My new blog was borne from a desire to add oomph to the lives of all my fellow 'Boomer Babes'. Let's face it, girls -- we're still babes at heart, right? We all like to feel pretty, pampered, but most especially at peace with ourselves. If you're like me, then you have survived on this planet for more than five decades. You meet life head on, have experienced your fair share of trials and tribulations, and yet continue to fight the good fight. You're still standing, girl, so give yourself a congratulatory hug as you say to the world 'Bring it on!!!!'.
So without further ado, let your fingers do the walking over to my new space -
Tuesday, June 30, 2015
Thursday, May 14, 2015
Yeps, Polly is taking a nice long summer holiday... Business has been brisk, and I'm in the process of producing a fun new blog with my daughter Ali. The new blog is going to be a lifestyle blog with more photos, videos (yes! videos). I will do a blog (try at least!) daily from Monday to Friday.
Each day will have a different theme - planetary activity as it will affect us - fashion - recipes - parties - you name it BOOM will have it!! I was gifted with a fabulous new video camera from Kevin and the girls for Mother's Day so yay!! having lots of fun playing with this new toy.
I will be on our local CFAX radio this coming Saturday chatting with Patty Mack about the truly fascinating world of Angels and Astrology - 1.00 p.m. Canadian time. Join us if you can!
Polly P xxx
Each day will have a different theme - planetary activity as it will affect us - fashion - recipes - parties - you name it BOOM will have it!! I was gifted with a fabulous new video camera from Kevin and the girls for Mother's Day so yay!! having lots of fun playing with this new toy.
I will be on our local CFAX radio this coming Saturday chatting with Patty Mack about the truly fascinating world of Angels and Astrology - 1.00 p.m. Canadian time. Join us if you can!
Polly P xxx
Wednesday, May 6, 2015
'If action is an art, let us be the artists of our own life'.
This morning I listened to a fascinating podcast which really got me thinking. I never thought about my life in terms of days. Did you know that 30,000 days is the average amount of days any of us are given to do our thing/make a difference, on this planet? Sobering thought. Some of us are given less, while others, with a bit of luck, get an extension. Still, whatever way you wish to slice it - 30,000 days. How about 'Around the World in 30,000 days'.
Yes, you're busy, social media keeps us on our toes, but is it like that proverbial rocking chair which keeps us moving, but never gets us anywhere? Does your busy life reflect what truly matters to you? This was the question posed by Gregg Krech, author of 'The Art of Taking Action' lessons from Japanese Psychology, which I am looking forward to reading. Put the big rocks in the vase first, in other words spend at least 10 minutes per day working towards a goal which really and truly matters to you. Gregg was a pathetic procrastinator, the sort of guy who would go out and buy paper plates to eat his takeout dinner, rather than clean the pile of dirty dishes stacked in the sink. That's how bad the poor fellow was!
Wake up to what you're paying attention to. Set yourself a timer of say 45 minutes to observe what you set your thoughts on. Positive? Negative? Got an idea of what you want to do in this life that feeds your soul? Set aside 10 mins. a day doing the things that are important to you, more, if you have it. Remember that what you resist persists! Once a body is in motion, it stays in motion. So just press the START button, and remember to smile before you answer the telephone!
Gregg Krech is now a changed man. The defining moment was when his workaholic father died in his arms, it made him question his own life, and how he was a living it. Take heart all you baby boomers like me. There is still plenty of time left to really make a difference. In fact Gregg maintains that no matter how old you are, there is still plenty of time to make a practical and profound contribution to the world. In fact the last few years of our lives can be the most fruitful and rewarding. Let's take the positive road from now on! We need to establish clarity about our goals. Clarity about how we are living our lives.
Do we live a complaint-based life? or a life of Gratitude? If we're always whining and complaining about our lives, we lead a velcro-type existence, whereby all the nasty stuff sticks to us and drags us down - right? Instead, adopt a Teflon attitude, where nothing sticks. The magic word here is 'Gratitude'. Gratitude helps us live our lives like a Teflon frying pan. Nothing sticks and we glide and smile through life, putting others first. Ask not what the world can do for you, but what you can do for the world. Love it!
On that happy note,
Hugs and kisses galore - now Go get your Teflon on!!
Polly P xxx
This morning I listened to a fascinating podcast which really got me thinking. I never thought about my life in terms of days. Did you know that 30,000 days is the average amount of days any of us are given to do our thing/make a difference, on this planet? Sobering thought. Some of us are given less, while others, with a bit of luck, get an extension. Still, whatever way you wish to slice it - 30,000 days. How about 'Around the World in 30,000 days'.
Yes, you're busy, social media keeps us on our toes, but is it like that proverbial rocking chair which keeps us moving, but never gets us anywhere? Does your busy life reflect what truly matters to you? This was the question posed by Gregg Krech, author of 'The Art of Taking Action' lessons from Japanese Psychology, which I am looking forward to reading. Put the big rocks in the vase first, in other words spend at least 10 minutes per day working towards a goal which really and truly matters to you. Gregg was a pathetic procrastinator, the sort of guy who would go out and buy paper plates to eat his takeout dinner, rather than clean the pile of dirty dishes stacked in the sink. That's how bad the poor fellow was!
Wake up to what you're paying attention to. Set yourself a timer of say 45 minutes to observe what you set your thoughts on. Positive? Negative? Got an idea of what you want to do in this life that feeds your soul? Set aside 10 mins. a day doing the things that are important to you, more, if you have it. Remember that what you resist persists! Once a body is in motion, it stays in motion. So just press the START button, and remember to smile before you answer the telephone!
Gregg Krech is now a changed man. The defining moment was when his workaholic father died in his arms, it made him question his own life, and how he was a living it. Take heart all you baby boomers like me. There is still plenty of time left to really make a difference. In fact Gregg maintains that no matter how old you are, there is still plenty of time to make a practical and profound contribution to the world. In fact the last few years of our lives can be the most fruitful and rewarding. Let's take the positive road from now on! We need to establish clarity about our goals. Clarity about how we are living our lives.
Do we live a complaint-based life? or a life of Gratitude? If we're always whining and complaining about our lives, we lead a velcro-type existence, whereby all the nasty stuff sticks to us and drags us down - right? Instead, adopt a Teflon attitude, where nothing sticks. The magic word here is 'Gratitude'. Gratitude helps us live our lives like a Teflon frying pan. Nothing sticks and we glide and smile through life, putting others first. Ask not what the world can do for you, but what you can do for the world. Love it!
On that happy note,
Hugs and kisses galore - now Go get your Teflon on!!
Polly P xxx
Monday, May 4, 2015
The heart pounding moment I gazed at the above chart for Princess Charlotte, I felt a tremendous sense of sadness. She would have been Lady Diana's dream granddaughter! They would have been so compatible. Life sucks doesn't it? That's the sad part - the rest is all glad, I am happy to say. The first word that came to mind on looking at her chart was kindness. Charlotte is the sort of girl I would want as a friend. With her Sun in Taurus, Cancer rising, and Libra moon, she will be a potent combination of charm, poise, and kindness - just like Lady Diana! Her North Node in Libra, combined with all that 11th house activity, tells me she was born to make an impact on the world. This she will do through beauty, elegance, and class. A perfect Princess in absolutely every way.
Now, let's look at the Royal connections in her chart. For starters, Charlotte and Queen Elizabeth are both born under the same sign of Taurus. This is a rock steady, reliable, and down-to-earth sign that values family traditions - and dare I say can be quite set in their ways. Because she is a Princess, we can't use words like stubborn, so let's say she will be patience turned inside out! If she wasn't a Princess, she sure would be a material gal! The number 2 and sign of Taurus are both connected with money. She will never want. People born on May 2nd, September 2nd, and January 2nd are incredibly smart with money. These people typically work hard for the money, which is why they have it.
Interestingly, both Charlotte and George have the sign of Cancer prominent in their charts. George has his sun in Cancer, and as you can see above, Charlotte has her rising sign in Cancer. Lady Diana was born under the sign of Cancer, so yes, I am happy - no, make that delighted - to say her legacy will live on in both her grandchildren. The other great news about Charlotte is that she is going to be extremely close to both George and her parents Kate and William. Capricorn Kate and Charlotte are both practical, pragmatic, down-to-earth types and will be great buddies. Kate is so lucky. The stars were very well aligned on Saturday last!
Charlotte is going to be a homebody and not a natural born academic, so school could pose some challenges for her. She will gravitate more towards the arts. The other area she will have to watch very carefully is her food intake, as there could be a tendency on her part to emotional eating, plus the fact she is going to love her food, as will Prince George. Disciplined Kate will be on the job in that department!
Initially, she will be very uncomfortable with strangers and will only want her close of kin around her. As a Princess, her moon in Libra is going to be a great help to her. Her natural tendency is to be private, but that Libra moon will help her charm the birds off the trees! It will be the sunshine on her cloudy days. She will know exactly how to behave in order to get the maximum bang for her Princess buck! She has her jupiter in Leo which means she loves beauty, elegance and opulence. Again, such a perfect position for a Princess! This girl will wow us with her fashion sense - trust me on this!!
All in all, I predict Charlotte will have absolutely no problem adjusting to the life she was born to live. No rebel in this little darling...well maybe just a tad, with that Uranus in Aries in the 11th house. Down the road, she may have relationship issues with that volatile 7th house Pluto. She may have to kiss a lot of croaking frogs before her handsome Prince arrives, but that's a long way down the road...let's just get the girl walking and talking first...right? Besides, she has a good solid Mum to remind her of her responsibilities. One thing is for sure - she's going to be a knockout!
Polly P xxx
Friday, May 1, 2015
It was a friend's birthday recently, so I gave her a plaque with the above words written on it. If I had to pick one of those words today, it would have to be LAUGH! Some snippets I picked up this past week:-
Let's face it, we live because we have no choice but to do so. As we go about living our lives, life happens. Some days enfold in ways that leave you with no choice but to laugh or to cry. We never know what is going to enfold. One sure way of being prepared is to be enjoying optimal health and energy. The experts tell us the 5 biggies to optimal health are:
Sleep (lots!)
De-stress (mindfulness, yoga, pets, nature)
Real food (no junk in the trunk!)
Water (drink lots!)
Exercise (keep moving...)
My dad used to sing "Love it is a funny thing, it makes a man a fool!" he'd sing it to get a rise out of mother! Love saved the day recently at an event I was at. A silly dispute arose, and one of the girls, who is very funny began singing the Beatles' song "All you need is love". We all joined in, raising the hands and before too long everybody was laughing again, and the dispute was quickly forgotten. See what I mean? If you sprinkle your daily activities with love, humour, and the realization that sometimes we need to just chillax, loosen up, get a grip - whatever! It is what it is...
Yesterday was a day that called for lots of good deep belly laugher. From dawn 'til dusk, it was a day peppered with peeves and cock-ups of the highest magnitude! I just laughed myself silly as each irritant knocked on my door - one by irksome one. Miscommunication was the culprit, but then isn't it always? Wounded egos, etc. Watch out this Sunday. We have a monster moon in Scorpio! Aaagh...I would just tread lightly, tiptoe through the tulips, keep the head down, put ear muffs on...and all shall we well!
Today is Fashion Friday. I have a fashion date so I better scat and get going...
Have a great weekend, but watch out for that Moooody moon on Sunday!! Sunny thoughts...
Sending Love and Laughter your way!
Polly P xxx
Let's face it, we live because we have no choice but to do so. As we go about living our lives, life happens. Some days enfold in ways that leave you with no choice but to laugh or to cry. We never know what is going to enfold. One sure way of being prepared is to be enjoying optimal health and energy. The experts tell us the 5 biggies to optimal health are:
Sleep (lots!)
De-stress (mindfulness, yoga, pets, nature)
Real food (no junk in the trunk!)
Water (drink lots!)
Exercise (keep moving...)
My dad used to sing "Love it is a funny thing, it makes a man a fool!" he'd sing it to get a rise out of mother! Love saved the day recently at an event I was at. A silly dispute arose, and one of the girls, who is very funny began singing the Beatles' song "All you need is love". We all joined in, raising the hands and before too long everybody was laughing again, and the dispute was quickly forgotten. See what I mean? If you sprinkle your daily activities with love, humour, and the realization that sometimes we need to just chillax, loosen up, get a grip - whatever! It is what it is...
Yesterday was a day that called for lots of good deep belly laugher. From dawn 'til dusk, it was a day peppered with peeves and cock-ups of the highest magnitude! I just laughed myself silly as each irritant knocked on my door - one by irksome one. Miscommunication was the culprit, but then isn't it always? Wounded egos, etc. Watch out this Sunday. We have a monster moon in Scorpio! Aaagh...I would just tread lightly, tiptoe through the tulips, keep the head down, put ear muffs on...and all shall we well!
Today is Fashion Friday. I have a fashion date so I better scat and get going...
Have a great weekend, but watch out for that Moooody moon on Sunday!! Sunny thoughts...
Sending Love and Laughter your way!
Polly P xxx
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
I'm huge into Affirmations at the moment. As I've gotten into them, I've come to the aha moment realization that in fact - (and we really don't realize it because they sneak their way into our system) - we actually feed/poison our minds on an hourly basis, with a daily dose of nasty manure. "You're not good enough...thin enough...successful enough...". We have been poisoning our delicate little systems without even realizing it! Aren't we krazeeee?
NOW it's time to change the station - Yes Sir!/Madam! Today is the day!
I shall share with you some delightful daily affirmations for you to digest with your breakfast.
Here is today's delicious offering: It for YOU! courtesy of Louise Hay and me!!
'I offer those around me patience, encouragement, support,
a cheerful word, the gift of a smile - and most of all, appreciation'.
EnJOY and have a fabulous day to all my playful PP's (Polly Pals)
Polly P xxx
Monday, April 27, 2015
Today, was one of those grey gloomy Mondays that makes you want to stay in bed, pull the covers over your head, and fast forward to evening time when 'Dancing with the Stars' is on the telly, and everybody is cosy and supper is on the table.
