Monday, January 21, 2013


It would appear my daughters don't like their mammy lusting after Colin Firth. As I pointed out, the only reason I like the afore-mentioned is because he bears a striking resemblance to Kevin. They could be brothers. Several people made that comment over the years. And of course Colin is a great actor too! I want him to appear in 'Downton Abbey' and sweep Edith off her feet. God help her, she could do with a bit of happiness.

I forgot to mention two other energy draculas in my previous blog. They are:-

PEOPLE WHO DRAIN YOU (could be work, family, neighbours, etc.)

Be aware of all the energy vampires in your life and ask youself  'Can I do something about it?' Baby steps is all it takes...

If you act energetic, it rubs off and you automatically become more energetic - so says Gretchen. Maybe it is psychological, but I also find a healthy breakfast and multivitamins get me off to a good start - that and my brisk 45 mins. walk on the chip trail. The day I don't do that, I feel less energetic. I take energy pollen plus pills (1-2) per day. They contain siberian ginseng, bee propolis and green tea. Every little bit helps!

Taking on the exercise challenge, I joined a ladies gym last Monday and am liking it. Maybe one day I'll get to elevate the enthusiasm level from 'like' to 'love'. They had this vile yellow object sitting ugly on the shelf and when I asked them what it was they told me 'That's what 5 lbs. of human fat looks like dear'. I held it in my hand and it was so heavy I nearly broke my wrist. I think they just want to scare us so we'll work harder... working on your energy can be SO exhausting!!

Now to the CLUTTER...look all around you. Do you see what I mean? Just attack it in baby steps. One minute wonders is what Gretchen recommends. Time yourself. My trick is to imagine somebody is coming in to visit in ten minutes. It's amazing what you can accomplish in 10 minutes when push comes to shove!

I did amazing work on the wardrobe clutter yesterday and rid of all my long skirts as my fashion police daughters said they were dated and that I had a great pair of legs and should show them off. So that's what I am going to do from now on. Cleared two black bags for charity and one for garbage and felt lighter. Another thing I have started to do is carry a lighter and smaller bag which I wear over my shoulder to free the hands. I get to walk quicker that way. All I carry is a purse, notebook, pen, pair of glasses, lipstick, small folding brush and keys.

Watch those 'Energy Vampires' and tackle them one by bleedin' one.

Choo Choo!

Patricia xxx

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