This Halloween was by far one of my favourite. I was well prepared, and took my time putting up the lights and decorations, piece by delightful piece. Alexandra and Victoria helped me make up the goodie bags the night before. See below. Our aim was to bring joy and happiness to the little trick 'n treaters knocking on our door - Pollyanna style! We had about 50 visitors, which was 10 up on last year. Our visitors were adorable.
My favourite costume was that of a little girl around 8, who was dressed as Scarlett O'Hara, so her proud dad told me! Parents and kids were all very appreciative of our efforts. One little fellow looked at me as I told him to pick a bag from the basket and said "you are so generous". He sounded like a very wise old man! The kids told me my costume was "amazing" and 'Hey miss your house is the best we've been to all night!" It was one great big street party and the lights shining from Craigdarroch Castle added to the ambience. I got an invitation to Cuba from a very nice man visiting his family in Victoria. Six of them arrived at the door - two little boys, their parents, grandmother and this friend from Cuba. He gave me his business card to contact him in Havana!! He was a professor of pediatrics in the faculty of medicine, university of Havana. Who knows? I may take Roberto up on his kind offer!!

Greeting the trick and treaters at the door!
Taking a break from activity!!
My lovely new console table has a coat of many colours specially for Halloween!
We ordered in a Chinese takeaway for the evening before our visitors arrived. Kevin opened up a bottle of white wine, and turned on the Halloween music...Just as we were enjoying our festive cup cakes from Ooh La La bakery (delicious!), the door bell began to ring, and did not stop for several hours. By 10.00 p.m. all was quiet..The little tricksters had gone to bed - exhausted but happy!
I guess you could say I'm into Halloween!! haha
'Witchy Poo' was one of the first Halloween toys the girls got, so she is now part of the family for the past 19 years! When you press a button, she sings a scary tune...I turn her on for the kids at the door. My first Halloween in Canada was a shock! Who was to know it was SO big over here? A neighbour kindly gave me a big bag of candy as I ran short of supplies very early on. That was the first and last time it happened!!
This scary devil is actually only the size of an egg and hangs from our Halloween tree.
Our green gremlin - Halloween Harry - has also been in the family for several years. He is our door bell. He is sensor controlled. When you pass him, his eyes open and he begins to sing 'Wild thing you make me feel make everything GROOOOOVY!' I love my groovy Harry, and what a fine voice he has!
Getting some atmosphere going with the lights...This tree is just outside our dining room window, and to the right of the front door. I love it! In the summer it is a lotus tree with beautiful vibrant pink leaves that fall like velvet kisses...
This was our Halloween adventure...Hope you enjoyed it!
Choo Choo for now and have a great weekend!
Patricia xxx
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