We had been discussing talent over the weekend, and doing what makes your heart sing, and getting paid for it. How do you promote yourself? was another question that arose. Claudia's response was brilliant "A bird will never get fed if it doesn't open its mouth". Think about it. I thought about it.
You have to promote what you do! Sing! Shout it out loud! Because, just like a bird, you'll never get fed if you don't open your mouth.
As my business is growing, I realize I need to up-date my website, get some videos going, make some noise, because whenever I do that, the response is good - it's just you have to keep doing it! Yeps! Success is 99% perspiration and 1% inspiration - that's kinda depressing, isn't it? Well tomorrow I will be doing a half day workshop to learn how to be my own Rockstar Publicist. My eWoman Network friend Pamela Sylvan is running the workshop.
The bird theme was following me around because when I opened my agenda to write my to-do list for the day, there was a picture of a bird on the page with the following words:
"Use what talents you possess; the woods would be very silent
if no birds sang there except those that sang best".
And if that wasn't enough stimulation for my bird-brain, I looked out the kitchen window to see a beautiful robin perched on the branch of a tree. He was looking for grub, spotted some, and away he flew before another bird got to it. Hmm you have to be on the ball too! These birds are teaching me.
So, if you find yourself wanting to pursue your passion - whatever that may be. Take heart - and just do it! Dance, Sing, Create, Write, Sew - Just do it! And don't forget to tell the world about it while you're at it, because remember a bird will never get fed if it doesn't open its mouth!
Polly P xxx
We had been discussing talent over the weekend, and doing what makes your heart sing, and getting paid for it. How do you promote yourself? was another question that arose. Claudia's response was brilliant "A bird will never get fed if it doesn't open its mouth". Think about it. I thought about it.
You have to promote what you do! Sing! Shout it out loud! Because, just like a bird, you'll never get fed if you don't open your mouth.
As my business is growing, I realize I need to up-date my website, get some videos going, make some noise, because whenever I do that, the response is good - it's just you have to keep doing it! Yeps! Success is 99% perspiration and 1% inspiration - that's kinda depressing, isn't it? Well tomorrow I will be doing a half day workshop to learn how to be my own Rockstar Publicist. My eWoman Network friend Pamela Sylvan is running the workshop.
The bird theme was following me around because when I opened my agenda to write my to-do list for the day, there was a picture of a bird on the page with the following words:
"Use what talents you possess; the woods would be very silent
if no birds sang there except those that sang best".
And if that wasn't enough stimulation for my bird-brain, I looked out the kitchen window to see a beautiful robin perched on the branch of a tree. He was looking for grub, spotted some, and away he flew before another bird got to it. Hmm you have to be on the ball too! These birds are teaching me.
So, if you find yourself wanting to pursue your passion - whatever that may be. Take heart - and just do it! Dance, Sing, Create, Write, Sew - Just do it! And don't forget to tell the world about it while you're at it, because remember a bird will never get fed if it doesn't open its mouth!
Polly P xxx
Saturday, April 25, 2015
"Some people die at 25, but are not buried until they are 75".
Mindfulness Ireland posted the above message to my FB page the other day and I thought to myself - Wow! what a sobering thought!! That sobering thought was imbedded in my brain even more some hours later at the supermarket. A very nice cheerful chap helped me load my groceries. He wore a most intriguing pendant around his neck. I asked him about it and his response made me gag - literally! "My son's ashes are in it" he said, referring to the pendant, and then he continued "He was killed on his way to work by a driver who was texting at the time". I wasn't expecting that. I would have preferred to hear it was a gift from his grandmother!
The pendant was surrounded by gems which were the birthstones of his son, the son's little daughter who was left fatherless, and all the rest of his family. It was absolutely beautiful and thought provoking, especially after receiving the above message on FB.
It also brought to mind another conversation I had recently with a lovely lady who was widowed at a young age, and left to care for her two very young children. She was calm and philosophic about the whole matter, and said to me "Patricia, at least he lived 'til he died". By that she meant, he had lived his life happily, doing work he loved, and just enjoyed his life. My question today is "Do you enjoy your life?" Are you living your life, or simply existing your life?
There is an old gypsy song which I remember my dad singing in the car on our way to the bog. I loved to hear him sing it. It went something like this...
"I'm a rambler I'm a gambler and a long way from home
And if you don't like me, just leave me alone
I'll eat when I'm hungry, and drink when I'm dry
And if the moonshine don't kill me, I'll live 'til I die"
A simple song with a compelling end "I'll live 'til I die". I also liked the bit 'and if you don't like me, just leave me alone'.
I'm a firm believer in 'Blooming where you're planted'. Wherever God puts you, or whatever life throws at you - you gotta find enjoyment in your life! And be cheerful about it. Cheerful, being the operative word - just like the nice man who helped me load my groceries into my car the other day.
Have a playful weekend!
Polly P xxx
Mindfulness Ireland posted the above message to my FB page the other day and I thought to myself - Wow! what a sobering thought!! That sobering thought was imbedded in my brain even more some hours later at the supermarket. A very nice cheerful chap helped me load my groceries. He wore a most intriguing pendant around his neck. I asked him about it and his response made me gag - literally! "My son's ashes are in it" he said, referring to the pendant, and then he continued "He was killed on his way to work by a driver who was texting at the time". I wasn't expecting that. I would have preferred to hear it was a gift from his grandmother!
The pendant was surrounded by gems which were the birthstones of his son, the son's little daughter who was left fatherless, and all the rest of his family. It was absolutely beautiful and thought provoking, especially after receiving the above message on FB.
It also brought to mind another conversation I had recently with a lovely lady who was widowed at a young age, and left to care for her two very young children. She was calm and philosophic about the whole matter, and said to me "Patricia, at least he lived 'til he died". By that she meant, he had lived his life happily, doing work he loved, and just enjoyed his life. My question today is "Do you enjoy your life?" Are you living your life, or simply existing your life?
There is an old gypsy song which I remember my dad singing in the car on our way to the bog. I loved to hear him sing it. It went something like this...
"I'm a rambler I'm a gambler and a long way from home
And if you don't like me, just leave me alone
I'll eat when I'm hungry, and drink when I'm dry
And if the moonshine don't kill me, I'll live 'til I die"
A simple song with a compelling end "I'll live 'til I die". I also liked the bit 'and if you don't like me, just leave me alone'.
I'm a firm believer in 'Blooming where you're planted'. Wherever God puts you, or whatever life throws at you - you gotta find enjoyment in your life! And be cheerful about it. Cheerful, being the operative word - just like the nice man who helped me load my groceries into my car the other day.
Have a playful weekend!
Polly P xxx
Saturday, April 4, 2015

A time of renewal, re-birth - and just ploughing through the pain!
I still miss my little kitchen companion Chichi every day, but there is nothing for it but to plough through the pain... She definitely was a master chef in another life. She loved her food, and the aroma of food being cooked was manna from heaven for her! Yesterday, when I opened a can of salmon, I winced in sadness, because there were no familiar little paws following me around, ready to lick the empty tin. She would lick the empty tin from one side of the kitchen to the other!!
The other thing Chichi loved was dirty laundry! When I would do the laundry, she loved to snuggle up in the middle of the soiled stuff. Once, I nearly threw her into the machine with the sheets!! She also loved her music and warmth. Every time I left the kitchen where she loved to be, I would turn the music on for her, preferably jazz, or easy listening - Chichi was an archetypal Taurus - in case you hadn't guessed! She loved her food, family, music, and comfort!
She was my trusty companion for more than a decade, guardian of the home, door bell when I was in the basement and did not hear the buzzer, Psychologist, when I needed somebody to confide in, hot water bottle on a cold day, companion when nobody else wanted to go for a walk, love nanny to the girls, etc. Who couldn't love a dog?
So, when Claudia told me she had a dream about Chichi last night, and that in the dream, Chichi was up to her eyeballs in ham, and delighted with herself - that was it! I knew I had to snap out of it! Since she passed away on Tuesday, she has appeared twice to us in dreams. The first night to me, letting me know she was happy, and then last night to Claudia. So, the sadness and loneliness I felt for her shifted. I decided to cheer up, and invite the Spring into our home. It is after all, a time of re-birth and renewal - and I do have a 20 year collection of Easter ornaments sitting idle in Holiday Hall in the basement! Just the process of decorating the place cheered us all up. When I saw the smiles appear on everybody's faces again - it was worth it!
Have a beautiful Spring and Easter. May it be a time of re-birth and renewal for you!
Hugs and Kisses,
Polly P xxx
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
At 10.00 a.m. today, our little Chichi bid farewell. She went off to doggie Heaven, and crossed over 'Rainbow Bridge' with the most beautiful smile on her face. There was no pain, no struggle, no fuss. It was her time to go. We are all so appreciative of the fact she waited until Victoria was home for Easter, so she could be with her as she breathed her last breath. It would have been dreadful if Victoria was not there to hug her goodbye! We were all with our beloved Chichi. Her mission on earth was accomplished. She brought love, joy, and comfort to our family for the past eleven years - almost eleven. Her birthday was coming up on April 24th.
I can vividly recall the day she arrived into our lives. It was a rainy Sunday afternoon in June. We answered an ad in the newspaper, and along she came like a princess, sitting in the front seat of a red pick-up truck! We arranged to meet at the empty car park of the Sears store in Calgary. It was all rather bleak, but once we saw her little face, it was love at first sight!
Some people might say 'But she was only an animal!' To us she was much more than just an animal. She was an Angel who filled a big void in all our lives. She became the parent, grandparent, sister, aunty, uncle, and cousins we grew up without here in Canada. After a long hard day at school, she would be waiting for the children with her tiny little tail wagging for joy. Always there to comfort, when comfort was needed. Even though Chichi was tiny in stature, she had the heart of a giant.
How such a teeny tiny little dog could wield such power over our heart strings can only be explained in one word - God. She came to us when we needed her in our lives. After she became blind two years ago, her life deteriorated. She knew we needed her comfort, as Daddy had just died, so she struggled on bravely for the past two years. Unfortunately, with her blindness, and a multitude of other health issues, it became too much for her, and for us to watch her struggle. So today was the day!
Goodbye sweet Chichi, we miss you dreadfully. You were a BIG part of our little family. We will never ever forget you, and your cute little bobby sock paws!
God Bless and have fun in 'Rainbow Valley'.
Polly P xxx
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
I don't know what Frank Sinatra meant by 'toddling town', it was pretty awesome to me! My one free day to explore this spectacular city was just an appetizer. The Hay House 2 day Writer's workshop, which was the main reason for my trip, was definitely worthwhile. I met lots of really interesting and eclectic people from around the world, and learned all I needed to know about being a writer. The bottom line can be summed up in one word: 'Platform'. Yups. If you don't have a platform, forget about it! Platform + Ghost writer = bestseller. Sounds sad - it is!
You could be the next Charles Dickens or Margaret Atwood but it's useless if you don't have a platform! Start with the platform, then move on to the writing of the book, and if you don't know how to write - no problem, just hire a ghost writer. Let's say you have a prepared, because the royalties from your book will be just like 'pin money'. The main source of income for writers today is through speaking engagements. Who would have thought? So, if you like to speak in public, that's a great start. Apart from 'Platform', the other big word for writers is 'Diversification'. You need to be able to have a stream of income coming from other sources - CDs, e-books, t-shirts, key rings - anything!
The 2 day event was a treasure trove of information. I just loved author Mike Dooley, who spoke at the event. He was an accountant by profession, but left the industry after a few years to pursue his dreams - and then worked like a demon! He does not like to write, nor does he enjoy reading. However, he does like to transmit power thoughts to others through his 'Notes from the Universe'. Check him out!
The Hyatt Regency where we stayed was like an airport - huge! It is a Convention Hotel, and as such was buzzing with activity. Just imagine, all eleven hundred rooms were fully occupied! There was a dizzying array of events going on at the hotel: a Tattooist Convention, Theology Convention, Filipino Medical Convention, Weight Watchers, Bridal Fair, Girls Choir group, as well as our Hay House Writer's Workshop, attended by 530. Lots of people - diverse in the extreme!
While I was at the seminar, Kevin adventured around Chicago, and was so taken by the Art Institute of Chicago, which he said he will remember for the rest of his life! They had a spectacular Irish exhibit. You can google it 'Ireland: Crossroads of Art and Design 1690-1840' at the Chicago Art Institute. Chicago has so many fabulous Museums to explore - you'd need a week at least, make that two! For my part, I noticed the little things, like the fact people love their chocolate in Chicago, and their pizza. I never in my life saw so many sweet shops, charming bakeries, and pizzerias! Divine decadence. Folk are friendly, laid-back, and very pleasant. I cannot tell you how many ladies stopped me on the street to compliment the boots I wore...and this was on a miserable snowy day - can you imagine the fun on a sunny day!
The 'Magnificent Mile' was precisely that. Magnificent! Wide streets, high glamorous shop windows with enticing merchandize smiling back at you. Oh! the lure of it all - just as well my Visa was hacked for the second time since January, and I had none to play with, and the sun wasn't shining! If all the aforementioned were in play - who knows what damage I'd have done!! The Starbucks on the MM was equally alluring. Comfy velvet seats and couches were in place for people to simply rest and chillax after their shopping expedition. They didn't even need to buy a coffee - just people watch, and wait for the snow to fly. On a sunny day, one could float off on a romantic river cruise...oh the joy to be had after a hard day's shopping!
Another highlight of the trip was our visit to the American Doll shop. For some weird reason, I wasn't as keen as Kevin to go in and explore! Time was valuable, and I'm more into clothes than dolls! However, it was such a pleasant surprise. There was a huge line-up for the dolly hair salon. Little girls, with their grannies and mothers, were lining up to have their beloved doll's hair done, at a price not too far off from the human one! Rows of salon seats awaited the pampered little dolls. The attention given to each doll would make a hungry dog swear! And the bakery was another eye-opener for me. I did not realize the dolls had come so far. The doll of the year was named Grace, who was a baker. Grace had her own bakery in the store selling Grace cookies, and cupcakes, and chocolates, with her name printed on them...sweet! Whoever invented the American Girl dolls was a genius.
