Thursday, January 24, 2013


If you find yourself gunning for change in your life, you're not unusual. February 10th heralds the arrival of the Chinese Year of the Snake and as we all know - snakes are about shedding their old skin and emerging as new beasts. People born in the year of the snake are charming, elegant and smart with money. Jackie O, Grace Kelly and Audrey Hepburn being perfect examples of what I mean. If you non-snake folk work on acquiring the 3 above mentioned attributes - Charm, Elegance - Money Smarts - then this year is going to be a great one for you!

As well as the snake dimension, Saturn the 'heavy metal' planet of the zodiac - a.k.a. 'The Celestial Policeman' is in the equally strong, deep and transformative sign of Scorpio and continues his reign until 2014. So all you Scorpios be prepared for change and deep experiences...No pain no gain - O.K. Saturn is all about the painful lessons we have to learn in life. My advice to you Scorps is just 'go with the flow' and dig in deep!

Since Scorpio is a sign that can totally transform themselves - just like the snake - just like the Phoenix rising from the ashes of destruction - this means a lot of us are going to be wanting to change some aspect of our lives this year. Are you already experiencing that feeling deep inside? I know for myself, this really rings true. I have transformed my wardrobe completely and the way I present myself to the world. It's like Dah! I've been living in a haze for the past few years and now emerging into the light... That's how it feels.

Looking around me, I see lots of people trying to change some aspect of themselves - How about Michelle Obama getting the new fringe - or that dreadful word 'Bangs' which I can never understand. In my astrological practice a lot of folk are moving to different countries. In the office, people are coming in with new hair styles and moving home, etc. Yes, the times they are a changin'...

Change is good, though never easy - especially if you are born under a fixed sign - Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. People with a lot of 'fixed' signs in their birth charts find change disturbing and take time to adjust, both their attitudes and habits. On the other hand, people from the 'mutable' family - Pisces, Gemini, Sagittarius and Virgo can adapt to new ideas and  situations with ease. Their curiosity about life and thirst for knowledge is the grease which keeps their wheels a groovin'.

The 'cardinal' guys - Aries, Libra, Cancer and Capricorn are the 'go-getters' and iniatiors of the zodiac. If there is something they really want to do, they will embrace change. Perhaps not with the same elasticity as the mutable fellows, or the tenacity of the fixed signs. They sit pretty somewhere in the middle.

So Polly question to you today is - What can you change about your life that is going to make 2013 the BEST year ever? Make a wish list...

Choo Choo and keep on truckin'

Patricia xxx

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