Tuesday, January 29, 2013


FLU!... Must have had it unbeknown to myself but I was waking up in a fever for the past few days. Throw in headaches, backaches, belly aches - to name but a ferocious few. That's why Pollyanna was blogless and I was wide eyed and legless.

On a positive note - since that's what Ms. P is all about, I did manage to sweat off some comfort candy calories. When you feel sick - nothing for it but to give in gracefully and have fun!! Yeah tell the world you're out of action for a few days and hibernate up in bed with glossy magazines and give everyone a good old sob story.

Last night while I was waiting for Ali to finish work, I was sitting in my car off  Government Street, watching all the homeless folk walking up and down the street with their dogs, and worldly possessions contained in garbage bags thrown over their shoulders. It was a cold night with a fair gust of wind blowing. Some poor fellows were huddled in shop fronts and all you could see was a sad pair of feet sticking out.

As I watched them all I realized just HOW lucky I was to have somewhere to lay my head when I was feeling sick. Street people must get the flu too. How scary it must be not knowing where you can go to sleep at night, or when you feel sick. I mean it defies belief. I think everybody should have a home to go to. Home is my favourite place in the whole wide world. It is where I retreat to, relax, eat, pray and love. I cannot imagine what it would be like not having my comfort shell around me.

Yet, despite not having any home to go to, some of these poor folk are the nicest people you could meet. Thy have kindly smiles, and say nice words to you like 'God bless you' when you give them a few coins. Few of them are resentful of what life has thrown at them - which is their inability to fight life head-on. It reminded me of a conversation I was having with Kevin in the office last week to the tune of 'why is it that the nicest people you meet in life are often shunned by society, and get treated terribly by people in the work force. If people detect even a morsel of weakness in another, they go in for the kill... Hence, we get to meet the 'gentle ones' in our office - the nice ones.

So my question today is 'How can one stand up to the ravages and hardships of life, and still remain a decent and successful human being?'

Lets Choo Choo on it!!

Patricia xxx

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