Thursday, July 19, 2012


I'm not talking about those dear little deer running riot in my garden, and treating it like a free-for-all restaurant. Tulips one day - gone the next! Pretty hostas one day - gone the next! Adorable, overweight chihuahua - almost...gone, when she tried to chase away a deer from our garden the other day. Phew! it was a close call. The deer was outraged and began to talk to Chichi in deer language "Who do you think you are talking to shorty? I'll show you who's boss around here!" and with that he tried to pounce on my puppy, until King Kevin came to the rescue.

Yes, it's a dangerous deer-eat-dog world we're living in, but the interlopers I really mean, are those hugely annoying, mind-disturbing intruders - the ones who encroach upon our private mental property on an hourly, daily basis. They need to be culled - BIG TIME baby! Yes, I am talking about those beasts, known simply as 'Intrusive thoughts'. They are every bit as cheeky as the deer. Worse in fact, because they are more sneaky in their efforts to destroy your happiness. They slip in when they think nobody is looking. If Pollyanna found those vile creatures wandering in the corridors of her happiness train...of thought, she would open the trap doors, and leave them to the mercy of the wolves! Good ol' no-nonsense Pollyanna. WTG girl!

So why can't we?

This is a journey after all to the Land of Joy - the yellow brick road of sunshine, smiles, and lollipops. We are in search of the Wizard of Happiness; the sorcerer who holds all the answers. Maybe he is already on board the train? What if he was actually within us?

Spend some time today watching the temperature of your thoughts.

One minute you were happy, Right? and then suddenly something somebody said, or did, or did not do, brought on the clouds of... doubt...despair...envy...worry... in you. Trust me, the other man's grass is not always greener. The sun does not shine brighter on their side of the fence. We're here for a suffer, sometimes - but not always. We each have our little crosses to bear in life, but hey! as Pollyanna would say -that strengthens our spiritual and mental muscles! And that's a good thing. It's all good. Just grin and bear it, but don't inhale it. When you have digested the wisdom of the experience, just spit out the rest. Who needs to get fat on negativity?

World Recession...that's a big one to be sure. But there was a world recession when I left school all those many years ago. I remember the words of a wise old teacher, Miss Cullinan, as we all left the classroom, with out school reports in our hands. She said "Don't worry girls, there is a place for all of you in this great big world". How true!

So, go out there today and CULL THE INTERLOPERS. Your mind is your private property. Invasive self-depreciating thought-weeds are only polluting your garden of Happiness. When they try to force their way in - Pollyanna them out of existence. Do not entertain them. Open those trap doors and release them to the hounds! Just say POLLYANNA and see them scat!

Free yourself baby...after all 'YOU'RE WORTH IT!'

Choo Choo those evil self-depreciating thoughts, and spit them out on the tracks!

Love ya!

Polly Hugs,

Patricia xxx

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