Thursday, June 6, 2013


Everywhere I go in Dublin, Michael (Buble) is singing my song of the summer 'It's a beautiful day...'. Mum and I were in a bookshop yesterday and there he was singing away to his heart's content, and mine. It was even affecting the fellow working in the bookshop because when mother asked him how the acclaimed Irish mystic and poet John O'Donohue had died, his response was "Oh nooo nooooo we don't talk death in here. Noooooooo This is a happy place!' I dunno how it could be a happy place when they are selling off books cheaper than the cost of a bar of chocolate! Such is life at the moment for book sellers, and unfortunately those adversely affected by the scourge or recession plague, which is tearing at the hearts and souls of good Irish folk.

Yes, Ireland as I see it could be like Disneyland - 'The Happiest Place on Earth', were it not for the existence of a particularly nasty breed of animal, currently wreaking havoc in the hearts of decent men and women. This animal has horns, stings like a bee, and has been even known to cause deaths - in extreme cases! He enters the beds of folk at night, and gets right into their heads - nasty I know! Symptoms of 'Beast Infestation' include severe anxiety, heart palpitations, loss of appetite, weight loss, and nights sweats. He is known by different names, the most common of which is 'BANKER'. Other common names for this animal are 'Ba*tard', Fu*ker, Wank*r, and the list goes on...

What should the decent people of Ireland do, to rid themselves of this plague?

For one thing, they need to pray their guts out, just like their ancestors did in times gone by. Ireland was known as 'The Island of Saints and Scholars'. There is an abundance of scholars still around, but alas, less of the Saints. In times of plenty, the banker beast behaved like the devil did in the garden of Eden - he tempted innocent folk and threw out candy cash like crumbs to a hungry bird - nasty nasty!! Then the bubble burst and tears of regret have followed tears of frustration.

PRAYER is the only solution, as I see it. Because God is more powerful than the force of evil. When life  becomes too difficult to stand - KNEEL!

I love Ireland, I love its beauty, creativity, humour and deep spirituality. Maybe what is happening here now is God's way of saying 'Come to me all you who labour and are in pain...come to me, and I will give you rest, peace of mind, and HOPE!

Choo Choo for now me darlings!

Patricia xxx

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