Monday, September 1, 2014


It's Monday morning, the last day of our long weekend in Vancouver. I'm lying in bed drinking yummy hot coffee, and just chillaxing, before our return journey to Victoria later today.

Travelling with my fingers, I opened up Polly's 'Bucket List', and it got me thinking. I cannot believe it is two years since I started writing my blog. Time really does fly at an insane pace. I enjoy writing it, and find it both comforting and fun. Since today marks goodbye to summer, and hello to Autumn, I felt it would be a good time for us all to review our own personal bucket lists. What's yours? Think about what you would like to do, or achieve, between now and Christmas - apart from losing 20 lbs!!

Today, I am glad to say marks the end of my month-off-chocolate challenge. Yeah! I did it, and survived. So if I can do that, maybe I can venture forward with boldness to something greater...

I decided to tackle my life-long fear of swimming in the deep end. My fear is as a result of two very scary experiences I had as a child. I will be starting intermediate classes this week...wish me luck!!
Feel the fear, and do it anyhow...right??

I will not clog the system with too many new challenges. We'll take it month by month...just like the chocolate challenge. See how it goes, easy peasy...

So go stoke your joy engines dear Polly Pals. Why not sign up for winter classes, dancing? art? piano? pilates? Yoga? (dang, i wanna do them all!!) My feet are itching to do some dancing lessons too, but let's not get ahead of ourselves!! Swimming first, and then we'll see!!

On that positive note, BFN and have a great week until we talk again.


Polly P xxx

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