Friday, January 23, 2015


I wanted to do a blog on this because it is an issue that has raised its sad little head several times with clients I have seen recently. The 11th house in one's chart is the house that governs friendships. Whenever you see the pain body Saturn sitting pretty in this house - you know - I know - the client knows - this means that feelings of isolation, loneliness within relationships, and feeling betrayed by friends will be recurrent themes in the individual's life.

So how do you deal with this curse of nature as some people would put it? My answer to that is simply to look at the message God is trying to send you in your life. Your birthchart is your metaphysical road map for life. Get to know it, and all its nooks and crannies. Your destination is ultimately Heaven. None of us get out of this life alive. We are not here just to mindlessly occupy a seat on that train journey to Nirvana. We are here to engage with the other passengers we encounter on 'the journey'. What can we learn from them? How can I make peace with myself? What is it God wants me to do with my life to give glory to him?

These are questions to ponder as you journey through life.

Getting back to 11th house Saturn, my advice to clients with this placement is to 'go within' for happiness, and not to seek it in others. We are all fragile human beings. When we look to others to fill that empty void, we will be constantly disappointed. 11th house Saturn individuals (there is a whole book on this!) possess huge spiritual potential. It lies within them like buried treasure waiting to be discovered. The answer to their loneliness experience then is to tap into their spirituality.

If you find yourself constantly disappointed in others, feel lonely in a crowded room, are searching for something that no humanoid can deliver - go search! the answer frequently lies with 11th house Saturn, and God's divine plan for your life. You are BIGGER than you think. The answer lies within YOU!

Get thee to a private space with no interruptions, buy yourself a book written by Marianne Williamson, and let the journey to contentment begin...enJOY!

Hugs and kisses,

Polly P xxx

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