Because we had only one day together to explore, we took the City Tour for the day. It brought us all around the city, and we hopped on and off to our heart's content. The only BIG drawback was the weather - snowing hard, slushy, freezing cold, messy, yucky in the extreme. Sorry Alberta, but it reminded me of why I left the province - I don't like snow!
On our travels we passed the fabulous Drake Hotel, where many famous people stayed, including Lady Diana. Apparently, Marilyn Monroe has her initials carved on a table in their dining room. We also saw the condo where Oprah lived, the Trump Tower, the building where Batman flew from, and many other movie landmarks...the building where Al Capone housed his speakeasy, a street named after Hugh Hefner, who was educated at the Art Institute of Chicago, as well as Walt Disney. Apparently, it was Walt's wife who chose the name 'Mickey' for the infamous mouse. Walt wanted to call him a whacky name like Mortimer - all of us in the bus agreed it wouldn't have been the same!
Chicagoans love their blues music - and the Irish! Yes, I detected a huge Irish influence - maybe it was because St. Patrick's Day was just over. Apparently, they dye their canal waters green each year. I read about all the many activities I just missed. It would have been so much fun to celebrate there. They have several fabulous Irish pubs and restaurants. We visited one near the hotel and it was dramatic, for want of a more descriptive word. Red velvet walls, high ceilings, chandeliers, golden lanterns, and shelves filled with auld Irish memorabilia. Kevin informed me there is a place that re-produces all these auld artifacts for pubs. They sure do an authentic job!
What I saw in Chicago was enough to entice me to make a return visit some time d.v.
Hugs and Kisses,
Polly P xxx
You could be the next Charles Dickens or Margaret Atwood but it's useless if you don't have a platform! Start with the platform, then move on to the writing of the book, and if you don't know how to write - no problem, just hire a ghost writer. Let's say you have a prepared, because the royalties from your book will be just like 'pin money'. The main source of income for writers today is through speaking engagements. Who would have thought? So, if you like to speak in public, that's a great start. Apart from 'Platform', the other big word for writers is 'Diversification'. You need to be able to have a stream of income coming from other sources - CDs, e-books, t-shirts, key rings - anything!
The 2 day event was a treasure trove of information. I just loved author Mike Dooley, who spoke at the event. He was an accountant by profession, but left the industry after a few years to pursue his dreams - and then worked like a demon! He does not like to write, nor does he enjoy reading. However, he does like to transmit power thoughts to others through his 'Notes from the Universe'. Check him out!
The Hyatt Regency where we stayed was like an airport - huge! It is a Convention Hotel, and as such was buzzing with activity. Just imagine, all eleven hundred rooms were fully occupied! There was a dizzying array of events going on at the hotel: a Tattooist Convention, Theology Convention, Filipino Medical Convention, Weight Watchers, Bridal Fair, Girls Choir group, as well as our Hay House Writer's Workshop, attended by 530. Lots of people - diverse in the extreme!
While I was at the seminar, Kevin adventured around Chicago, and was so taken by the Art Institute of Chicago, which he said he will remember for the rest of his life! They had a spectacular Irish exhibit. You can google it 'Ireland: Crossroads of Art and Design 1690-1840' at the Chicago Art Institute. Chicago has so many fabulous Museums to explore - you'd need a week at least, make that two! For my part, I noticed the little things, like the fact people love their chocolate in Chicago, and their pizza. I never in my life saw so many sweet shops, charming bakeries, and pizzerias! Divine decadence. Folk are friendly, laid-back, and very pleasant. I cannot tell you how many ladies stopped me on the street to compliment the boots I wore...and this was on a miserable snowy day - can you imagine the fun on a sunny day!
The 'Magnificent Mile' was precisely that. Magnificent! Wide streets, high glamorous shop windows with enticing merchandize smiling back at you. Oh! the lure of it all - just as well my Visa was hacked for the second time since January, and I had none to play with, and the sun wasn't shining! If all the aforementioned were in play - who knows what damage I'd have done!! The Starbucks on the MM was equally alluring. Comfy velvet seats and couches were in place for people to simply rest and chillax after their shopping expedition. They didn't even need to buy a coffee - just people watch, and wait for the snow to fly. On a sunny day, one could float off on a romantic river cruise...oh the joy to be had after a hard day's shopping!
Another highlight of the trip was our visit to the American Doll shop. For some weird reason, I wasn't as keen as Kevin to go in and explore! Time was valuable, and I'm more into clothes than dolls! However, it was such a pleasant surprise. There was a huge line-up for the dolly hair salon. Little girls, with their grannies and mothers, were lining up to have their beloved doll's hair done, at a price not too far off from the human one! Rows of salon seats awaited the pampered little dolls. The attention given to each doll would make a hungry dog swear! And the bakery was another eye-opener for me. I did not realize the dolls had come so far. The doll of the year was named Grace, who was a baker. Grace had her own bakery in the store selling Grace cookies, and cupcakes, and chocolates, with her name printed on them...sweet! Whoever invented the American Girl dolls was a genius.
Because we had only one day together to explore, we took the City Tour for the day. It brought us all around the city, and we hopped on and off to our heart's content. The only BIG drawback was the weather - snowing hard, slushy, freezing cold, messy, yucky in the extreme. Sorry Alberta, but it reminded me of why I left the province - I don't like snow!
On our travels we passed the fabulous Drake Hotel, where many famous people stayed, including Lady Diana. Apparently, Marilyn Monroe has her initials carved on a table in their dining room. We also saw the condo where Oprah lived, the Trump Tower, the building where Batman flew from, and many other movie landmarks...the building where Al Capone housed his speakeasy, a street named after Hugh Hefner, who was educated at the Art Institute of Chicago, as well as Walt Disney. Apparently, it was Walt's wife who chose the name 'Mickey' for the infamous mouse. Walt wanted to call him a whacky name like Mortimer - all of us in the bus agreed it wouldn't have been the same!
Chicagoans love their blues music - and the Irish! Yes, I detected a huge Irish influence - maybe it was because St. Patrick's Day was just over. Apparently, they dye their canal waters green each year. I read about all the many activities I just missed. It would have been so much fun to celebrate there. They have several fabulous Irish pubs and restaurants. We visited one near the hotel and it was dramatic, for want of a more descriptive word. Red velvet walls, high ceilings, chandeliers, golden lanterns, and shelves filled with auld Irish memorabilia. Kevin informed me there is a place that re-produces all these auld artifacts for pubs. They sure do an authentic job!
What I saw in Chicago was enough to entice me to make a return visit some time d.v.
Hugs and Kisses,
Polly P xxx
Thursday, March 19, 2015
St. Patrick's day has always been a very special day for me. As a child, I can recall the daffodils in glorious bloom as we made our way to church, proudly wearing the St. Patrick's pin on my collar, and singing 'Hail Glorious St. Patrick dear saint of our Isle, on us thy poor children bestow a sweet smile'. We got the day off from school, which made it extra special, and it was the day I would celebrate my birthday (though my birthday is March 12th!) So yes, it is a day filled with many warm memories. That might explain why I go 'all out' on March 17th! In fact, I go krazee!!
Even though it was supposed to rain, it turned out to be a bright and beautiful sunny day. there is nothing to beat that fresh Spring sunshine! I got all dressed up in my cheeriest green, Lulu begged me not to put that silly old green hat on her, so I complied. Each year I do something different to celebrate the day. One year when the girls were little, I ended up bringing a few hundred green cup cakes to their school! It was to be for their 3 different classes, but when asking permission, the Headmistress thought I meant for the whole school - I could not disappoint her!! Awkward...
Another year, I made a big hearty Irish stew and brought it into the church to enjoy with fellow parishioners after the 12.00 mass. Fr. John went to his heels in it and loved it! This year was our 2nd annual 'Celtic Cougars' lunch for ladies of Irish heritage. The numbers are growing bigger each year! Prior to the lunch, I decided to do some charity work, since it is Lent. Dressed as I was in above picture, off I went in search of homeless street people. I gave them some money, and wished them a Happy St. Patrick's Day! They were speechless, but delighted and gave me the thumbs up!! Later I got a few cartons of green cup cakes and cookies, and delivered them down to my 'Bingo Buddies' at 'Our Place' homeless shelter, along with my empty cans. The joy I received from that, had me on a warm high for the rest of the day!
Lunch was lots of fun, as you can see from the photo. I raced into the office after the lunch to do some work, and collect Kevin, then back home to make the bacon and cabbage for supper - then off again for the Niche Travel Irish evening where I spoke to a group of ladies about Ireland; hoping to whet their appetite, and entice them to go on the September trip to Ireland!
A busy and happy day - I think I did my beloved St. Patrick proud!
Polly P xxx
Thursday, March 12, 2015
From: Dr. Seuss (my favourite Pisces!)
To me! --- Ain't I a lucky gal!!
Today you are you!
That is truer than true.
There is no one alive
who is you-er than you!
Shout Aloud
"I am lucky to be what I am!"
Thank goodness
I'm not just a clam
or a ham,
or a dusty old jar
of sour gooseberry jam!
I am what I am!
That's a great thing to be!
If I say so myself,
Happy Birthday to me!
Thank you God for another day - another year -
another chance to begin life all over again!
Polly P xxx
To me! --- Ain't I a lucky gal!!
Today you are you!
That is truer than true.
There is no one alive
who is you-er than you!
Shout Aloud
"I am lucky to be what I am!"
Thank goodness
I'm not just a clam
or a ham,
or a dusty old jar
of sour gooseberry jam!
I am what I am!
That's a great thing to be!
If I say so myself,
Happy Birthday to me!
Thank you God for another day - another year -
another chance to begin life all over again!
Polly P xxx
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
How true! One thing I have learned from my life is that God really does work in the most mysterious of ways. I'll admit, I don't always get it at the time, but later upon reflection, I begin to see the wisdom of his ways.
Pain inflicted upon us by others is like a death of sorts. First, there is anger, and non-acceptance of the pain we have to endure. We cry, and in so doing, cleanse our hearts from all bitterness. If we cry long and hard enough, we completely wash away all the pain from our system. Next, once we have rid ourselves of the pain, we replace the tears with prayer. It was God who said "Suffer little children to come unto me". By prayer, we grow in our own wisdom and understanding. We see the lesson God has wanted us to learn; people are frail, and evil exists.
The last stage is one of Peace and Acceptance. There is a death of sorts. We realize that a broken friendship is like a china cup with a chip - it will never be the same.
But with death comes re-birth and new life.
Because 'When God closes one door - He opens another'.
Polly P xxx
Pain inflicted upon us by others is like a death of sorts. First, there is anger, and non-acceptance of the pain we have to endure. We cry, and in so doing, cleanse our hearts from all bitterness. If we cry long and hard enough, we completely wash away all the pain from our system. Next, once we have rid ourselves of the pain, we replace the tears with prayer. It was God who said "Suffer little children to come unto me". By prayer, we grow in our own wisdom and understanding. We see the lesson God has wanted us to learn; people are frail, and evil exists.
The last stage is one of Peace and Acceptance. There is a death of sorts. We realize that a broken friendship is like a china cup with a chip - it will never be the same.
But with death comes re-birth and new life.
Because 'When God closes one door - He opens another'.
Polly P xxx
Friday, March 6, 2015
Yesterday, I paid a visit to my beloved chip trail for a breath of fresh air and some exercise. The sun was shining, all the Spring flowers had returned from their winter hibernation. The fields were a tapestry of beautiful colours, from the bright yellow daffodils to the alluring purple crocus. It was magical. The little ducks were back on the pond happy as Larry doing their thing and quack quacking for joy. All the sounds of nature was music to my ears. Spring had surely arrived.
The chip trail surrounds a golf course, and is about a good 40 mins. brisk walk, that's when I'm not stopping to chat to people! Today, I observed the way in which people were walking to make good use of their time. One lady was walking smartly holding a dumb bell in each hand to maximize her exercise. Wonder how they got the name 'dumb?' Next, I passed another very busy looking lady walking smartly with hiking poles in each hand. They look like long walking sticks. Apparently, they give you a good overall body workout.
Several people chose to run with their dogs, who were mighty fast by the way! But the funniest by far had to be this young fellow who passed me out boxing with his fists!! He ran like Rocky but was boxing all the while - so funny to watch!
Whatever happened to good old fashioned walking? Is it a sign of our times that we have to be always manically using our time 'efficiently'. The world seems to be getting busier and busier..."What is this world if full of care...we have no time to stop and stare". Against that, people are living longer, so maybe all that auld sweaty exercise is a good thing!!
Have a great weekend and get out there - now - and make it Fast!
Polly P xxx
The chip trail surrounds a golf course, and is about a good 40 mins. brisk walk, that's when I'm not stopping to chat to people! Today, I observed the way in which people were walking to make good use of their time. One lady was walking smartly holding a dumb bell in each hand to maximize her exercise. Wonder how they got the name 'dumb?' Next, I passed another very busy looking lady walking smartly with hiking poles in each hand. They look like long walking sticks. Apparently, they give you a good overall body workout.
Several people chose to run with their dogs, who were mighty fast by the way! But the funniest by far had to be this young fellow who passed me out boxing with his fists!! He ran like Rocky but was boxing all the while - so funny to watch!
Whatever happened to good old fashioned walking? Is it a sign of our times that we have to be always manically using our time 'efficiently'. The world seems to be getting busier and busier..."What is this world if full of care...we have no time to stop and stare". Against that, people are living longer, so maybe all that auld sweaty exercise is a good thing!!
Have a great weekend and get out there - now - and make it Fast!
