Sunday, June 30, 2013


Not so long ago, or so it seems in my emigrantal, time-stand-still memory, Ireland was quite a conservative country. Divorce was not permitted, people went to mass on Sundays, and the word 'Gay' meant jolly - as in the Enid Blyton books. So yesterday's Gay Pride Parade down Grafton street was a novel experience for me.

Hundreds of gayly clothed girls and boys paraded down the streets, singing and dancing - mind you I noticed they weren't throwing out any free lollypops or condoms, like they do in Victoria - could it be the recession? No freebies unfortunately - not that I'd need the condoms!! But still, it's the thought that counts...right?? I always get a great kick out of watching the seniors scramble to get the free condoms during our Gay Pride Parade in Victoria, and wonder what their reaction will be like when they open their gift!!

Comparing the Irish parade to our Canadian version, I would say it was certainly not as 'risque' in that there weren't any naked paraders that I could see, and very little of the elaborate body painting - but it was FUN just the same; more of a Mardi-gras party-for the-sake-of-party atmosphere. The Irish like to party - whatever the occasion!

The weirdest moment for me - and a sight I will never forget - was the appearance of a large white truck bearing a giant poster of Jesus (about 20 ft. tall or so it seemed) and a stalwart group of men (no women), with a loudspeaker, calling out the rosary in defiance of the defiant. Now - you NEVER EVER would see that in Victoria!

Only in Ireland...A postcard from my travels!


Patricia xxx

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