Saturday, August 11, 2012


That's what I said to my daughters with a laugh, as we entered our names for a free draw a few months ago. They were flying past the entrance door to a show we were attending. I called them back "C'mon girls If you're not in you can't win!" Guess what? Mama me won a hair straightener worth $200! "Bet you'll listen to mama now!" I said as we collected our prize.

Three weeks ago I entered my name into another free draw, and I joked with the lady "If you're not in, you can't win, right?" I don't usually enter free draws, and I had forgotten about that one, but surprise! surprise! I got a phone call yesterday to say I had won a gift basket! I love when stuff like that happens. It reaffirms my belief that 'optimism is truly a magnet that draws good unto itself'.

I haven't always been an optimist. I would say prior to the age of 12, I was definitely a pessimist. It all changed for me when I discovered astrology. I began to see that there was a pattern in the universe, and that God and miracles and magic truly did exist! That knowledge made me very happy. Almost overnight I went from being a pathologically shy pessimist, to the other end of the spectrum - a blind optimist. Trust me, the latter is a lot more fun, and produces much better results! Sure we know from Scott Peck that 'Life is difficult" but with a positive attitude, you can handle whatever manure hits the fan!!

You too can train your thoughts, just like I did. I made a conscious decision years ago to live in the land of optimism, simply because it is a happier place to be. I like bright cheerful colours, happy music, happy thoughts. I don't permit negative thoughts to linger long, and I just make a point of keeping away from toxic energy. It works. 'Eat Pray Love' is not just the name of Elizabeth Gilbert's best selling book - it is a way of life, and one that produces much happiness (providing you don't go overboard with the food component!!)

Positive thoughts produce positive results - ALWAYS!

Cheery byes!

Patricia xxx

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