Polly P xxx
Friday, February 27, 2015
Fooled you! - No, I didn't win a full house but I bet you thought I did!
One of the most rewarding things I did last year was to volunteer to call out the Bingo at a local homeless shelter. It has been an eye-opening experience, and enormously satisfying. There are days when I feel tired, and don't feel up to it, but when I go down there, I'm always glad I did.
I was recently away for two weeks and when I returned last Thursday, I was taken aback by the warm reception I received. People hugged me and told me how much they missed me. I wasn't expecting that, but it sure meant a lot to me. These are people who have very little, but who have demonstrated what it means to be generous. Without wishing to be too mushy mushy, I have seen God in action at this shelter, and when I am driving home, I can feel the tears welling up in my eyes.
It was one lady's birthday and even though she did not win at bingo, people gave her their prizes because it was her birthday. I notice the way people look out for each other, in a way I have never seen anywhere else. Another lady had won twice, so she donated her prize to the fellow beside her because he had not won anything. There is a real and genuine sense of caring and sharing amongst my Bingo Buddies. At 'Our Place' people are referred to as family, and yes, it is like one big family.
When I put myself into the shoes of some of the people I meet, I cannot understand for the life of me how they can be so cheerful, happy, generous, and good humoured with so little! After the Bingo finishes up and everybody is delighted with their winnings of chocolate bars or bags of crisps, we part ways. My family, or 'Bingo Buddies' as I call them, will gather up their few belongings and head to a nearby gymnasium or shelter where they will sleep on a thin mattress on a floor. They will share a communal bathroom.
When I go home to my comfortable house, cosy bed, loving wonder I am grateful.
All I can say over and over again is DEO GRATIAS and I love my Bingo Buddies!
Hugs and kisses,
Polly P xxx
One of the most rewarding things I did last year was to volunteer to call out the Bingo at a local homeless shelter. It has been an eye-opening experience, and enormously satisfying. There are days when I feel tired, and don't feel up to it, but when I go down there, I'm always glad I did.
I was recently away for two weeks and when I returned last Thursday, I was taken aback by the warm reception I received. People hugged me and told me how much they missed me. I wasn't expecting that, but it sure meant a lot to me. These are people who have very little, but who have demonstrated what it means to be generous. Without wishing to be too mushy mushy, I have seen God in action at this shelter, and when I am driving home, I can feel the tears welling up in my eyes.
It was one lady's birthday and even though she did not win at bingo, people gave her their prizes because it was her birthday. I notice the way people look out for each other, in a way I have never seen anywhere else. Another lady had won twice, so she donated her prize to the fellow beside her because he had not won anything. There is a real and genuine sense of caring and sharing amongst my Bingo Buddies. At 'Our Place' people are referred to as family, and yes, it is like one big family.
When I put myself into the shoes of some of the people I meet, I cannot understand for the life of me how they can be so cheerful, happy, generous, and good humoured with so little! After the Bingo finishes up and everybody is delighted with their winnings of chocolate bars or bags of crisps, we part ways. My family, or 'Bingo Buddies' as I call them, will gather up their few belongings and head to a nearby gymnasium or shelter where they will sleep on a thin mattress on a floor. They will share a communal bathroom.
When I go home to my comfortable house, cosy bed, loving wonder I am grateful.
All I can say over and over again is DEO GRATIAS and I love my Bingo Buddies!
Hugs and kisses,
Polly P xxx
I have a good friend Mary. We have known each other for 30 years now and met when working at the Guinness Brewery, Dublin all those years ago. When I think of 'Virtues' as in yesterday's post, I think of Mary. She is one of the kindest people that I know. Mary brings chocolate hearts into her place of work on Valentine's Day, chocolate coins and green treats on St. Patrick's day, etc. She never forgets anybody's birthday, organizes all the 'gal pal' trips abroad, and records the events, and follows up with photos for all to enjoy and share. She is one of the most thoughtful people that I know and radiates love and warmth to everybody lucky enough to know her. She extends the same hospitality to strangers. People like Mary make the world smile.
Just recently, Mary had to go into hospital for 11 days and endure horrendous tests. She had to sleep (she didn't!) sitting upright and she could not eat for 10 days either, only the paltry liquid from a tube. Yet, despite all that, Mary found reason to be cheerful and kind to both nurses and fellow patients.
She still does not know what her ailment is, and will have to return for further tests in March, d.v. I know God has sent his Angels to watch and protect her, as people like her are needed in this world! Yes Sir, we could do with a few more Marys.
Just today as I was talking with Mary, she was making her lists of 'Thank yous' for all the kind nurses she encountered in hospital, and the gifts she wanted to give them - money, chocolates, etc. to show her appreciation for all their kindness and goodness. But what Mary said to me today really struck a chord. She said she wanted to show appreciation to encourage them to keep being as nice to other patients as they had been to her - so not alone was she thinking of the nurses and care staff, she was also thinking about fellow patients and future patients to the hospital - Wow!
But then, with a powerful name like Mary - could we expect anything but the best!
All my Polly Pals join me in wishing Mary a speedy recovery!!
Hugs and kisses,
Polly P xxx
Just recently, Mary had to go into hospital for 11 days and endure horrendous tests. She had to sleep (she didn't!) sitting upright and she could not eat for 10 days either, only the paltry liquid from a tube. Yet, despite all that, Mary found reason to be cheerful and kind to both nurses and fellow patients.
She still does not know what her ailment is, and will have to return for further tests in March, d.v. I know God has sent his Angels to watch and protect her, as people like her are needed in this world! Yes Sir, we could do with a few more Marys.
Just today as I was talking with Mary, she was making her lists of 'Thank yous' for all the kind nurses she encountered in hospital, and the gifts she wanted to give them - money, chocolates, etc. to show her appreciation for all their kindness and goodness. But what Mary said to me today really struck a chord. She said she wanted to show appreciation to encourage them to keep being as nice to other patients as they had been to her - so not alone was she thinking of the nurses and care staff, she was also thinking about fellow patients and future patients to the hospital - Wow!
But then, with a powerful name like Mary - could we expect anything but the best!
All my Polly Pals join me in wishing Mary a speedy recovery!!
Hugs and kisses,
Polly P xxx
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Today marks the completion of Week 1 of my Lenten journey. I am so happy that I have managed to keep on track with my goals - for once!! - but there are 3 longs weeks to go yet and the Devil is mighty busy this time of the year. The supermarket is a shrine of aromatic Easter eggs, but I'm like a horse and just keep looking straight ahead - away from the danger zone!
Today I will share some beautiful words with you from the Book of Virtues which resonate with me... Hope you enjoy as much as I do!
There are some who drift out in the deserts of doubt
And some who in brutishness wallow;
There are others, I know, who in piety go
Because of a Heaven to follow.
But to labour with zest, and to give of your best,
For the sweetness and joy of the giving
To help folks along, with a hand and a song
Why, there's the real sunshine of living.
Carry on! Carry on!
Fight the good fight and true
Believe in your mission,
Greet life with a smile
There's big work to be done
and that is why you are here, so
Carry on! Carry on!
Let the world be the better for you
And at last when you die, let this be your cry
Carry on my soul! Carry on!
Love it!
Hugs and kisses,
Polly P xxx
Today I will share some beautiful words with you from the Book of Virtues which resonate with me... Hope you enjoy as much as I do!
There are some who drift out in the deserts of doubt
And some who in brutishness wallow;
There are others, I know, who in piety go
Because of a Heaven to follow.
But to labour with zest, and to give of your best,
For the sweetness and joy of the giving
To help folks along, with a hand and a song
Why, there's the real sunshine of living.
Carry on! Carry on!
Fight the good fight and true
Believe in your mission,
Greet life with a smile
There's big work to be done
and that is why you are here, so
Carry on! Carry on!
Let the world be the better for you
And at last when you die, let this be your cry
Carry on my soul! Carry on!
Love it!
Hugs and kisses,
Polly P xxx
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Fr. David delivered the homily at mass today. He is young, enthusiastic and everybody loves him. Prior to joining the priesthood, he worked in the hospitality industry, and also studied Philosophy, so he has a lot to say about the world we live in today. I consider him the Dr. Phil of the church - he would laugh if he heard me say that!
Today's topic was about forgiveness, and the importance of doing things for God which were beyond our comfort zone. Before we even tackle the big task of forgiveness, we must busy ourselves with lots of good deeds - even if we don't feel appreciated or acknowledged for our efforts - Do it anyway, because that is what God wants us to do.
Forgiveness, he acknowledged is not easy, especially when the person who hurt you made you feel so insignificant, and hurt you deeply. We must do it nonetheless. In doing so, we find grace and will have a sense of peace in our hearts, which is what God wants for all of us - Peace.
So, in the spirit of Peace and Reconciliation, I would like to share a little prayer about Healing and Forgiveness. I have given it to people and they have found it very helpful. May it bring comfort and peace to you.
Jesus, through the power of the Holy Spirit go back into my memory as I sleep.
Every hurt that has ever been done to me...heal that hurt.
Every hurt that I have ever caused to another person...heal that hurt.
All the relationships that have been damaged in my whole life that I am aware of
...heal those relationships.
But Lord, if I need to go to a person because he is still suffering from my hand,
bring to my awareness that person.
I choose to forgive, and I ask to be forgiven.
Remove whatever bitterness may be in my heart, Lord,
and fill the empty spaces with your love.
Keep the above prayer by your bedside, it will help you have a peaceful night's sleep!
Polly P xxx
Today's topic was about forgiveness, and the importance of doing things for God which were beyond our comfort zone. Before we even tackle the big task of forgiveness, we must busy ourselves with lots of good deeds - even if we don't feel appreciated or acknowledged for our efforts - Do it anyway, because that is what God wants us to do.
Forgiveness, he acknowledged is not easy, especially when the person who hurt you made you feel so insignificant, and hurt you deeply. We must do it nonetheless. In doing so, we find grace and will have a sense of peace in our hearts, which is what God wants for all of us - Peace.
So, in the spirit of Peace and Reconciliation, I would like to share a little prayer about Healing and Forgiveness. I have given it to people and they have found it very helpful. May it bring comfort and peace to you.
Jesus, through the power of the Holy Spirit go back into my memory as I sleep.
Every hurt that has ever been done to me...heal that hurt.
Every hurt that I have ever caused to another person...heal that hurt.
All the relationships that have been damaged in my whole life that I am aware of
...heal those relationships.
But Lord, if I need to go to a person because he is still suffering from my hand,
bring to my awareness that person.
I choose to forgive, and I ask to be forgiven.
Remove whatever bitterness may be in my heart, Lord,
and fill the empty spaces with your love.
Keep the above prayer by your bedside, it will help you have a peaceful night's sleep!
Polly P xxx
Saturday, February 21, 2015
I am dipping into the wisdom of that feisty woman of faith - Joyce Meyer. You should google her, and listen to her speak. I think you will enjoy her as much as I do.
I reached for Joyce's book today - Power Thoughts - Daily inspirations, as I felt I could do with some inspiration for winning the battle of the mind, as she so amusingly puts it! Life is a daily struggle requiring immense discipline to stay on track with all our demands - housework and home maintenance, car maintenance, bills, accounting, cooking, diet and exercise, animals, garden, groceries, career, family - the list is endless. There are so many demands and not enough time.
Prayer, sadly gets dropped to the end of the list because God does not make any demands, yet the day I start with a prayer, is frequently the best day, and I sleep a lot better when I end the day on a prayer. But I don't always do this. I should know better, so hopefully this Lenten journey will put some sense into me!
I feel guilty that I am not doing enough good in the world; that I should be doing more charity work, but Joyce Meyer re-assures me that God operates on the principle of "gradual growth" - things changing little by little. Rather than focusing on how far you will have to go, recognize instead how far you have come. Staying positive will help you in all areas of life.
Power Thought: It is God's will for me to have peace and not confusion.
Polly P xxx
I reached for Joyce's book today - Power Thoughts - Daily inspirations, as I felt I could do with some inspiration for winning the battle of the mind, as she so amusingly puts it! Life is a daily struggle requiring immense discipline to stay on track with all our demands - housework and home maintenance, car maintenance, bills, accounting, cooking, diet and exercise, animals, garden, groceries, career, family - the list is endless. There are so many demands and not enough time.
Prayer, sadly gets dropped to the end of the list because God does not make any demands, yet the day I start with a prayer, is frequently the best day, and I sleep a lot better when I end the day on a prayer. But I don't always do this. I should know better, so hopefully this Lenten journey will put some sense into me!
I feel guilty that I am not doing enough good in the world; that I should be doing more charity work, but Joyce Meyer re-assures me that God operates on the principle of "gradual growth" - things changing little by little. Rather than focusing on how far you will have to go, recognize instead how far you have come. Staying positive will help you in all areas of life.
Power Thought: It is God's will for me to have peace and not confusion.
Polly P xxx
Day 4 of Lent is upon us, and so far so fabulous! Going off sweets has been a breeze because they poisoned me with sugar over in Cuba, and it will take me weeks to get it all out of my system - just as well!!
Anyway, back to the holy part. I'm really getting into the Lenten groove this time (sure, I know I have the zeal of a convert!). I'm going to daily mass, saying a daily rosary, and the spiritual momentum is joyfully building up. I scoured all the nooks and crannies in the house where I put books I intend reading one day. I found some great soul searching gems, including:
Care of the Soul and Meditations by Thomas Moore
Power Thoughts - 365 Daily Inspirations for Winning the Battle of the Mind by Joyce Meyer
100 Days of Grace for Women - author unknown
Anam Cara by John O'Donohue and Benedictus, also by John O'Donohue
Everyday Grace and A Course in Miracles - both by Marianne Williamson
A Year of Spirituality by Ingrid Collins
The Power of the Heart by Baptist De Pape
Living in Gratitude by Angeles Arrien
The Rosary - The Prayer That Saved My Life by Immaculee Ilibagiza
Living in Gratitude by Angeles Arrien
The Rosary - The Prayer That Saved My Life by Immaculee Ilibagiza
The above books I bought gradually over the past few years, and some were given to me as gifts. I really enjoy them because you can dip in and out of them with relative ease, and get great bang for your spiritual buck! I love the work of John O'Donohue and Marianne Williamson. These are books you can read over and over again, or simply waltz into as the spirit moves you. Just having these powerful books around me in my 'Sanctuary' helps me focus.
