Yeah, that's what I felt like today...a plastic bag blowing in the wind. I couldn't get the song out of my head. It's so catchy isn't it? My brain felt foggy. I could not find a single thing I was looking for, including my glasses, address book, birthday card I had bought for a friend, and then could not find where I had put it! I felt I was going around in circles, touching everything, but really not getting a lot done. I know exactly what Katy Perry was feeling when she asked "do you ever feel already buried deep?" Oh yes Katy I do! I do! - buried deep in far too many papers; papers if somebody was to set fire to them in the morning, I would not miss, but yet, I cannot let go of them...just in case...I have about a dozen shopping bags full of old papers to be sorted - and as many boxes - God help me!!
Commandment #7 says loud and clearly - 'De-clutter on a daily basis'. I felt great writing that one...made me feel in control of a situation, I have yet to control - clutter.
Still, I wrote those 10 Commanadments more as a 'Wish List'. Some of them I find easier to obey than others. Commandments number 1, 2 and 10 are my favourites. So, over the next year, d.v. I hope to master the other seven.
This is only Week Two of the Pollyanna Project, and despite my shorthcomings, I have to admit - Pollyanna's philosophy of finding something to be glad about in every situation is sitting very comfortably with me. I like her 'Glad Game'. When the novel, written by Eleanor H. Porter in 1913 was first published, it was an instant success, for obvious reasons I might add. Optimism is an illogical disease that everybody wants to catch! Research has shown that sub-consciously, we are all optimists, but consciously, we tend to be pessimists.
In my life I have found that optimism always works best for me. The last time I put it to the test in a BIG way was when I sold my house two years ago. The Realtor told me I would be lucky to sell my house for the money I was looking for, and wanted me to sell it for $200,000 less. I told her straight between the eye balls "I believe in luck. I know it will sell - and for that money". She looked at me as if I was insane "Well, it will be like looking for a needle in a haystack" was her jaded response. Naturally, I went with a different Realtor. We had an offer on our house within the first week, and yes, I got what I was looking for. I know I was lucky, but then I really only envisaged a positive outcome.
I'll let you into another secret... around that time, I was flirting big-time with Karma - Oh
Yes! I was very Pol-ly-an-na-ish in my ways. Every chance I got to show my gratitude to God, I did it. I stocked up on the good deeds to let him know, that yes, I truly did understand 'The Pollyanna Philosophy', which can be summed up in three words
Give - Take - Gratitude. Which is what life is all about.
So fellas - stay on that Choo Choo positive train...of Happiness.
I will part by sharing a Happiness quote I really like -
"Happiness cannot be travelled to (says who?...don't you dare get off that train!!)
It cannot be owned, earned, worn, or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of
living every minute with love, grace and gratitude (there goes that 'G' word again!).
So on that happy note, Choo Choo and Sleep Well tonight!
Polly Hugs,
Patricia xxx
Love it Ma!!!!!! Xxx