but not least - almost all the house cleaned top to toe. Where is the energy coming from...I can only assume the vitamins!! I`m not normally that kick-ass Martha Stewart. Of course it could be the thought of Milan on the horizon that has pumped up the volume!!

So Because I want YOU, my beloved reader, to feel AWESOME absolutely every day of your life...check out your vitamins...See if there is something your friendly Pharmacist would recommend (not the one on commission!).

Choo Choo for now - and keep Doing - and Thinking thoughts - that make you HAPPY to be alive!! Stay away from the dark clouds of despair...Learn to navigate them down the toilette. Turn on the t.v. to a happy channel!


Polly P xxx

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