Monday, April 15, 2013


We're just back after a whirlwind trip to our Vancouver condo 'Joyville'. It's an exciting contrast to our home in Victoria, in that it's on the 7th floor, with a large south facing balcony overlooking Robson Street - and all that Jazz!! - Starbucks on the ground level, so there will be no problem waking up and smelling the coffee - Amen! Coming from sleepy Victoria and all its rustic charm, Vancouver sure wakes you up!

Another thing that woke me up as I walked the golden mile on Robson was the number of Irish voices I heard everywhere, as well as Scots and English. The manager at J. Crew was Scottish. The doorman at 'Forever 21' was Irish. 'Is that an Oirish accent I detect?' I had to ask. His response was amusing "Yes, we're everywhere...just like cockroaches!" He sure didn't look like a cockroach to me - more like the incredible hulk I would say.

Sipping my delicious cappuccino on the ferry en-route to Vancouver, I got my google meisters (Victoria and Claudia) to google the star signs of the different cities in the world. It's a fascinating way to while away a journey. I never really warmed to London, or New York for that matter - even Casablanca didn't do it for me. Why? I believe the energy of a city either clicks with you, or it doesn't.

Paris ticks all the boxes for me. It is a Virgo city, and as a Pisces, I understand why I feel complete there. Jerusalem is a Pisces city and I love its mystery and spiritual depth. Vancouver is an Aries city - VROOM VROOM VROOM! What you see is what you get. Even the panhandlers can be very direct and the taxi drivers amusing and informative - like Douglas who drove us to the bus station. 'Yeah, it's fine for you girls you're all good looking. (He earned his tip!!) Good looking people have an easier time in life" and so began a BIG philosophical discussion about everything from on-line dating to tourists who either complain about the crowds in Vancouver (if they are from small town USA) to people from Bejing who ask him "where are all the people?"

Douglas informed us he was an atheist and that it was a little 99 year old client of his that would convince him otherwise. She was fit as a fiddle. When he cheekily asked one day for the magic formula, her response was 'I eat healthily, exercise, and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ". He said she was convincing... We parted from Douglas on great terms (compliments had been flying in every direction!). I detected he was an 'eligible' bachelor who lived with a cat who loved him. As he skidaddled off to the next client, I wished him well.

Douglas personifies the vim, vigour and 'can do' positive attitude which Vancouver exudes - and they speak English and Oirish there! Sure, it has its seedy districts, which is normal for a city of its size. I found New York far too aggressive, San Francisco strange... London a little too austere and cold. But Vancouver is just right...maybe not quite as right as Victoria my beloved pisces city, which is why we instantly clicked. Yes, I can say after all that travelling, the gypsy is home to roost!

And remember, no matter where you go - there you are!!

Choo Choo and happy adventures wherever you are.

Patricia xxx

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