Tuesday, April 9, 2013


O.K. Let's get one thing straight I don't work for Safeway. I'm just a valued customer and today they were showing me the love - big time baby. Why me? Maybe it's because every time I go to the checkout I get comments from other customers such as 'Jeez lady you must be feeding an army!' or 'You sure got a big family' or 'Are you having a party?' None of your beeswax I'd like to say but I'm too polite. To cut to the chase Safeway are like my extended family. Where else in this world can you go where people ask you nicely 'How's your day?' and when you try to answer that without the use of an expletive, they've moved on to the next question 'So did you find everything you were looking for today?' to which I always answer 'Yes, and lotz more as you can see'.

But I love them...and today they were especially kind - gave me $20 off coupons, an extra 100 air miles, and a fistfull of lucky dip cards. Yeah! today was indeed my lucky day. I won a tin of soup, a packet of crisps and some other random item nobody else wants - but it's the thought that counts - right?

If I feel like a chat, they're always more than willing to oblige. Sonya, a new employee from Africa was telling me about her friend getting married and how she was going to buy the wedding dress for her as a present. She didn't know whether she should send her the money or buy the dress in Canada for her. Then there is Mary who goes to Israel frequently and loves falafels and was just back from a recent trip. We both love to talk about Israel and our shared passion for falafels. And Tyler who for  many years would ask me 'How's your  dad?' When daddy was visiting some years ago Tyler and himself struck up a friendship. No doubt daddy would have put a $5 bill in his pocket as a thank you for helping carry out the groceries and Tyler would have refused it as employees of Safeway are not allowed accept tips. But I loved the way he genuinely loved daddy. Tyler lost a ton of weight some years ago and has kept it off. Every time I see him I think of daddy.

In Safeway I get some great recipes from the check out girls, like when I was having my St. Patrick's party recently, one girl suggested I get the philly smoked salmon flavoured cheese and spread it on brown bread and then cover it with smoked salmon, onion and capers. It sure worked! And another suggestion was to blend in some smoked salmon into the cheese, heat it and serve as a delicious dip, covered with nuts - a favourite of hers to bring to parties. The staff at Safeway have taught me how to cook a perfect turkey, the value of patience, courtesy, and the importance of treating everybody like they are human beings and not robots. I always leave there feeling better after a visit! Now they have a Tim Horton's Cafe installed with the delicious aroma of freshly brewed coffee...

Since happiness is our goal - right? Let's put Safeway on our to-do list - if you can!

Choo Choo and happy thoughts to you!

Patricia xxx

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