Monday, January 26, 2015


Are you feeling the weirdness in the air? Could it be the fact that Mercury is retrograde? Absolutely. Mercury does its retro dance three times in the year, and usually for a three week stay. The current phase began January 21st and will remain until the 11th February. Second phase is May 18th to June 11th. The third and last phase for the year is from September 17th to October 9th. This is useful information to have, especially if you are a Gemini or Virgo, or have those signs prominent in your chart -- either as your rising or moon sign. It affects everybody, but especially those with Mercury prominent in their birth charts.

In mythology, Mercury was the swift-footed messenger of the Gods. Astrologically speaking, Mercury governs communications of all kinds: both the written and spoken word, travel, computers (especially computers!!) trains, cars, get the idea. Since Mercury rules Gemini and Virgo, it's no wonder then that many brilliant writers are born under these signs.

Not wishing to get off topic, let's return to retro. Despite this phrase, Mercury itself does not actually go backward -- "retrograde" actually refers to the apparent change in motion of the planet when it is viewed from Earth. Fast moving Mercury has a highly elliptical orbit which means that it travels far more quickly when it is closest to the Sun. When Mercury "catches up" to the Earth's orbit, it gives the illusion that it's changing direction in the sky for those three weeks or so.

So how does it affect us mortals? Is it like the full moon that can turn some of us into Lunatics?
No -- luna or moon affects us emotionally, while Mercury affects communications. I'll give you some example of what I mean. People forgetting appointments and mixing up the dates, having more frequent problems with cars and computers, and general misunderstandings due to foggy communication. During one Mercury retrograde phase I was trying to rent a house I once owned. Everything was at a standstill with nothing happening, but as soon as Mercury went direct, we got a tenant. Another person I knew was selling their home during this time -- the deal fell through but as soon as Mercury went direct a new buyer came along and sealed the deal.

Since this current retro phase began just a few days ago, a friend of mine had a fender bender, another lady fell and broke her ankle and had to cancel an important event, a few of my friend's clients mixed up their appointment dates, there were some no-shows, miscommunications...and we are only a few days into it!! You get the drift...

Here's what you do -- employ the 3 R's: Revise, Rewind, Relax! This is not a time to begin new projects, but rather to prepare the groundwork for a new project, finish what you have already begun, and just slow down. The lesson of speedy Mercury going retro can be summed up in one sentence:
A stitch in time saves nine! We all need these times to remind us to just be more mindful. Mercury rules the mind and now his lesson to us is to reMind us to be more Mindful -- full in our minds!

Hope that helps ease you through the next few weeks.

Take Care and enJOY!

Hugs and kisses,

Polly P xxx

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