Wednesday, January 1, 2014


Yeps, a whole new year has arrived on our doorstep, spanking clean, and jam packed with possibilities - right? Nobody but God knows what lies ahead for any of us. What we do know for sure is that it's going to be a fun-filled terrific year, if we choose... Sure, difficulties and disappointments are part of life - but with a positive and resilient attitude, you can chew them up, and spit them out. Positivity works - or at least it helps!

We are all off to a fantastic start - you and me, because today is the first time in 19 years that a new moon falls on the exact same day as a new year. Fabulous baby! I dunno about you, but I'm telling you this, so you can make the most of this unique opportunity to wipe the slate of your life completely clean, leave all negative thinking behind, and move forward with gusto! DO NOT let others dim your light, simply because it is shining in their faces. If you face obstacles with courage, resilience, and a positive attitude, you will come out smiling. Believe in the power and goodness of God, and trust me, everything else will fall into place. It always does.

Change is inevitable, but I wasn't expecting Patti, the Millionaire Matchmaker, to change her staff so quickly! I kinda miss the old team - the girl with the pink hair, and the guy with the sticky-up hair and tatts. They were part of the family. She is trying to up her game, but I'm not so sure yet. BIG changes like that take time to sink in...

I had an energetic start to the new year, and could feel the benefits of that new moon in Capricorn. In my birthchart, it falls in the first house of public image and projection. If you know anything about Capricorns - they are practical with a capital 'P'. As a result, I had a strong desire to go through my clothes, make-up, jewellery, etc. I sorted everything out into 3 piles - keepers - gifters - charity. It was therapeutic. I got such terrific deals in the sales, that I've decided to curtail spending for the immediate future, and defer gratification until this time next year again D.V. Will I succeed? Watch this page!! I promise to tell the truth - the whole truth - and nothing but the truth, so help me God!! I just want to see how long I can do this, as I feel I have more than I need, and I want to appreciate what I have, before adding to it. Does that make sense?

If you go to this free web site put in your date, place, and time of birth. Download the free birthchart, and look to see which house the new moon in Capricorn falls in for you. There are 12 houses. Capricorn happens to be in my first house, which is why I will focus my energies this year on matters of self-image, appearance, self-projection, etc. That does make sense as I have just completed my second book 'Divine Intervention'. I know I will be busy trying to get an agent/publisher - but try I will, because we all know 'God loves a trier!'

If Capricorn falls in your second house, finances will need to take priority. In the third house, communications with others, the fourth house, changes in your home, renos, etc. in the fifth house, children and creativity, in the sixth house, career and health, in the seventh house, relationships, love, etc. in the eight house, major changes, in the ninth house, travel and higher education, in the tenth house career and status (you'll be working hard!!), in the eleventh house, friendships (making an effort to mingle and network), and finally if the new moon falls in your 12th house, it is time for you to go deep inside, and find your spiritual side. This will be your focus in 2014.

Hope that helps!

Happy New Year to all my 'Polly Pals'.


Patricia xxx

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