Friday, January 3, 2014


Doesn't Christmas seem like a hundred years ago? and I haven't even taken down the tree yet!! That's how the world feels, as we enter day three of this new mysterious year...Of course, the newspapers were alive-alive-Oh today, with the reasons why most New Year Resolutions don't work, and why people give up on exercise by March. A bit glum. The reason they give up on exercise is that they approach it with the zeal of a convert, and then do themselves an injury (sounds familiar!!). They take time out to heal their hurt muscles, and then...hmm - I'll leave the rest to your imagination...

The secret to exercise, if you're a novice, is to take it very lightly at first - say two days a week. By the time your body has got used to being rattled about, increase the frequency, gradually, to say 5 days a weeks. Start SLOW, ideally doing some exercise you like, i.e. walking. Bring some music along for the journey, or a dog, or a trusty companion. Whatever it takes to get out there! Now's the time.

Today's challenge is all about a balancing act...

At lunch and dinner, dedicate half your plate to veggies, 1/4 to protein and 1/4 to grains, grain products, or starchy vegetables. Sounds feasible.

While waiting for a service job on my car this morning, I opened up a new January 2014 magazine in the waiting room. Naturally, it was full to the brim about gyms, weight loss, etc. etc. I speed read through the pages, and pulled out the following words for your health information:-

WATER - track your daily 6-8 glasses by giving yourself hourly reminders.
(alarm or phone)

WALKING - track your steps - aim for at least 100,000 steps per day.

FAT -  go easy on the meat, cheese and creamy if!!

FRUIT/VEGGIES - sneak in the extra bits by blending into drinks, or
adding to soups.

DO NOT SKIP BREAKFAST!! - because if you do, you'll make up for it and more, later in the day!!

EAT SMALLER PORTIONS FREQUENTLY to keep your blood sugar levels up, and increase metabolism.

DIVIDE BIG SUPPER into two portions, and allow some time in-between.

DO NOT GO TO BED ON A FULL STOMACH - you will not sleep, and also, your metabolic department slows down after dark!

Something to chew on as we exit Day 3 of 2014 - time's flying!!


Patricia xxx

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