Thursday, January 2, 2014


I don't know about you, but I love challenges with a time frame. You know those '10 days to a new you'... or how about '21 days to a better butt' and 'six week boot camp' etc. etc. Like everybody else, I am impatient to see results...not always a good idea. It ends up kicking me in the face, and laughing all the way to the next idiot who believed them!!

Still, we're supposed to be positive...right? With that in mind I came across a 30-day challenge in the newspaper today. It sounds fun, and best of all easy. So for the next 29 days (day 1 was yesterday!), I shall share it with you, if nothing else - for fun!! But who knows where it may lead to...!!

Day 1 (January 1) Happy New Year - your mission was to reflect on the glories of 2013, and the things that made you grateful. If you are going to keep a journal, as I am doing, it would be interesting to reflect on 2013, and pull out only happy memories.

Today - Thursday 2nd January:

"You have brains in your head.
You have feet in your shoes.
You can steer yourself  any direction you choose"
               - Dr. Seuss

Easy peasy, simple pimple. Just reflect on the above little ditty composed by my very favourite astrological role model - Dr. Seuss. Let his words of wisdom help you decide which direction you choose to follow in 2014.

I am in the office now, and it is quiet, so I shall take this opportunity to re-write my address book. I have a new one which I purchased 2 years ago!! My old address book is falling to pieces, and a lot of folk have since passed on, so I think that would be a good start to the New Year. My new address book also doubles as a Happy Day Planner, with birthdays, anniversaries, and happy illustrations and messages in it, such as "May you know contentment, delight, and your fair share of absolute joy". Nice...

Tune in tomorrow for Friday's challenge...


Patricia xxx

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