Monday, June 24, 2013


Yesterday was Sunday; a day of rest and relaxation, so sister Sonya got out the car and took mum and me for a lovely spin around the town. We drove to Dun Laoghaire to enjoy a famous 'Teddy's' ice-cream cone at the seafront, looking out at the seagulls doing their thing. It's a similar establishment to the drive-through in Beacon Hill, Victoria. In fact the ice cream tastes very much the same. Teddy's was first established in 1950 and, like Beacon Hill, there is always a BIG line-up; but it's worth it!

Later, we decided to head for Finnigan's Pub in Dalkey. This was the local for acclaimed Irish writer, Maeve Binchy, who sadly died some months ago. It is also where Bono of U2 drinks, and it was to this establishment that Michelle Obama and daughters visited during their recent trip to Ireland. In fact - kid you not - I sat on the EXACT seat Michelle sat on, and it felt wonderful! Later we got to see Maeve Binchy's own personal booth. Mother and I really enjoyed our little visit there. Just to think the Obama ladies had just been there only a few days earlier.

Talk about Presidential visitors, there was also great excitement in Ireland this week as it was the 50th anniversary of JFK's visit to Ireland in June, 1963. His daughter Caroline, grandkids, and sister visited Ireland for the occasion, bringing with them the eternal flame, and a huge gathering of the Kennedy Clan. So between the Obamas, and the Kennedy's, it was a great week for the Irish! Lots of celebrations.

On our way home from Finnigan's Pub, we passed a church with the following message written in big bold print on a notice board:-


It's how I felt inside, since the priest at church yesterday morning delivered a fire and brimstone of a homily, lamenting the fact that 'The Heart's gone out the window' in Irish society today. It made me think. He spoke from his heart, since June is the month of the Sacred Heart. He was sad that Irish people today are too busy to love, and look out for each other. In his opinion people were a lot happier in Ireland long ago when they had less, but more time for each other. There was less loneliness, less isolation, less greed, and more happiness...One could argue - it's the same the world over.

So, between the Jigs and the Reels, the 'Man Above' remains 'My Rock' and Yes! I'm ready to roll...with the punches that life may choose to throw in my direction. BRING 'EM ON! There is nothin' we can't handle together. Right Meister?

Choo Choo and Happy Travels wherever you may find yourselves!


Patricia xxx

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