Thursday, July 3, 2014


As soon as the Canada Day fireworks light up the sky, I know summer is here! July 1st was a glorious riot of red and white t-shirts, garlands, face paint, sunshine and smiles. The only dark moment was saying goodbye to our darling Victoria who is now in Vancouver, about to start a whole new chapter in her life...I am happy for her, as the best is yet to come, D.V.

Ali has started her new dream job with a travel and lifestyle magazine. I wish I was her!! By sheer geographical co-incidence, her office in gastown is right beside the restaurant where my Godson Edmund worked when he was in Canada some years ago - small world!!

It is a time of new beginnings for us all...and the time is right for change. In solidarity with Victoria, I have joined her in my decision to become 100% vegetarian, and so far so good!! Protein juices, laced with fresh fruit are my go-to place for energy. If the truth be known I'm a better vegetarian cook than I am with meat - it's far less greasy, easier to clean up after, cheaper, lasts longer in the fridge. Let's see how long it will last...

Back playing golf this kind of game!! When I find a stray ball on my morning walk, I make the boys sweat for it - trust me - they love it!! "O.K. boys, think of a number between one and ten... and it's all yours". It adds to the game. I usually aim for the senior citizens, as they value their balls. What is it about 'free' stuff? They line up for miles outside the library when free books are being given away. The last gay parade I attended I was knuckled out of the way by an elderly gent trying to catch free condoms!!

Tonight, the first of three free concerts will be happening up the street from us in Government House. This is an annual event. People drive from miles around, and bring picnics. Kevin loves his music but feels with the freebies "you get what you pay for..." I'm heading up for a bit of free action tonight.

Brought Chi Chi to her beautician Sherry today, and she came back a new dog! Wish I had done it much sooner...Now she looks like a chihuahua, and an adorable one at that.

Enjoy the Sunshine and go see Melissa McCarthy in 'Tammy'. May see you there!!

Choo Choo for now!


Patricia xxx

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