So that's about the size of it for today! If you're joining me on this journey, let me know how you're doing!
Polly P xxx
Friday, February 20, 2015
I am currently reading 100 Ways to Keep Your Soul Alive by Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat. It is a short little book, and ever so sweet. It's a perfect reading companion for the Lenten journey. I found it in a charity shop in Ireland. There are 100 suggestions in the book, and over the next 37 days or so, I will share some of my favourite with you.
One that got my attention was 'Go into all four rooms'.
There is an Indian proverb or axiom that says that everyone is a house with four rooms, a physical, a mental, an emotional, and a spiritual. Most of us tend to live in one room most of the time but, unless we go into every room every day, even if only to keep it aired, we are not a complete person.
I think the four rooms could apply to the four elements in astrology.
Physical - Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) connecting with body.
Mental - Air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) connecting with mind.
Emotional - Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) connecting with emotions.
Spiritual - Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) connecting with spirit.
On this, day 3 of our Lenten journey, assess the condition of your four rooms. Which one looks like you visit it regularly? Which needs airing out? Which one needs a little TLC?
Something to ponder...
Polly P xxx
One that got my attention was 'Go into all four rooms'.
There is an Indian proverb or axiom that says that everyone is a house with four rooms, a physical, a mental, an emotional, and a spiritual. Most of us tend to live in one room most of the time but, unless we go into every room every day, even if only to keep it aired, we are not a complete person.
I think the four rooms could apply to the four elements in astrology.
Physical - Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) connecting with body.
Mental - Air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) connecting with mind.
Emotional - Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) connecting with emotions.
Spiritual - Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) connecting with spirit.
On this, day 3 of our Lenten journey, assess the condition of your four rooms. Which one looks like you visit it regularly? Which needs airing out? Which one needs a little TLC?
Something to ponder...
Polly P xxx
Thursday, February 19, 2015
"Do not be anxious about your life, what you shall eat, nor about your body, what you shall put on."
Luke 12:22
Our mantra for today is 'LET GO LET GOD'
In his book The Power of Now, Eckhart Tolle advises us to simply focus on the NOW: "As soon as you honour the present moment, all unhappiness and struggle dissolve, and life begins to flow with joy and ease." It is when you are in the state of 'nowness' as I like to call it, that you can properly connect with the Divine. The Divine needs a quiet mind for a proper connection.
On this the second day of your spiritual journey, spend a few moments observing the way your thoughts can meander in a menacing way. It could be that phone call you just received, or some bad news about a relative, or frustration with the collapse of your New Year's resolutions -- whatever! Thoughts are like fleas, there to bug you! Write down your 3 biggest concerns. Could the burden be a little lighter if you asked the Lord to help you carry it? Take a deep breath when you find the wiggly worries worming their way into your private territory without your permission! Just like friends, try and be a little bit more selective about the thoughts you invite into your private space.
You may wish to write in a journal during this time, and document how that tiny mustard seed of faith is beginning to grow...and grow...and grow. It takes time, and effort. But it's very much worth the effort.
Prayer has the power to move mountains, and many a mountain of worry it has moved! Faith has caused miracles to happen. The deeper you put yourself into the prayer moment, the greater your spiritual high will be. These 40 days will surprise you. Pray for inspiration, and help to develop your faith. As I say over and over and over again, "God is Good."
Prayer for Day 2:
'Lord I repent of all my worrying and fretting! I know that it blocks your Power.
Please help me to place all my trust in you. I leave these worries....(mention them here) in your care. I know you will do what is right. There is nothing that you nor I cannot handle together. Thank you for helping me place all my trust and cares in you'.
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
So yes, today is a very special day. It is the beginning of Lent. The Sun just moved into Pisces, and we have a new moon -- it's a great time to start a spiritual journey. Pisces, with its symbol of the fish, is regarded as the spiritual guru of the zodiac. I do know that I have never met a Pisces who did not believe in a greater power. For the most part, Piscean people are spiritually inclined, compassionate, and believe in the good of humanity.
So let's make today SPECIAL! Let's do something different. I really want to have a great Lent this year d.v. and I am inviting you to join me on the journey of 40 days and 40 nights. I am forever grateful for the year I gave up sugar in my tea -- that one stuck! But there are even greater treasures to be unearthed during our time in the "desert." Alone time to connect with our maker...
Day 1 TODAY:
Find the sunniest, happiest, most peaceful place in your home or garden.
Surround yourself with images that transport you: deceased loved ones, God, Our Lady, Angels -- anything that connects you to the Divine.
Light a candle and focus on the flame.
Close your eyes, and do some relaxation and breathing exercises.
Have some nice soft, angelic music playing in the background, or birds singing in the trees.
Q U I E T...
After quiet contemplation and prayer. make a list of some ways you can show your gratitude to God during Lent. Try to practise a random act of kindness each day -- give alms to the poor, visit a shelter, etc. Maybe go off coffee or sweets, and the money spared could go to your charity of choice.
EnJOY Day 1 of the journey...
Love and Hugs,
Polly P xxx
So let's make today SPECIAL! Let's do something different. I really want to have a great Lent this year d.v. and I am inviting you to join me on the journey of 40 days and 40 nights. I am forever grateful for the year I gave up sugar in my tea -- that one stuck! But there are even greater treasures to be unearthed during our time in the "desert." Alone time to connect with our maker...
Day 1 TODAY:
Find the sunniest, happiest, most peaceful place in your home or garden.
Surround yourself with images that transport you: deceased loved ones, God, Our Lady, Angels -- anything that connects you to the Divine.
Light a candle and focus on the flame.
Close your eyes, and do some relaxation and breathing exercises.
Have some nice soft, angelic music playing in the background, or birds singing in the trees.
Q U I E T...
After quiet contemplation and prayer. make a list of some ways you can show your gratitude to God during Lent. Try to practise a random act of kindness each day -- give alms to the poor, visit a shelter, etc. Maybe go off coffee or sweets, and the money spared could go to your charity of choice.
EnJOY Day 1 of the journey...
Love and Hugs,
Polly P xxx
Monday, February 16, 2015
It was my first time going to a Communist Caribbean country with no edible chocolate - no edible anything - so compromise was the order of the week. I'll admit, I'm a pampered princess, so the lack of 'modern conveniences' in Cuba, such as toilet paper, Starbucks, and easy access to the Internet, I found a tad tiresome.
On the plane going over, Claudia tried to prepare me. She told me they charged you per sheet for the toilet paper in public washrooms. She was right! Three sheets per person - 4 if they like you. A lady sits on a chair and doles out the coveted paper. You duly drop some coins on a plate, and she smiles. At the airport, one lady was using an empty Pringles tin, filling it with water, and pouring it into the toilets after you left. We got in at the deep end, if you'll pardon the pun! That was the barbaric part.
On the positive side, it was a fabulous rest for all of us - no computer, no proper junk food. Don't get me wrong, there was junk food... it just wasn't fun to eat! The meat was decidedly suspect, which is why I decided to become a vegetarian again - safer by far!! It was my first time going to an all-inclusive resort and I realize now I'm not a good candidate. I'm a hippy at heart. I felt like a caged animal. Life centred around eating - eat, rest by the beach or pool. Eat again, play, eat, rest, again, play, get the drift... It was competitive too. You have to plonk your towels on a bed by the beach or pool by 7 a.m. at the latest! Everything gets snapped up early.
Our resort, Sol Palmeras in Varadero, boasts 4 stars and incredible service. Waiters were always on hand offering free drinks, food - anything - even a neck massage if you asked nicely...and popped a peso in their palm! It was clean, efficient, and delivered everything they promised - sea, sand, sunshine, music, and lots of happy smiles. Hanging out there reminded me of my time on a Kibbutz in Israel many years ago. Staff are busy about their work, tending the gardens, singing, laughing, cooking in the kitchen, the sound of cutlery clattering as you swing lazily on your hammock beneath the majestic palm trees. My abiding memory of Cuba will be those tall, incredibly beautiful palm trees, and that turquoise blue sky. I couldn't get enough swinging time. I would while away hours on the hammock, feeling like Robinson Crusoe, listening to the gentle rhythmic roar of the tide. Magic!
The whole Cuba experience was very much a journey back in time. Time has stood still there. The clock stopped when they fell out with America, and decided to go it alone. As I write, a truce is in the making. It's anybody's guess as to how this is going to affect Cuba, both socially, and economically. Approx. 65% of its 11 million inhabitants are Spanish, 20% African, and the rest a mix of Chinese and others. There was no distinct 'Cuban' citizen. I found the black Cubans by far the happiest, and the most friendly. They were brought in from Africa centuries ago as slaves, and endured horrendous cruelty. So the current Communist way of life where everyone is equal works especially well for them.
Nobody can buy a house, they have to swap homes if they want to move. Realtors are illegal. $250,000 can buy you the biggest, most luxurious home in Cuba, with 6 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms. Professionals earn only $2,000 a month, while regular folk half of that amount. They rely a lot on tourism, the sugar cane industry, and the '3 Musketeers', as they affectionately call them - namely, Tobacco, Coffee, and Rum. Some people travel to Cuba simply for the cigars - seriously. I met a man on the Havana tour who was cigar crazy. Cigars were on his mind when he booked the trip. His favourite smoke which costs him $30 in Canada is only $6 in Cuba, so he was there to stock up. There is a limit of 50 cigars per person.
Plaza America, with its telling title, was the most happening place on our resort. A cute little blue Disney-like choo choo train transferred tourists down each day, past the bungalows for rent and glorious, lush tropical foliage that reminded me of the Kibbutz. At the Plaza you could buy fab Russianized fashion, designed to please the boys - shiny, short, and sleazy in the extreme, plus tacky souvenirs and t-shirts that you would see in the dollar store at home - except a lot more expensive. Cuban women look at you wistfully, because they never have enough money to buy bling, or travel, or do fun things. Everything there is so expensive, sort of what I think East Berlin was like, before they took the wall down.
It is very common to see tons of hitchhikers on the road as few people own cars. It is illegal to pass a hitchhiker on the road. Fellows wearing yellow trousers are there on duty to ensure that hikers get a ride. If you pass a hitcher, your driving license is taken from you, and you have to pay a hefty penalty. Cuba for the most part has very little crime, though watch your bag and bling in Havana!!
Some reviewers compared our resort in Varadero to a Butlin's holiday camp. I found that amusing, and true at times, especially when the family games came out! Bubbles by the pool, sweet innocent games of shooting the ball into a hole in a box, getting the ring around the rim of a drunken rum bottle, or dancing with a group of awkward tourists around the pool. Mind you I liked the beach aerobics and tried that one day, and loved the Tai Chi another day. All novel experiences. So yes, it was a mix between life on a Kibbutz and Butlin's, all rolled into one jolly holly holiday camp. Add in sunshine, ocean swimming, and there you have the makings of a heavenly hiatus.
Tourists comprised mainly Germans, English, Russian and Canadians, so the air was one of friendly reserve. The Buffet experience was a battle every day. The Germans always managed to be first at everything. I was in awe. It was like a game of musical chairs, with pile ups for food, and people scuttering to find an empty table. I guess when you have several hundred hungry, sun drenched tourists hitting the dining room at the same time, and wanting to be fed, things get mighty competitive!
Desserts were all sickly sweet...I like sugar but hey! not as much as they delivered. Fish tasted and looked like rubber, (they have no fishing industry because Fidel removed the boats in case they tried to escape to Miami!), eggs were not eggs - don't mind what they say! meat was doggone suspect, and the only vegetables that tasted like their authentic self were the french fries and good old frozen peas! Coffee was as thick as stew, served lukewarm with half milk, and a cannon ball kick - an acquired taste if ever. Everything was laced with sugar, sugar, and more sugar! The sugar cane is a huge industry in Cuba so they can afford to be generous.
The highlight of our holiday was our trip to Havana. Getting away from the resort, which really could be anywhere, and seeing 'the real Cuba' is something I would highly recommend to anybody considering going there. Havana is a richly rewarding tourist experience. The majestic buildings, Governor's home which is now a museum, St Francis of Assisi Square with its spectacular buddy bears exhibit, comprising a hand painted bear for every country in the world. Worth seeing and truly magnificent. Revolution Square, where giant images of Cuban heroes, Che Guevara and Fidel Castro are proudly displayed. Che Guevara's image is plastered on everything from t-shirts to bags - it's even tattooed on men's body parts! Havana was everything I had hoped for and more - minus the shops. Nobody has anything, it's a poor place. So not a shopping destination.
The Irish connection was a sweet surprise. There is a street in Havana named O'Reilly street, and a plaque beneath it dedicated to the Irish/Cuban connection which reads 'Cuba and Ireland: Two island peoples in the same seas of struggle and Hope'. My home town in Ireland has pictures of Che Guevara everywhere. We even have a festival dedicated to him every summer. Che Guevara's maternal grandmother apparently was Irish. I also noticed a love for the colours green, white and gold in the sumptuous costumes at the Tropicana club. By the way, the Tropicana show is a must-see when you go to Havana. The dancing, music, and costumes will take your breath away.
You go to Cuba for the cultural experience, the 3 Musketeers, the happy people, incredible music, vibrant dancing, driving around in colourful old 50's cars, sipping sweet cappuccinos in dusty old cafes in Havana, with the aroma of cigars, high ceilings, and piano music, memories of Ernest Hemingway, and a glamorous bygone era... Now the rich Cubans are all living the dream in Miami - the promised land for every Cuban - only 90 tantalizing miles across the ocean... Singers Gloria Estefan and Pitbull are proud Cuban ex-pats, now living that dream in Miami.
