Thursday, October 17, 2013


At 3.15 a.m. this day 19 years ago in Fort Freezing McMurray, Claudia joined us straight from heaven. She arrived with a smile on her face...ready to parteeeeeee!! I swear - no kidding - she arrived with a beaming smile on her face. Maybe it was because just prior to her birth I got a terrible fit of the giggles. They must have given me laughing gas to relax me, but it was the sight of that big dracula brooch with the dangling legs on the nurse's collar which had me laughing so hard. I think Claudia heard all the laughter going on and was enjoying it. That was the best part.

As soon as she was born, I wanted to take my baby, and skeedadle home straight away in my pj's - as far away from the hospital as I could get. I found the nurses most unfriendly, and lacking in any kind of human warmth (maybe they were tired because it was 3.15 a.m). They were strong in the paperwork and all I could remember after the birth was reams of paperwork and questions and measurements of the baby's head and circumference and more questions of a clinical nature. Questions forms pens forms pens questions...yackety yack. The only question I wanted to hear was "Are you all right dear, would you like a cup of tea?" or "What a gorgeous little girl". Instead, the midwife asks me "Is that what you wanted?" as she held Claudia in her arms. What? Did I hear correctly?  Did she think I was going to say "No, I wanted a monkey".
I remember thinking to myself - what a peculiar question.

19 years later - where has the time gone? Now Claudia is all grown up and with her fondness for the finer things in life, has taken over the VIP suite at the Empress Hotel to celebrate in style! Champagne - the works! You go girl! Twenty of her friends are joining her for dinner at Earl's followed by the club no doubt. TGIF tomorrow!!

What a busy week it has been since we returned from Vancouver. Bill the builder is back with his assistant Brian to put on the storm windows for the winter. In addition he put up the numbers on our house, and the brass kick plates on the doors. So the place is looking all swish now with the accessories. In addition, as a special favour, they put up the lights on the tree for me. It's now looking like fairyland as we prepare for HALLOWEEN yeah! Unfortunately, as always we got the sweets and crisps too soon. 50 bags of potato chips bought in earnest - was it a week ago? no I think maybe two weeks now reduced to 10 bags!!

I got my outfit at a steal. One day I was waiting for my car to be serviced so I wandered down the street and was magnetically drawn into a thrift store. They lured me with the Halloween stuff on the windows. What treasures awaited me! Got a red velvet cape for $3 and matching long black dress with red velvet inserts and long Rapunzel sleeves for $4 - $7 in total. There was a rather sleazy fellow in the checkout behind me "Try it on for us darling" he asked me, looking straight at my boobs. "No shanks Mister" I responded with a smile. So now, I may go as Rapunzel. But since I suffer from occasional hairy legs, if people ask me 'Rapunzel Rapunzel let down your long hair' it might be rather awkward... Yeah, I'll think about it.

Chocolate season is upon us and tomorrow God willing I am setting up the table all fancy palancy. If it's nice, I'll get Vicky to take a photo. Claudia has some friends staying with us from Calgary. They flew down for the birthday party. Michelle ma belle, and Whitney. I love any excuse to set the table...

Last bit of news...poor Chichi...with all the excitement of the builders being around, I put her out to pee, and then went to hang up my coat (3 seconds). In an instant she disappeared off the face of the earth. I could not find her and went into panic mode. She's blind as a bat and still prone to wandering and no id on her. Suddenly, I heard a little murmer from beneath the earth. She had fallen into that dreaded hole which is the basement window. I had to get Bill and Brian to help me heave her out. They couldn't grip her so I had to go down to the basement and try and open the window and lift her in that way. What consternation! Vicky is going to kill me when she reads this. 'MA YOU SHOULDN'T TAKE YOUR EYES OFF CHICHI!" She's right.

Talk Soon!

Love ya,

Patricia xxx

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