Friday, August 8, 2014


Feel the fear, and do it anyhow! Check out my astro blog  ( with some suggestions on how to apply the current planetary energy to your lives. There is some mighty whacky stuff going down. No, it's not you, though it could be, if you don't work the system, and learn how to play your planetary cards!

We have a full moon in Aquarius on its 'non-conforming' way (Sunday), opposing the sun in powerful Leo, who knows it all - Beware! the Ego hounds are out prowling again... we're right - they're know what I mean... O.K. I shall take my own advice, and try and think outside the judgemental box.

Do you know that person who is currently annoying the heck out of you? worrying you? - Wow! maybe it's you all the time...maybe you are to blame for all this current aggro? I'm not saying you are, just suggesting a new way of looking at old devils, which could ease the turmoil within. Aquarius energy is all about looking at new and innovative ways for living our lives. The greatest example being of course Aquarius genius, Eckhart Tolle, author of the mind-exploding book 'The Power of Now'.

As we approach the weekend, I strongly urge y'all to look at your lives, feel the fears, face the old devils...maybe they are not so bad after all...

Force yourself to think of at least one thing good about that person currently annoying you...let softness come in...see them as frail humanoids - just like us.

So for the weekend ahead, dress uniquely, do something totally different, that you have never done before - go on, I dare you! Release the hounds of fear, and mental stagnation...

Have Fun!!


Patricia xox

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