Friday, June 28, 2013


I was off travelling for a few days, and didn't bring the computer. It was better just to absorb the experiences, and yes, I had some work to do. Sister Sonya and I went back to the ancestral home in Kilkee, County Clare. We also went to visit Daddy's grave. Now I have to tell you, the latter filled me with dread, as I did not know how I would react to such a wrenching situation. Yet, it was something I yearned to do.

We decided to stop and buy some plants en-route, to plant on his grave, as daddy loved his garden. When we arrived at the graveyard, an ocean of tombstones faced us, and we couldn't find his grave! Crazy I know. Sonya went one way, and I went the other. I had a nose for where we may find it, and sure enough I eventually found it. His name wasn't on it yet, I just recognized it by the dried flowers, and also the names on the tombstone. My Granny, Godmother, and little Sister, Kamilla are all in the same grave; so dad is in good company. I had a really 'weird' sensation when I gazed at his grave that he wasn't in there; like as if there was a sign on it that said 'Gone Fishing'. That same feeling when you knock on somebody's door, and they are not at home.

However, that ALL changed when I got to our home to Kilkee. That's where Dad was. He wasn't long jumping out of the grave, I thought to myself with a laugh. His spirit was alive and well and all over the place! Everywhere I turned, I could feel his presence; Sonya felt the same. I was very sad to see that the garden he loved - so dearly, had gone to pot for want of a better word! Weeds everywhere I looked, and very little colour, apart from the rose bushes he lovingly cultivated. You could tell the garden was missing him as much as I was. So I decided - and I'm not a gardener - that I would do something about it. When I went into his garage, which was his favourite place in the whole world, the sluice gates opened, and a deluge of tears poured out of me; enough to water the whole garden. Every little ornament I had ever given dad, was still where he had lovingly placed it; the little grey cat, the bust of Our Lady, the orange teddy bear I once found; Daddy was as big a hoarder as me, and just as sentimental.

I borrowed all daddy's tools, and attacked the weeds like the enemies they were. I felt him watching over me with a smile on his face. By the time I had finished, 7 big bags were filled with garden waste, and a great sense of satisfaction filled me. It was a great day for us all - minus the weeds of course!

It was in Kilkee that Kevin and I met...46 years ago. I was only in diapers, naturally. But that's where we met, and our love story began. During this trip, I met some people I knew from my school days. We chatted like as if I was still living there...that's the way people do things in Ireland - just take it up from the last visit! Naturally, I felt immediately 'at home'. I super-indulged in all the things I love, like a 'Rosarie's' ice cream cone - delish! a fish 'n chips - delish - an Indian take-away - delish! a freshly made cappuccino from the 'Diamond Rock's Cafe' - delish (not in that order - 'twas over 2 days - I'm not that much of a piggy wiggy!). Since I had worked so hard with the weeds, I felt I deserved some reward. I also washed all the windows in the house with Sonya (she did the hard work on the outside) and I made up for it with the weeds. So we broke even in the sweat department, and thank God the sun stayed shining all day long!

As I was weeding the garden, a lady I knew passed by the gate and told me of the death of a man we knew growing up, so we downed tools and paid our respects in the funeral parlor. We met a lot of folk from the past, including my cousin, a girl I went to school with, and other people from the town. It was a gathering which we had not anticipated. I felt foolish in my bright fluorescent colours and explained that I had just heard the news. They were grateful we attended.

Next day, as we drove away from our home 'Meadowvale Cottage', I could see daddy in my minds eye, waving at us, like he always used to do. Even though my heart was heavy, it was lightened by the fact that I know his spirit is alive and well, and still living in Kilkee!

Choo Choo and Happy Travels!


Patricia xxx

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