Some day soon it will all change. Cuba is a huge wannabe Miami. And it's going to happen... The beautiful old American Embassy will be resurrected...Who knows what will happen then?
In the meantime, the rhythm is definitely going to getcha!!
Love and hugs,
Polly P xxx
On the plane going over, Claudia tried to prepare me. She told me they charged you per sheet for the toilet paper in public washrooms. She was right! Three sheets per person - 4 if they like you. A lady sits on a chair and doles out the coveted paper. You duly drop some coins on a plate, and she smiles. At the airport, one lady was using an empty Pringles tin, filling it with water, and pouring it into the toilets after you left. We got in at the deep end, if you'll pardon the pun! That was the barbaric part.
On the positive side, it was a fabulous rest for all of us - no computer, no proper junk food. Don't get me wrong, there was junk food... it just wasn't fun to eat! The meat was decidedly suspect, which is why I decided to become a vegetarian again - safer by far!! It was my first time going to an all-inclusive resort and I realize now I'm not a good candidate. I'm a hippy at heart. I felt like a caged animal. Life centred around eating - eat, rest by the beach or pool. Eat again, play, eat, rest, again, play, get the drift... It was competitive too. You have to plonk your towels on a bed by the beach or pool by 7 a.m. at the latest! Everything gets snapped up early.
Our resort, Sol Palmeras in Varadero, boasts 4 stars and incredible service. Waiters were always on hand offering free drinks, food - anything - even a neck massage if you asked nicely...and popped a peso in their palm! It was clean, efficient, and delivered everything they promised - sea, sand, sunshine, music, and lots of happy smiles. Hanging out there reminded me of my time on a Kibbutz in Israel many years ago. Staff are busy about their work, tending the gardens, singing, laughing, cooking in the kitchen, the sound of cutlery clattering as you swing lazily on your hammock beneath the majestic palm trees. My abiding memory of Cuba will be those tall, incredibly beautiful palm trees, and that turquoise blue sky. I couldn't get enough swinging time. I would while away hours on the hammock, feeling like Robinson Crusoe, listening to the gentle rhythmic roar of the tide. Magic!
The whole Cuba experience was very much a journey back in time. Time has stood still there. The clock stopped when they fell out with America, and decided to go it alone. As I write, a truce is in the making. It's anybody's guess as to how this is going to affect Cuba, both socially, and economically. Approx. 65% of its 11 million inhabitants are Spanish, 20% African, and the rest a mix of Chinese and others. There was no distinct 'Cuban' citizen. I found the black Cubans by far the happiest, and the most friendly. They were brought in from Africa centuries ago as slaves, and endured horrendous cruelty. So the current Communist way of life where everyone is equal works especially well for them.
Nobody can buy a house, they have to swap homes if they want to move. Realtors are illegal. $250,000 can buy you the biggest, most luxurious home in Cuba, with 6 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms. Professionals earn only $2,000 a month, while regular folk half of that amount. They rely a lot on tourism, the sugar cane industry, and the '3 Musketeers', as they affectionately call them - namely, Tobacco, Coffee, and Rum. Some people travel to Cuba simply for the cigars - seriously. I met a man on the Havana tour who was cigar crazy. Cigars were on his mind when he booked the trip. His favourite smoke which costs him $30 in Canada is only $6 in Cuba, so he was there to stock up. There is a limit of 50 cigars per person.
Plaza America, with its telling title, was the most happening place on our resort. A cute little blue Disney-like choo choo train transferred tourists down each day, past the bungalows for rent and glorious, lush tropical foliage that reminded me of the Kibbutz. At the Plaza you could buy fab Russianized fashion, designed to please the boys - shiny, short, and sleazy in the extreme, plus tacky souvenirs and t-shirts that you would see in the dollar store at home - except a lot more expensive. Cuban women look at you wistfully, because they never have enough money to buy bling, or travel, or do fun things. Everything there is so expensive, sort of what I think East Berlin was like, before they took the wall down.
It is very common to see tons of hitchhikers on the road as few people own cars. It is illegal to pass a hitchhiker on the road. Fellows wearing yellow trousers are there on duty to ensure that hikers get a ride. If you pass a hitcher, your driving license is taken from you, and you have to pay a hefty penalty. Cuba for the most part has very little crime, though watch your bag and bling in Havana!!
Some reviewers compared our resort in Varadero to a Butlin's holiday camp. I found that amusing, and true at times, especially when the family games came out! Bubbles by the pool, sweet innocent games of shooting the ball into a hole in a box, getting the ring around the rim of a drunken rum bottle, or dancing with a group of awkward tourists around the pool. Mind you I liked the beach aerobics and tried that one day, and loved the Tai Chi another day. All novel experiences. So yes, it was a mix between life on a Kibbutz and Butlin's, all rolled into one jolly holly holiday camp. Add in sunshine, ocean swimming, and there you have the makings of a heavenly hiatus.
Tourists comprised mainly Germans, English, Russian and Canadians, so the air was one of friendly reserve. The Buffet experience was a battle every day. The Germans always managed to be first at everything. I was in awe. It was like a game of musical chairs, with pile ups for food, and people scuttering to find an empty table. I guess when you have several hundred hungry, sun drenched tourists hitting the dining room at the same time, and wanting to be fed, things get mighty competitive!
Desserts were all sickly sweet...I like sugar but hey! not as much as they delivered. Fish tasted and looked like rubber, (they have no fishing industry because Fidel removed the boats in case they tried to escape to Miami!), eggs were not eggs - don't mind what they say! meat was doggone suspect, and the only vegetables that tasted like their authentic self were the french fries and good old frozen peas! Coffee was as thick as stew, served lukewarm with half milk, and a cannon ball kick - an acquired taste if ever. Everything was laced with sugar, sugar, and more sugar! The sugar cane is a huge industry in Cuba so they can afford to be generous.
The highlight of our holiday was our trip to Havana. Getting away from the resort, which really could be anywhere, and seeing 'the real Cuba' is something I would highly recommend to anybody considering going there. Havana is a richly rewarding tourist experience. The majestic buildings, Governor's home which is now a museum, St Francis of Assisi Square with its spectacular buddy bears exhibit, comprising a hand painted bear for every country in the world. Worth seeing and truly magnificent. Revolution Square, where giant images of Cuban heroes, Che Guevara and Fidel Castro are proudly displayed. Che Guevara's image is plastered on everything from t-shirts to bags - it's even tattooed on men's body parts! Havana was everything I had hoped for and more - minus the shops. Nobody has anything, it's a poor place. So not a shopping destination.
The Irish connection was a sweet surprise. There is a street in Havana named O'Reilly street, and a plaque beneath it dedicated to the Irish/Cuban connection which reads 'Cuba and Ireland: Two island peoples in the same seas of struggle and Hope'. My home town in Ireland has pictures of Che Guevara everywhere. We even have a festival dedicated to him every summer. Che Guevara's maternal grandmother apparently was Irish. I also noticed a love for the colours green, white and gold in the sumptuous costumes at the Tropicana club. By the way, the Tropicana show is a must-see when you go to Havana. The dancing, music, and costumes will take your breath away.
You go to Cuba for the cultural experience, the 3 Musketeers, the happy people, incredible music, vibrant dancing, driving around in colourful old 50's cars, sipping sweet cappuccinos in dusty old cafes in Havana, with the aroma of cigars, high ceilings, and piano music, memories of Ernest Hemingway, and a glamorous bygone era... Now the rich Cubans are all living the dream in Miami - the promised land for every Cuban - only 90 tantalizing miles across the ocean... Singers Gloria Estefan and Pitbull are proud Cuban ex-pats, now living that dream in Miami.
Some day soon it will all change. Cuba is a huge wannabe Miami. And it's going to happen... The beautiful old American Embassy will be resurrected...Who knows what will happen then?
In the meantime, the rhythm is definitely going to getcha!!
Love and hugs,
Polly P xxx
Thursday, February 5, 2015
That was my bank manager's reaction yesterday when I told him I was going. He seemed surprised, like as if Cuba was a country where they ate their young, and Che Guevara was still running around the streets with his machine gun. "At least it's good to get there before the Americans" he said, just like everybody else does when I tell them I'm going to Cuba. What's wrong with McDonald's and Starbucks? Some of my best holidays were 'McDonaldized' for want of a better word - New York, Miami, California, Orlando, Las Vegas, Hawaii - what fun!
Cuba will be different. It's a quirky place to visit, and they love to dance! Because they have not been 'Americanized', we can expect it to be a rich condensed culture, and maybe a little bit lacking in creature comforts. Certainly not a place for shopping. Cars are from the 50's, and they have absolutely no junk food! - or so I'm told. No chocolate? I'll tell you when I get there...All shall be revealed!
I told the fellow in the bank that when I watched Cuban rapper Pitbull gyrating his hips on stage in Miami New Year's Eve, the seed was sown. "Who's Pitbull?" he asked. What planet was this man living on I wondered to myself. Even my 74 year old friend Anita is in love with Pitbull. I dared him to ask one of the young female bank tellers. They would surely know! So over he boldly strides. "Do you like Pitbull?" he asked a sweet innocent teller. She told him that yes, she loved all dogs - even Pitbulls! The moment was lost.
As I pack my suitcase, cigar smoke and Cuban music are competing for air space. The cigars were a timely gift for Kevin from a patient, and he couldn't wait to try them out! He is wearing his straw hat to complete the picture, while devouring all the books on Cuba - now that's the spirit!
I'll keep you posted...!!
Hugs and Kisses,
Polly P xxx
Cuba will be different. It's a quirky place to visit, and they love to dance! Because they have not been 'Americanized', we can expect it to be a rich condensed culture, and maybe a little bit lacking in creature comforts. Certainly not a place for shopping. Cars are from the 50's, and they have absolutely no junk food! - or so I'm told. No chocolate? I'll tell you when I get there...All shall be revealed!
I told the fellow in the bank that when I watched Cuban rapper Pitbull gyrating his hips on stage in Miami New Year's Eve, the seed was sown. "Who's Pitbull?" he asked. What planet was this man living on I wondered to myself. Even my 74 year old friend Anita is in love with Pitbull. I dared him to ask one of the young female bank tellers. They would surely know! So over he boldly strides. "Do you like Pitbull?" he asked a sweet innocent teller. She told him that yes, she loved all dogs - even Pitbulls! The moment was lost.
As I pack my suitcase, cigar smoke and Cuban music are competing for air space. The cigars were a timely gift for Kevin from a patient, and he couldn't wait to try them out! He is wearing his straw hat to complete the picture, while devouring all the books on Cuba - now that's the spirit!
I'll keep you posted...!!
Hugs and Kisses,
Polly P xxx
Tuesday, February 3, 2015
I was de-cluttering the basement recently when I came across an Oprah magazine from 2004. It looked interesting and I needed a good excuse for a rest! As I glanced over the glossy pages, enjoying all the familiar Oprah 'live your best life' messages that go in one ear, and out the other, I suddenly had a very bleak moment. Even though the magazine was now 11 years old, it was sufficiently up-to-date to be sitting on shop shelves today.
The fashion was current and modern. The ad for Chanel Mademoiselle perfume was still the same, my laundry detergent and breakfast cereal, ditto. The extra pounds I wanted to lose back then have remained loyal, and could not be parted from me! Suddenly, a wiggly wormy thought struck me - Nothing has changed in the past 11 years! Nothing. Where has the time gone? I could actually recall reading that magazine when it first came out, and enjoying the special feature on dresses.
Eleven years seems like a lot of time, but I think the Universe is fooling us! Our days seem to be really and truly flying! Because the transience of time had whooshed by so quickly, I began asking myself what really had I done with my life in the past 11 years since I bought that magazine? After the initial panic subsided, I began to relax. It wasn't that bad really - I had done something with my life - not all I would have wanted to do, but enough to justify my existence.
In the past 11 years, the girls had graduated from High School and gone on to University, we had moved from Calgary to Victoria, met some new people, travelled to several countries, enjoyed many a great celebration meal at restaurants, our dogs and cat, like us, have got older and wiser, we moved house three times, endured renovations from hell, I wrote 3 books, and of course dear Daddy died and along with him, the heart and soul of our family was buried too. Nothing, and everything, has changed. On paper it seems like a decent chunk of life has been lived. But why do I feel like it has all happened so quickly? Do you feel the same with your life?
How about the next 11 years? Is it because we're getting older, and realize that our health and energy levels are going to be dropping, that we need to get serious about 'Living our Best Lives'. If you lived on a deserted island, a farm, or a small country village, would the urgent matter of using your life to its utmost, be still an issue?
If God blesses you with another 11 years, how would you like to spend it? Are you getting the most bang for your life buck? Are you just dragging your feet? Getting by with a wing and a prayer? Believing that when you lose that extra 10 lbs. your life will change? or that when 'Mr. Right Now' comes along, the clouds of life will disperse? Big questions...Time is flying, so LET'S GO!!
Hugs and Kisses,
Polly P xxx
The fashion was current and modern. The ad for Chanel Mademoiselle perfume was still the same, my laundry detergent and breakfast cereal, ditto. The extra pounds I wanted to lose back then have remained loyal, and could not be parted from me! Suddenly, a wiggly wormy thought struck me - Nothing has changed in the past 11 years! Nothing. Where has the time gone? I could actually recall reading that magazine when it first came out, and enjoying the special feature on dresses.
Eleven years seems like a lot of time, but I think the Universe is fooling us! Our days seem to be really and truly flying! Because the transience of time had whooshed by so quickly, I began asking myself what really had I done with my life in the past 11 years since I bought that magazine? After the initial panic subsided, I began to relax. It wasn't that bad really - I had done something with my life - not all I would have wanted to do, but enough to justify my existence.
