Friday, March 6, 2015


Yesterday, I paid a visit to my beloved chip trail for a breath of fresh air and some exercise. The sun was shining, all the Spring flowers had returned from their winter hibernation. The fields were a tapestry of beautiful colours, from the bright yellow daffodils to the alluring purple crocus. It was magical. The little ducks were back on the pond happy as Larry doing their thing and quack quacking for joy. All the sounds of nature was music to my ears. Spring had surely arrived.

The chip trail surrounds a golf course, and is about a good 40 mins. brisk walk, that's when I'm not stopping to chat to people! Today, I observed the way in which people were walking to make good use of their time. One lady was walking smartly holding a dumb bell in each hand to maximize her exercise. Wonder how they got the name 'dumb?' Next, I passed another very busy looking lady walking smartly with hiking poles in each hand. They look like long walking sticks. Apparently, they give you a good overall body workout.

Several people chose to run with their dogs, who were mighty fast by the way! But the funniest by far  had to be this young fellow who passed me out boxing with his fists!! He ran like Rocky but was boxing all the while - so funny to watch!

Whatever happened to good old fashioned walking? Is it a sign of our times that we have to be always manically using our time 'efficiently'. The world seems to be getting busier and busier..."What is this world if full of care...we have no time to stop and stare". Against that, people are living longer, so maybe all that auld sweaty exercise is a good thing!!

Have a great weekend and get out there - now - and make it Fast!


Polly P xxx

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