Yeah! Halloweeeeeeen is on its way. Lulu was busy trying on her costumes. She didn't like the hat part and told me "Ma get that stupid hat off me, it's hurting my ear!"

As you can tell from Chicchi, she just loooves her outfit. She likes being a ladybird and wants to wear her costume all the time. She loves the attention and likes looking like Cher!!

I've been very happy putting up my halloween decorations over the past few days. These are new lights we got at Walmart, and they are truly MAGIC. Brilliant in fact. They are operated by remote control from inside. Orange and purple lights for Halloween, and then you press a button on the remote and they change to red and green for Christmas! How neat is that. You don't even have to put up Christmas lights. They are also the economical led lights. Win Win!
I got this bag of peeled garlic in Chinatown the other day and I cannot begin to tell you HOW convenient it is. I love garlic and use it every day, and in everything, except dessert! It keeps the vampires away haha!
HIP HIP HURRAH! At last we found a dog food that has helped Chichi lose the weight - and she has! Did you notice how happy she looks now. She has lost a little weight and this food has helped her do it. Mind you, it is expensive ($45 for the bag) from the vets, but it lasts a long time, and She's worth it!!
Ladies...this is the lipstick to end all lipsticks! I have fallen in love with this baby. Why Buxom? Apart from its charming name, it plumps up my lips, and makes them look like Julia Robert's smackers...o.k. I exaggerate a little. But you get the drift. Much cheaper than injections and it's a dream to apply, and lasts forever! Also, the colours have names of different cities. The one below is called 'Barcelona' and is a lovely warm red colour. In the summer I like to wear Athens. It sounds exotic! Oh yes, I got it at Sephora ($23).
Not me! (but it's on my bucket list). My friend Bobbi treated me to a wonderful evening on Saturday. We went to Asmira's 25th anniversary party, and it was BRILLIANT! It superceded our expectations. The Indian butter chicken they served was Delish! The costumes were out-of-this-world, and the dancing...Magnifico!! Bravo Ladies!
This face cloth from Aveda is a must-have in any gal's bathroom! All I can say is try it, and you'll see what I mean. I've been using one for years, and have now introduced the girls to it. Just rinse out after each use. It dries hard, but softens when wet. Way better than sponges.
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