Thursday, November 6, 2014


I don't like the word 'deceased'. It screams This person ceases to exist! Gone - finito - never to return!! While in theory this is true, spiritually, we know our deceased loved ones will always remain close to us. At least for as long as we continue to remember them...And we should. They love it - just as they did in life.

For the month of November, our church has a book placed on the altar. Parishioners are invited to write the names of departed loved ones in this book, and they will be prayed for. The other day I did just that. My list filled two whole pages. It's true to say I probably have more friends in Heaven than planet earth! It feels good to have friends on 'the other side'.

Each Halloween, a friend of mine gets together with some friends to resurrect memories of departed loved ones. They talk about them, cook their favourite food, laugh at their jokes, look at their photos, etc. What a wonderful thing to do. I especially like the idea of cooking their favourite meals! At Christmas time, another friend of mine places photos of her deceased loved ones on her Christmas tree. I have a little photo album which I have filled with their photos. I pray for then when I can - which should be more frequently I know!

I love watching Theresa Caputo, the Long Island Medium on t.v. She communicates with the dead. I know some skeptics doubt the veracity of her abilities - but hey! I'm not one of them. I'm a believer. Listening to her, there is no doubt in my mind. Our loved ones are always close by, watching out for us. So for the month of November, if there has been a lull - let's get the dialogue going again...

Some suggestions, apart from the above mentioned:

Find some quiet space
Light a candle
Take out the photos of your deceased loved ones
Pray for their souls
Tell them how much you love and miss them still
Talk to them out loud - in the kitchen - in the car - wherever
Put their photos in prominent places. I see my dad's smiling face
in the kitchen when I am cooking, or doing my ironing. He always loved
the kitchen.

Keep the love in your hearts!


Polly P xxx

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