In the past 11 years, the girls had graduated from High School and gone on to University, we had moved from Calgary to Victoria, met some new people, travelled to several countries, enjoyed many a great celebration meal at restaurants, our dogs and cat, like us, have got older and wiser, we moved house three times, endured renovations from hell, I wrote 3 books, and of course dear Daddy died and along with him, the heart and soul of our family was buried too. Nothing, and everything, has changed. On paper it seems like a decent chunk of life has been lived. But why do I feel like it has all happened so quickly? Do you feel the same with your life?
How about the next 11 years? Is it because we're getting older, and realize that our health and energy levels are going to be dropping, that we need to get serious about 'Living our Best Lives'. If you lived on a deserted island, a farm, or a small country village, would the urgent matter of using your life to its utmost, be still an issue?
If God blesses you with another 11 years, how would you like to spend it? Are you getting the most bang for your life buck? Are you just dragging your feet? Getting by with a wing and a prayer? Believing that when you lose that extra 10 lbs. your life will change? or that when 'Mr. Right Now' comes along, the clouds of life will disperse? Big questions...Time is flying, so LET'S GO!!
Hugs and Kisses,
Polly P xxx
Monday, January 26, 2015
Are you feeling the weirdness in the air? Could it be the fact that Mercury is retrograde? Absolutely. Mercury does its retro dance three times in the year, and usually for a three week stay. The current phase began January 21st and will remain until the 11th February. Second phase is May 18th to June 11th. The third and last phase for the year is from September 17th to October 9th. This is useful information to have, especially if you are a Gemini or Virgo, or have those signs prominent in your chart -- either as your rising or moon sign. It affects everybody, but especially those with Mercury prominent in their birth charts.
In mythology, Mercury was the swift-footed messenger of the Gods. Astrologically speaking, Mercury governs communications of all kinds: both the written and spoken word, travel, computers (especially computers!!) trains, cars, get the idea. Since Mercury rules Gemini and Virgo, it's no wonder then that many brilliant writers are born under these signs.
Not wishing to get off topic, let's return to retro. Despite this phrase, Mercury itself does not actually go backward -- "retrograde" actually refers to the apparent change in motion of the planet when it is viewed from Earth. Fast moving Mercury has a highly elliptical orbit which means that it travels far more quickly when it is closest to the Sun. When Mercury "catches up" to the Earth's orbit, it gives the illusion that it's changing direction in the sky for those three weeks or so.
So how does it affect us mortals? Is it like the full moon that can turn some of us into Lunatics?
No -- luna or moon affects us emotionally, while Mercury affects communications. I'll give you some example of what I mean. People forgetting appointments and mixing up the dates, having more frequent problems with cars and computers, and general misunderstandings due to foggy communication. During one Mercury retrograde phase I was trying to rent a house I once owned. Everything was at a standstill with nothing happening, but as soon as Mercury went direct, we got a tenant. Another person I knew was selling their home during this time -- the deal fell through but as soon as Mercury went direct a new buyer came along and sealed the deal.
Since this current retro phase began just a few days ago, a friend of mine had a fender bender, another lady fell and broke her ankle and had to cancel an important event, a few of my friend's clients mixed up their appointment dates, there were some no-shows, miscommunications...and we are only a few days into it!! You get the drift...
Here's what you do -- employ the 3 R's: Revise, Rewind, Relax! This is not a time to begin new projects, but rather to prepare the groundwork for a new project, finish what you have already begun, and just slow down. The lesson of speedy Mercury going retro can be summed up in one sentence:
A stitch in time saves nine! We all need these times to remind us to just be more mindful. Mercury rules the mind and now his lesson to us is to reMind us to be more Mindful -- full in our minds!
Hope that helps ease you through the next few weeks.
Take Care and enJOY!
Hugs and kisses,
Polly P xxx
In mythology, Mercury was the swift-footed messenger of the Gods. Astrologically speaking, Mercury governs communications of all kinds: both the written and spoken word, travel, computers (especially computers!!) trains, cars, get the idea. Since Mercury rules Gemini and Virgo, it's no wonder then that many brilliant writers are born under these signs.
Not wishing to get off topic, let's return to retro. Despite this phrase, Mercury itself does not actually go backward -- "retrograde" actually refers to the apparent change in motion of the planet when it is viewed from Earth. Fast moving Mercury has a highly elliptical orbit which means that it travels far more quickly when it is closest to the Sun. When Mercury "catches up" to the Earth's orbit, it gives the illusion that it's changing direction in the sky for those three weeks or so.
So how does it affect us mortals? Is it like the full moon that can turn some of us into Lunatics?
No -- luna or moon affects us emotionally, while Mercury affects communications. I'll give you some example of what I mean. People forgetting appointments and mixing up the dates, having more frequent problems with cars and computers, and general misunderstandings due to foggy communication. During one Mercury retrograde phase I was trying to rent a house I once owned. Everything was at a standstill with nothing happening, but as soon as Mercury went direct, we got a tenant. Another person I knew was selling their home during this time -- the deal fell through but as soon as Mercury went direct a new buyer came along and sealed the deal.
Since this current retro phase began just a few days ago, a friend of mine had a fender bender, another lady fell and broke her ankle and had to cancel an important event, a few of my friend's clients mixed up their appointment dates, there were some no-shows, miscommunications...and we are only a few days into it!! You get the drift...
Here's what you do -- employ the 3 R's: Revise, Rewind, Relax! This is not a time to begin new projects, but rather to prepare the groundwork for a new project, finish what you have already begun, and just slow down. The lesson of speedy Mercury going retro can be summed up in one sentence:
A stitch in time saves nine! We all need these times to remind us to just be more mindful. Mercury rules the mind and now his lesson to us is to reMind us to be more Mindful -- full in our minds!
Hope that helps ease you through the next few weeks.
Take Care and enJOY!
Hugs and kisses,
Polly P xxx
Friday, January 23, 2015
I wanted to do a blog on this because it is an issue that has raised its sad little head several times with clients I have seen recently. The 11th house in one's chart is the house that governs friendships. Whenever you see the pain body Saturn sitting pretty in this house - you know - I know - the client knows - this means that feelings of isolation, loneliness within relationships, and feeling betrayed by friends will be recurrent themes in the individual's life.
So how do you deal with this curse of nature as some people would put it? My answer to that is simply to look at the message God is trying to send you in your life. Your birthchart is your metaphysical road map for life. Get to know it, and all its nooks and crannies. Your destination is ultimately Heaven. None of us get out of this life alive. We are not here just to mindlessly occupy a seat on that train journey to Nirvana. We are here to engage with the other passengers we encounter on 'the journey'. What can we learn from them? How can I make peace with myself? What is it God wants me to do with my life to give glory to him?
These are questions to ponder as you journey through life.
Getting back to 11th house Saturn, my advice to clients with this placement is to 'go within' for happiness, and not to seek it in others. We are all fragile human beings. When we look to others to fill that empty void, we will be constantly disappointed. 11th house Saturn individuals (there is a whole book on this!) possess huge spiritual potential. It lies within them like buried treasure waiting to be discovered. The answer to their loneliness experience then is to tap into their spirituality.
If you find yourself constantly disappointed in others, feel lonely in a crowded room, are searching for something that no humanoid can deliver - go search! the answer frequently lies with 11th house Saturn, and God's divine plan for your life. You are BIGGER than you think. The answer lies within YOU!
Get thee to a private space with no interruptions, buy yourself a book written by Marianne Williamson, and let the journey to contentment begin...enJOY!
Hugs and kisses,
Polly P xxx
So how do you deal with this curse of nature as some people would put it? My answer to that is simply to look at the message God is trying to send you in your life. Your birthchart is your metaphysical road map for life. Get to know it, and all its nooks and crannies. Your destination is ultimately Heaven. None of us get out of this life alive. We are not here just to mindlessly occupy a seat on that train journey to Nirvana. We are here to engage with the other passengers we encounter on 'the journey'. What can we learn from them? How can I make peace with myself? What is it God wants me to do with my life to give glory to him?
These are questions to ponder as you journey through life.
Getting back to 11th house Saturn, my advice to clients with this placement is to 'go within' for happiness, and not to seek it in others. We are all fragile human beings. When we look to others to fill that empty void, we will be constantly disappointed. 11th house Saturn individuals (there is a whole book on this!) possess huge spiritual potential. It lies within them like buried treasure waiting to be discovered. The answer to their loneliness experience then is to tap into their spirituality.
If you find yourself constantly disappointed in others, feel lonely in a crowded room, are searching for something that no humanoid can deliver - go search! the answer frequently lies with 11th house Saturn, and God's divine plan for your life. You are BIGGER than you think. The answer lies within YOU!
Get thee to a private space with no interruptions, buy yourself a book written by Marianne Williamson, and let the journey to contentment begin...enJOY!
Hugs and kisses,
Polly P xxx
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
Girls, come close and I will let you in on a big secret which I discovered years ago...
If you want to know what a guy is really like, do some research. Find out what his relationship with his mother is like, and if you can't do that in a discrete manner, check out his Moon sign -- this is really really important. In fact, Indian Astrologers have long believed that the Moon sign is even more important than the Sun sign. Some would argue it's like asking which is more important -- salt or pepper?
After years of observation and studying the charts of hundreds of couples, I am of the opinion that a man's Moon sign has a huge bearing on his emotional responses to life. Here's a little sampling, but before I get to that, just go to and put in the date of birth. If you don't have the time, just put in 12.00 pm. The Moon sign should still be correct.
Moon sign Aries
Your man is going to be more feisty, impatient, and sexy -- rush rush rush!
Moon sign Taurus
This is one of the best Moon sign positions -- a lovely, stable, homey guy.
Moon sign Gemini
Mr. Flirt! This guy likes women -- a lot! Watch him like a hawk.
Moon sign Cancer
Home and family are #1 in this guy's books! He'll be a very loving and caring dad.
Moon sign Leo
This guy does things in a big way! He is generous and likes to impress.
Moon sign Virgo
A health conscious, discriminating, and fussy guy who notices everything.
Moon sign Libra
This fellow is smooth, charming, and will wow your mother!
Moon sign Scorpio
Sultry, smouldering, sexy, penetrating eyes...charismatic!
Moon sign Sagittarius
Freedom loving, optimistic, funny, talkative and loves to travel.
Moon sign Capricorn
Serious guy who is ambitious, hard working and materialistic.
Moon sign Aquarius
This is a cool and detached Moon position. Not a touchy feely guy.
Moon sign Pisces
This guy is a keeper! A very soft, loving and giving guy. Don't hurt him.
In the final analysis, the Moon is just part of a bigger picture in the life story of your Prince! Feel free to contact me with any questions.
Hugs and kisses galore,
Polly P xxx
If you want to know what a guy is really like, do some research. Find out what his relationship with his mother is like, and if you can't do that in a discrete manner, check out his Moon sign -- this is really really important. In fact, Indian Astrologers have long believed that the Moon sign is even more important than the Sun sign. Some would argue it's like asking which is more important -- salt or pepper?
After years of observation and studying the charts of hundreds of couples, I am of the opinion that a man's Moon sign has a huge bearing on his emotional responses to life. Here's a little sampling, but before I get to that, just go to and put in the date of birth. If you don't have the time, just put in 12.00 pm. The Moon sign should still be correct.
Moon sign Aries
Your man is going to be more feisty, impatient, and sexy -- rush rush rush!
Moon sign Taurus
This is one of the best Moon sign positions -- a lovely, stable, homey guy.
Moon sign Gemini
Mr. Flirt! This guy likes women -- a lot! Watch him like a hawk.
Moon sign Cancer
Home and family are #1 in this guy's books! He'll be a very loving and caring dad.
Moon sign Leo
This guy does things in a big way! He is generous and likes to impress.
Moon sign Virgo
A health conscious, discriminating, and fussy guy who notices everything.
Moon sign Libra
This fellow is smooth, charming, and will wow your mother!
Moon sign Scorpio
Sultry, smouldering, sexy, penetrating eyes...charismatic!
Moon sign Sagittarius
Freedom loving, optimistic, funny, talkative and loves to travel.
Moon sign Capricorn
Serious guy who is ambitious, hard working and materialistic.
Moon sign Aquarius
This is a cool and detached Moon position. Not a touchy feely guy.
Moon sign Pisces
This guy is a keeper! A very soft, loving and giving guy. Don't hurt him.
In the final analysis, the Moon is just part of a bigger picture in the life story of your Prince! Feel free to contact me with any questions.
Hugs and kisses galore,
Polly P xxx
Saturday, January 17, 2015
I had an astrological client recently who had been going through a really difficult time in her life. Indeed her birth chart was not an easy one, so together we navigated the best way for her to work with what she got. We were able to trace a lot of the dichotomy in her chart back to her family roots. Nobody has a perfectly easy birth chart. There will always be challenges. My job as an Astrological Life Coach is to help my clients walk over the bridge of pain, into a land of sunshine and possibilities. It's doable - very much so!
When I say there is no mystery in life, what I mean is that Astrology does provide many of the answers. I get asked a lot 'Why is this happening to me?' 'What did I do to deserve this?" 'How come I always feel alone - even in a crowd?' 'Why are we so incompatible?' etc.
For clues, I look to see what's happening in the slow moving outer planets, and how this could be affecting my client from their natal chart. Just like a detective, I get a tremendous kick out of searching, and then finding my answer. Very satisfying. This private detective side to my personality I attribute to my Scorpio Midheaven! Next I look to see what mischief Saturn the 'pain body planet' is up to - that provides another 'aha' moment. I look to see what the other 'pain body' asteroid Chiron is up to and yet another 'aha'. I keep searching...
As a true romantic, Relationship Astrology is also my favourite astrological brew. I want my clients to find love - true love. I look for at least 5 great connections - Sun, Moon, Mars, Venus, and Saturn for commitment...and there is more...
For more info. Check out my website
That's why I love what I do!
