Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Not a day goes by that I don't think of him
His winning smile and mischievous grin
It shines forth from my sunny kitchen bright
and follows me from morn 'til night.

He is there when I use my green tablespoons
The ones he gave me one warm summer's day
Piled up high they were in his garden shed
Free gifts that came in big fertiliser bags

A simple gift that means the world to me...
I get more use from it than anything else I have
Each day I measure out my sugar, flaxseed, medicine and oil
I think of Dad and thank him for being a friend so loyal

I feel his presence when I cook up stew in my big old saucepan
Since it was he who gave it to me many moons ago...
And that generous soup ladle that was his and now is mine
reminding me of the love that filled my heart and tummy

He is there watching how I cook my ham, reminding
me to put some mustard and sugar and cloves on top
And don't forget to cook the cabbage with the ham...
and serve it with good ol' Kerrs Pinks spuds - and a smile!

"Eat up more butty baba" he would joke with us as kids
and don't forget to finish everything on your plate
"It will put hair on your chest"
I could have done without the hair on my chest...
But not my Daddy's love!

Sugar and spice and all things nice...
That's what my kitchen is to me
A home with a heart.. and a hearth with a home
What more could a girl ask for?

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