Thursday, July 26, 2012


There I was pounding away on the treadmill this morning (I know I couldn't believe it myself either!). My first day back on track, for what must be months now. What I really wanted to say is that while I was sweating away, I was watching Gail Vaz-Oxlade's brilliant show 'Til Debt Do Us Part' on the t.v. This particular episode was very moving - in every sense of the word. The couple involved were both grossly overweight, smoking, and spending like drunken sailors - not a good scene. They were a lovely couple who laughed their way through all their problems. In other words, they were sinking their heads in the sand, and burying themselves alive with food and useless stuff. It got me thinking...I could not throw stones at them!

I am on this journey because I want to make changes things in my life. Positive changes. I crunched some numbers on an internet weight loss site, and the news wasn't good. I should have guessed! - actually I did. My clothes have been getting a little toooo tight. Denial is not just the name of a river in Egypt! Anyway the 'experts' said I needed to lose 35 lbs. What??? There was no point arguing with them...
We all want to be happy. Right? That's why we are on this journey together. Right again? What spells happiness for you, is probably the same for me. I want to be physically and financially fit-as-a-fiddle. To be able to dance - really dance - for JOY. happiness for me is to be FREE of debt, no mortgage. Wow! what a great feeling that would be. I had my epiphany there on the treadmill. I'll call the couple Bill and Betsy, as I cannot remember their names. Bill and Betsy's efforts to step up to the plate were inspiring, to say the least. Gail got them off the weed, on to a food and exercise plan, and also a money diet. In their first week, they saved $400!

COME WITH ME FRIENDS...What is it about your life you want to change?

For the next month, I pledge to do like Bill and Betsy - NO MORE
Yes Sir. I shall pay cash for an effort to THINK before SPENDING. It's worth a shot. I only said ONE month, as this is a trial period, and I don't like to make false promises. NO spending on NON-ESSENTIALS. I bet I'll save a ton. Just think about it...if you have to pay cash for everything, it makes you think twice?

As well as the cash LIVE, I am also on a food LIVE. I nearly forgot...Pollyanna does not like the word die-t, for obvious reasons. The word 'diet' has been replaced with the word 'live'.

Start making your Wish List now...I'll keep you up-dated too.

Choo the little train that could...I THINK I CAN...I THINK I CAN...
We CAN do this together!

Polly Hugs,

Patricia xxx

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