Hugs and Kisses galore,
Polly P xxx
When I say there is no mystery in life, what I mean is that Astrology does provide many of the answers. I get asked a lot 'Why is this happening to me?' 'What did I do to deserve this?" 'How come I always feel alone - even in a crowd?' 'Why are we so incompatible?' etc.
For clues, I look to see what's happening in the slow moving outer planets, and how this could be affecting my client from their natal chart. Just like a detective, I get a tremendous kick out of searching, and then finding my answer. Very satisfying. This private detective side to my personality I attribute to my Scorpio Midheaven! Next I look to see what mischief Saturn the 'pain body planet' is up to - that provides another 'aha' moment. I look to see what the other 'pain body' asteroid Chiron is up to and yet another 'aha'. I keep searching...
As a true romantic, Relationship Astrology is also my favourite astrological brew. I want my clients to find love - true love. I look for at least 5 great connections - Sun, Moon, Mars, Venus, and Saturn for commitment...and there is more...
For more info. Check out my website
That's why I love what I do!
Hugs and Kisses galore,
Polly P xxx
Thursday, January 15, 2015
Why are we middle-aged women such suckers for smooth talking salesmen? It bothers me that I'm still a gullible schoolgirl at heart. At my age, I really should know better. The following incident is an example of what I mean!
Picture the scene, I'm walking down Robson Street, Vancouver, laden down with shopping bags from Winners and Homesense, shops where you find fabulous for less, or so the catchphrase goes. I had a list of things to get before returning to Victoria on the afternoon ferry. There was just one item I couldn't find, which was a hairdryer and flat iron organizer for Vicky's bathroom. Passing a beauty salon, I decided to go in, and enquire if they had any.
"Do you sell hair styling organizers?" I asked the Manager of the store, a short dark haired man with flirty brown eyes, and a tongue as smooth as the Big Bad Wolf's.
"OMG - your eyes - you have the most beautiful eyes" he said, taking me by surprise. "They have two colours" he continued, reaching into my private bubble space, close enough for me to notice he ate garlic last night. 'Don't worry, I'm Gay" he said. Actually I wasn't worrying. I was old enough to be his mammy.
"Thank you" I responded, genuinely moved by his compliment. "My eyes turn green when I cry, and blue when I'm happy, but do you have a hairdryer organizer? That's what I'm really looking for."
"Wow, what skincare do you use?" he said, totally ignoring my enquiry,
"Prevage, why?"
"C'mon with me Madam" he said, taking my gullible little hand, leading me down to the back of the store, a perfumed paradise with tall exotic vases of flowers, and a waterfall. "I have a special treat for you because you are nice". How does he know I'm nice? We only met three minutes ago.
Before long I was sitting pretty on a high chair, receiving Raz's special treat. It was an eye serum magic trick. "Now you look" he said, after the job was complete, spinning my chair in front of the mirror, like I was a candidate in a makeover show. To be honest, I looked the same, but didn't want to hurt his feelings because of the free serum treatment he had given me, worth a fortune if I had to pay for it - or so he said!
"Which eye you like best?" he asked in his broken English. The eye that's not hurting I thought to myself. Why on earth did I endure such crapology? especially when I had to be on the ferry for Victoria in 2 hours, and tons to do yet. What followed was a fierce attempt on Raz's part to make me part with $700 for a bottle of his magic eye serum. I resisted and told him I was not a lady to impulse shop - joke!!
"Are my bags safe?" I asked him, glancing at my Winners and Homesense bags flung casually on the ground near the front entrance.
"Madam, there are no gypsies around here" he responded in a wounded voice. I had insulted him. Seeing I wasn't interested in the eye serum, he persisted. He walked over to a cabinet and removed a velvet covered box from a shelf and presented it to me like it was a priceless bottle of champagne, or cigars for Arnold Schwarzenegger. The box contained miniature bottles of face serum. "What price do you think these are"? he continued, getting weirder by the minute. How would I know?
"$2,000" he answered for me. "And how much do you think a face lift would cost you"? "Nothing" I told him, because I would never have one. Clearly, he was getting nowhere with me, yet he persisted like a bulldog fighting for a bone. Looking at the clock, I realized I'd miss my ferry if I didn't escape! I hopped off his fancy high chair and made a run for the door. I told him I had to fly.
"Wait madam, I'll make you a deal because I like you" he said, running after me, and at the same time wiping the beads of sweat from his forehead. Poor man. He really did work hard for the money. "What you want to give me?" he asked again with great persistence. Feeling sorry for him (worse reason to buy something!) I bought a flatiron holder from him for $40 and when he offered me a second one at half price I thought why not? I'll give the other one to Ali or Claudia. After the transaction I literally ran out of his shop. On my way home I passed London Drugs where I found exactly what I was looking for - a hairdryer and flatiron holder for $20! The smooth talking salesman had fleeced me!!
When I told Vicky my sad story, she was livid that this fellow had pulled the wool over my eyes - or should I say serum!! We marched back to the store and I was proud as punch at the way she handled him. He did not want to give us our money back. Fortunately, Vicky read him the rights as per a sign in his shop "money back with receipt". He reluctantly, and after much argument, gave us our money back. No Mr. nice guy this time!
What a waste of time, money and energy. The moral of the story 'Do not be blinded by a sweet talking salesman who tells you that you've beautiful eyes!!
Will I ever learn?
Polly P xxx
Picture the scene, I'm walking down Robson Street, Vancouver, laden down with shopping bags from Winners and Homesense, shops where you find fabulous for less, or so the catchphrase goes. I had a list of things to get before returning to Victoria on the afternoon ferry. There was just one item I couldn't find, which was a hairdryer and flat iron organizer for Vicky's bathroom. Passing a beauty salon, I decided to go in, and enquire if they had any.
"Do you sell hair styling organizers?" I asked the Manager of the store, a short dark haired man with flirty brown eyes, and a tongue as smooth as the Big Bad Wolf's.
"OMG - your eyes - you have the most beautiful eyes" he said, taking me by surprise. "They have two colours" he continued, reaching into my private bubble space, close enough for me to notice he ate garlic last night. 'Don't worry, I'm Gay" he said. Actually I wasn't worrying. I was old enough to be his mammy.
"Thank you" I responded, genuinely moved by his compliment. "My eyes turn green when I cry, and blue when I'm happy, but do you have a hairdryer organizer? That's what I'm really looking for."
"Wow, what skincare do you use?" he said, totally ignoring my enquiry,
"Prevage, why?"
"C'mon with me Madam" he said, taking my gullible little hand, leading me down to the back of the store, a perfumed paradise with tall exotic vases of flowers, and a waterfall. "I have a special treat for you because you are nice". How does he know I'm nice? We only met three minutes ago.
Before long I was sitting pretty on a high chair, receiving Raz's special treat. It was an eye serum magic trick. "Now you look" he said, after the job was complete, spinning my chair in front of the mirror, like I was a candidate in a makeover show. To be honest, I looked the same, but didn't want to hurt his feelings because of the free serum treatment he had given me, worth a fortune if I had to pay for it - or so he said!
"Which eye you like best?" he asked in his broken English. The eye that's not hurting I thought to myself. Why on earth did I endure such crapology? especially when I had to be on the ferry for Victoria in 2 hours, and tons to do yet. What followed was a fierce attempt on Raz's part to make me part with $700 for a bottle of his magic eye serum. I resisted and told him I was not a lady to impulse shop - joke!!
"Are my bags safe?" I asked him, glancing at my Winners and Homesense bags flung casually on the ground near the front entrance.
"Madam, there are no gypsies around here" he responded in a wounded voice. I had insulted him. Seeing I wasn't interested in the eye serum, he persisted. He walked over to a cabinet and removed a velvet covered box from a shelf and presented it to me like it was a priceless bottle of champagne, or cigars for Arnold Schwarzenegger. The box contained miniature bottles of face serum. "What price do you think these are"? he continued, getting weirder by the minute. How would I know?
"$2,000" he answered for me. "And how much do you think a face lift would cost you"? "Nothing" I told him, because I would never have one. Clearly, he was getting nowhere with me, yet he persisted like a bulldog fighting for a bone. Looking at the clock, I realized I'd miss my ferry if I didn't escape! I hopped off his fancy high chair and made a run for the door. I told him I had to fly.
"Wait madam, I'll make you a deal because I like you" he said, running after me, and at the same time wiping the beads of sweat from his forehead. Poor man. He really did work hard for the money. "What you want to give me?" he asked again with great persistence. Feeling sorry for him (worse reason to buy something!) I bought a flatiron holder from him for $40 and when he offered me a second one at half price I thought why not? I'll give the other one to Ali or Claudia. After the transaction I literally ran out of his shop. On my way home I passed London Drugs where I found exactly what I was looking for - a hairdryer and flatiron holder for $20! The smooth talking salesman had fleeced me!!
When I told Vicky my sad story, she was livid that this fellow had pulled the wool over my eyes - or should I say serum!! We marched back to the store and I was proud as punch at the way she handled him. He did not want to give us our money back. Fortunately, Vicky read him the rights as per a sign in his shop "money back with receipt". He reluctantly, and after much argument, gave us our money back. No Mr. nice guy this time!
What a waste of time, money and energy. The moral of the story 'Do not be blinded by a sweet talking salesman who tells you that you've beautiful eyes!!
Will I ever learn?
Polly P xxx
Monday, January 5, 2015
Hi guys!
Hope your New Year is off to a galloping great start! I'm here in Vancouver again. I came over to take down the Christmas decorations in the condo, discard the old tree, and attend to a couple of jobs. Of course, it was a perfect opportunity to escape, and complete the final chapters in my book 'Divine Intervention'. If I had been a good girl and focused on it, the job would have been completed last Spring. Such is life, living with procrastination! Focus to Win is my motto for 2015.
As I write, a seagull has just swished across the skyline, over the tall skyscrapers, and dropped a bomb! Wouldn't want to be the poor head it lands on. Yuck yuck. I bet he had an awful lot of Christmas scraps to gorge on... TMI!
Instead of digesting huge meals and chocolate, I have changed my choice of nourishment to books. I'm currently 'hooked' on the ideas of Martha Beck 'Finding your own North Star', which is essentially about finding your true purpose in life. Amen Martha! I've always been into the Stars, especially the North Star, so it's music to my ears. Another book I bought for myself for Christmas is called 'The Power of the Heart' by Baptist de Pape. This is another rendition of the same theme; finding your true purpose in life. He teaches you how to tap into your full potential with today's greatest spiritual leaders, such as Maya Angelou, Deepak Chopra, Eckhart Tolle and Marianne Williamson, to name but a juicy few. Great stuff to ponder on.
After church yesterday, as I was walking home in the pouring rain, I spied with my little eye a crumpled up fortune cookie message on the ground. Barely visible. It was surely a message from Heaven. That's how my Angels communicate with me; highly effective let me tell you! It was too wet to read it, so I very gently placed it in my pocket to dry out. As soon as I got home, it was dry enough to read. Here's what it said 'Past inspirations and experiences will be helpful in your job'. Perfect! Just what I needed to hear, as I prepare to launch my new baby 'Divine Intervention'! and begin teaching Astrology classes later this month, it gave me all the spiritual ammunition I needed!
The homily at mass was all about the three wise men, who were Astrologers; all part of God's eternal wisdom - which is why they called them wise! They saw the star of Jesus...Since I'm so big into following one's true North Star, I couldn't get the song we sang at church out of my head:
'O, Star of wonder, star of night,
Star with royal beauty bright,
Westwards leading, still proceeding,
Guide me to thy perfect light...'
Am I batty? Absolutely. I wouldn't have it any other way!!
Happy New Year!
Polly P xxx
Hope your New Year is off to a galloping great start! I'm here in Vancouver again. I came over to take down the Christmas decorations in the condo, discard the old tree, and attend to a couple of jobs. Of course, it was a perfect opportunity to escape, and complete the final chapters in my book 'Divine Intervention'. If I had been a good girl and focused on it, the job would have been completed last Spring. Such is life, living with procrastination! Focus to Win is my motto for 2015.
As I write, a seagull has just swished across the skyline, over the tall skyscrapers, and dropped a bomb! Wouldn't want to be the poor head it lands on. Yuck yuck. I bet he had an awful lot of Christmas scraps to gorge on... TMI!
Instead of digesting huge meals and chocolate, I have changed my choice of nourishment to books. I'm currently 'hooked' on the ideas of Martha Beck 'Finding your own North Star', which is essentially about finding your true purpose in life. Amen Martha! I've always been into the Stars, especially the North Star, so it's music to my ears. Another book I bought for myself for Christmas is called 'The Power of the Heart' by Baptist de Pape. This is another rendition of the same theme; finding your true purpose in life. He teaches you how to tap into your full potential with today's greatest spiritual leaders, such as Maya Angelou, Deepak Chopra, Eckhart Tolle and Marianne Williamson, to name but a juicy few. Great stuff to ponder on.
After church yesterday, as I was walking home in the pouring rain, I spied with my little eye a crumpled up fortune cookie message on the ground. Barely visible. It was surely a message from Heaven. That's how my Angels communicate with me; highly effective let me tell you! It was too wet to read it, so I very gently placed it in my pocket to dry out. As soon as I got home, it was dry enough to read. Here's what it said 'Past inspirations and experiences will be helpful in your job'. Perfect! Just what I needed to hear, as I prepare to launch my new baby 'Divine Intervention'! and begin teaching Astrology classes later this month, it gave me all the spiritual ammunition I needed!
The homily at mass was all about the three wise men, who were Astrologers; all part of God's eternal wisdom - which is why they called them wise! They saw the star of Jesus...Since I'm so big into following one's true North Star, I couldn't get the song we sang at church out of my head:
'O, Star of wonder, star of night,
Star with royal beauty bright,
Westwards leading, still proceeding,
Guide me to thy perfect light...'
Am I batty? Absolutely. I wouldn't have it any other way!!
Happy New Year!
Polly P xxx
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