Saturday, November 29, 2014


One of my favourite bedside books is 'Simple Abundance' by Sarah Ban Breathnach. After a difficult day, I find it very comforting to browse through it, with a warm cup of tea in hand. All my cares are gently shushed away and whatever joy was sucked from me, is seamlessly restored. Love this book!

Stress is part of everyday life. Just like you can't get out of life alive, neither can you get on with the business of living without encountering it. The secret is in how you handle it. Not always easy, especially if you are of a feisty disposition like me. When somebody hurts me, I find it difficult to suffer in silence. I bought a new zip for my lip, and hopefully this one will work!

We are now heading into the most stressful time of the year for many people - Christmas. Yesterday was 'Black Friday' (they should call it 'Orange Friday'). Black is a colour I associate with funerals and interviews. Give me orange any day! The Mall was 'savage' for want of a better word. Yes, it was black with people. No, there weren't any fantastic bargains worth the jostle. Going to the Mall on Black Friday is asking for stress. Apparently one shop assistant had her hair yanked to get her attention, and an employee at the foodcourt had a major panic attack. Is it worth it? Yes, of course, if you suffer from FOMO!! (fear of missing out).

The happiest shop in the Mall was 'La Senza', purveyors of fine ladies lingerie which are supposed to cover your privates, but designed not to do so. I think there is enough torture in life without having to wear chain underwear and butt freezing g-strings! They have added whips and handcuffs to their juicy repertoire. It was the only store in the Mall where I saw the men going around, like kids in a toy store, with smiles on their faces - and no arguments about spending!

I'd highly recommend you get a copy of 'Simple Abundance'. It is the secret to keeping Christmas happy and stress-free. The best things in life really are free (or kind of!) listening to Christmas music as you potter around the kitchen, watching Christmas movies such as 'Love Actually' with the family, sitting by a roaring fire with a yummy hot chocolate, playing with your pets, watching the twinkling fairy lights on the tree, having rich conversations with your loved ones, enjoying a good laugh...

Do more of what makes your heart sing this festive season...


Polly P xxx


  1. This is great advice. I always get stressed out when things don't go my way so I will look into getting that book! I went to a couple places Thursday night and it was a zoo, but not quite as crazy as I was expecting. I hope you have a stress free month of holiday planning!

    1. Thanks Megan, I hope you too have a wonderful stress free month!
